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I just got my license!

Started by Java, January 15, 2010, 09:32:10 AM

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I just took the test today and I officially have my license and can now drive by myself!

The test was pretty easy and my examiner seemed pretty nice, so that helped.
Waiting at the DMV was terrible though.

How many of you guys can drive? Who has a Learner's Permit/Restricted or Driver's License?
For those of you with Driver's Licenses, how did your test go?

Gwen Khan

I've had my License for years, my examiner was nice to let me retry something I messed up on the first try


Learners.  I get scared when I'm behind the wheel.


Permit, I took the test a little bit ago and failed for going too slow (no sign posted), and it was like 2 minutes away from the DMV too..... He said I did almost perfectly besides that, he also said he liked me for whatever reason.
Though in a way, it's good I failed, because I forgot that if I passed, I'd get my picture put on a license, and I wasn't really ready for a picture.
Dude .


I've had my license for 4 years now.
...Apparently I'm kind of a bad driver.
Except for now, because I'm super careful.


I have my Permit. Taking Driver's Ed starting Feb 8th.


Quote from: JrDude ½ on January 15, 2010, 03:16:34 PM
Permit, I took the test a little bit ago and failed for going too slow (no sign posted), and it was like 2 minutes away from the DMV too..... He said I did almost perfectly besides that, he also said he liked me for whatever reason.
Though in a way, it's good I failed, because I forgot that if I passed, I'd get my picture put on a license, and I wasn't really ready for a picture.
Over here, you get your picture on your Permit as well.
They also take your picture BEFORE you take the test for your license, so everyone comes out looking extremely nervous.

I have my license, I passed on the first try. The only problems were I took a left turn too sharp and took too long to change lanes.

Titus Andronicus

Quote from: Silverhawk79 on January 15, 2010, 03:41:23 PM
...Apparently I'm kind of a bad driver.

ive had my license for like a year and a half now, i failed the first time i went to take the test because i stopped at a sign that said STOPif pedestrians are walking and then did some other stuff wrong (like 3 rolling stops, but whos counting)

also most useless thing in college is your license, like what am i gonna do with that without a car?
Tramps like us, baby we were born to die.


I have a learner's permit, but I haven't had a lot of practice driving.  I'll go take the driving test in February.


Haven't started at all yet. D:

The Riddler

License for almost two years now.
Not one accident, except getting a love tap once and another time love tapping a cop myself.... fffffff
Been pulled over twice, once for a dead tail light and another for speeding. Never got a ticket.

My permit test was nothing. I actually laughed out loud while taking it at how simple it was.
My road test I passed on my first try, but very nervously.

I think I missed two questions for my permit :(

The Seventh

Well, I have my License (as if everyone here DIDN'T know that).

So far, a couple near accidents (one was me taking a left turn on a slick road too fast... scared the hell out of me... so glad I managed to regain control... others were others not noticing I was in the lane RIGHT BESIDE THEM).


I've had my license almost 2 years now. I am an amazing driver and I'd never been pulled over until last night when I made an illegal Uturn. The cop was a bro and let me off without a ticket though.

And it's not that I never do anything illegal, I always do illegal things, there just usually aren't cops watching.  8)