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wat do

Started by L10, January 10, 2010, 06:19:49 PM

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So, this girl who I like and also think she likes me back, passing her in the halls last year I didn't think much of it, thought maybe it was just me, but this year she's in my lunch(in fact sits at the table next to mine) and decided "yeah she likes me"

note we've never talked to each other before

Not too long ago she added me as a friend on facebook and she is like trigger happy when it comes to joining groups, I join most of them because I can relate to them...

and more recent groups she joined: "Trying To Hint Something Out To Someone But The Idiot Doesn't Get It" "take a hint silly, i love you ♥" and "We didn't drift apart, you changed."

She is obviously trying to tell the person she likes(Who I originally thought was me) but that last group looks like its directed at someone else...

should I just ask her who she's hinting to, or should I wait or... wat do

and if I'm wrong about this I'm clearly wrong on my idea of what look someone gives their crush


Make a group called "People that want me in their pants" and see if she joins.  Or if anyone else attractive joins.




Quote from: BOREDFANBOY on January 10, 2010, 08:34:50 PM
Make a group called "People that want me in their pants" and see if she joins.  Or if anyone else attractive joins.


But considering you've never actually talked to her before - I am sure that your communication skills are out of this world. So, you know, asking her would be dumb when you could, I don't know, ask her out.


You want someone on here to be direct with a girl Mack?


Quote from: Mystic on January 10, 2010, 10:02:32 PM
You want someone on here to be direct with a girl Mack?
I realize the high aspergers rate makes social situations awkward, but, I think he can manage. Besides, it's a lot better to look like a fool asking someone out then looking like a fool awkwardly shuffling your feet and dodging your own question.


Though it is much more amusing to an outsider.


Quote from: Mystic on January 10, 2010, 10:05:17 PM
Though it is much more amusing to an outsider.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to see it anyways. :(

But if nothing else, I second BFB's idea. Although, I'd watch out for the large guys in orange jumpsuits.


Quote from: mackormoses on January 10, 2010, 10:06:48 PM
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to see it anyways. :(

But if nothing else, I second BFB's idea. Although, I'd watch out for the large guys in orange jumpsuits.

Or silver.


I think I should wait for the new haircut thing to go away before asking anyone out...


Quote from: L10 on January 11, 2010, 02:38:50 PM
I think I should wait for the new haircut thing to go away before asking anyone out...
Why? There's nothing wrong with it. If it really matters that much you're not having a relationship anyways. Perdiod.


Quote from: mackormoses on January 11, 2010, 04:24:51 PM
Why? There's nothing wrong with it. If it really matters that much you're not having a relationship anyways. Perdiod.
Ah, yes, you're right, my haircut just kinda wrecked my self confidence, I'm working on building it back up.


wai-wait a second, wouldn't "We didn't drift apart, you changed." be saying to someone else that like "I don't like you anymore because you changed" I don't feel this could likely be aimed at me...(this is a good thing, because I noticed that I'm starting to think positively, my confidence is growing >:D )

Dog Food

Quote from: L10 on January 11, 2010, 07:27:36 PM
wai-wait a second, wouldn't "We didn't drift apart, you changed." be saying to someone else that like "I don't like you anymore because you changed" I don't feel this could likely be aimed at me...(this is a good thing, because I noticed that I'm starting to think positively, my confidence is growing >:D )
1. Just ask her out. If she says yes, you win. If she says no, it builds character.
2. I think you look good with your haircut. I'd say yes if I were her.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.