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Emptiness and

Started by SkyMyl, January 15, 2010, 04:38:58 PM

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*Beep!* *Beep!* *Beep!*

"...ugh...just six more minutes...I'll go to minutes?"

White. Everywhere you look, nothing but white. That's new, you just woke up, ready to start your day, and around you is nothing but empty white space. What a way to start a Wednesday, right? Maybe it's the light. After all, your room did have a lot of light sources, so maybe your little sister played a prank on you and turned them all on. Yeah, that's it.

...but what's this? You can see your hands perfectly! In fact, you slept all night on a bed, and just woke up on that same bed! Did someone move your bed? No, you're not a heavy sleeper.

"Ugh...what's going on? There's nothing around me, this isn't my room, and bed is here. Maybe...dangit, I can't think straight! It's no good trying to solve this on an empty stomach. I need to find some food."

When a person wakes up, they need to replenish their energy with a good breakfast, right? You're not one to follow that rule, because you don't really eat breakfast all that often. In fact, you skipped dinner yesterday. Starving, you take the covers off your bed and discover that you aren't in your pajamas at all; you're dressed in jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and socks. The basics. But why? You never changed your clothes, so someone must've changed you. It would make sense...but considering the circumstances, that's the only thing that makes sense. Not to mention, who would want to dress you? And why?

No use thinking about it, right? It's best to explore your surroundings and see just what the hell is going on. You reach to see if anything is your pockets, and inside you find your cell phone, your house keys, and your wallet. Not like you would need your keys or your wallet, but your phone could be beneficial. It has a full battery, and one bar. Great, you won't be able to call anyone just yet until you get a better signal.

On the floor next to your bed, you find a few more things. Such as a flare gun, with some additional cartridges, a dark blue jacket, your "trademark" Mets cap, two bottles of juice,  a combat knife, and a medikit. You're not at all experienced with a gun, nor a knife. But why would you need additional cartridges for a flare gun? Let alone a first aid kit? At least the jacket and beverages make sense. Your cap seems to be a nice little bonus.

Wait, what if this is all a dream? Yeah, that makes sense. No one wakes up to find absolutely nothing around them. That's just a scary thought that shouldn't be touched upon. But it all feels so real! You can actually process everything going on around you, and you can touch everything around you. The bed feels very soft, just as it was the night before, your hair is messy, and your breath smells (You were sleeping, after all).

"A dream so real it can't be a dream, or an experience so surreal it has to be a dream..."

Hello everyone, and welcome to my newest adventure game! I wanted to continue with "There's a Road Ahead: Revival", but no one bothered with it but me, contrary to the original, which got attention...until I let it die.

Anyway, in this game, you control someone. Just, someone. Male? Female? Depends on which you prefer. Regardless, I'm trying something different: Two different types of decisions to make. The first set of options will be your standard, reasonable decisions that you could relate to. The second set, on the other hand, are more like the things you see in fiction, or something that you would do in a dream yourself. Or, things that wouldn't make sense in real life. Is it an excuse to have more variety? Eh, sure. Let's say that. But for now, let's start the plot with your first wave of options!

Remember, you can only choose one option from either of the sets. So, post your votes, and when a majority is reached, I'll continue with the story.
After reading all that, I have to say that your vocabulary seems to have shrunk with the last month...oh, and don't worry. By majority, he just means 3 votes, minimum.

Available options that you would do if this was real:
1: Try to call someone, regardless of bars.
2: Get up and explore this emptiness.
3: Sit down and think.

Available options that you would do if this was a dream:
1: Ignore the stuff near your bed and sprint away
2: Pick up the flare gun and shoot it
3: Stab your leg with the combat knife

Dark Dragon

Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)

Dog Food

I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Explore the emptiness seems like it'll lead to the best story, so that.



Everywhere you look, as far as the eye can see...nothing but emptiness. Which in turn means, there's absolutely nothing there. North, south, east, west, they all look the same. The sky and the ground look the same as well...except for the odd fact that you are presently standing on nothing. Nothing is underneath you, and yet you can stand perfectly straight, as if there was a floor in this world of nothingness.

Well, there's no use dawdling around, wondering what's going on, right? It would be best if you explored your least, that's what one would normally do, if every direction didn't mirror everything else. After putting the jacket and cap on, you take the flare gun and, seeing no other place to put it, place it in your jacket pocket, sling the medikit on your back, and strap the knife on your hip. Feeling as confident as you're ever going to be, it's time to move on.

You move your left leg first...and start your long, long trek across what seems to be an endless expanse of nothing. As you walk forward, in one random direction, nothing seems to change. Nothing sticks out at all. Everything is still blank, and nothing is any more apparent than it was fifteen minutes ago. You try squinting ahead to see if there's anything that sticks out...but no. Nothing. At least, not as far as you can see.

It feels like you haven't even been moving forward at feels like you've been running in place for a while, wasting time, wasting your energy. Nervously, you turn around to see if the bed is right behind you, and find that the bed is still there...yards away from where you are now.

A sigh of relief, eh? You indeed have been walking forward...but this only means nothing lies ahead. But again, nothing is apparent. Nothing makes sense. Maybe persevering in your efforts will work, and maybe you'll find something if you keep walking forward. On the other hand, that bed does seem mighty inviting...

Reality options:
1: Walk back to the bed
2: Call someone, regardless of the signal
3: Shoot the flare gun

Dream options:
1: Keep walking forward
2: Start shouting and yelling for help
3: Shoot yourself


go to sleep... or to be more specific...

"walk back to bed" and then go to sleep.


Walk back to bed. Then maybe fap go back to sleep?

Dog Food

Walk back to bed.

Yay - majority = fast update?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Dark Dragon

Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)


Quote from: Dog Food on January 18, 2010, 05:13:56 PM
Yay - majority = fast update?

It would be if I didn't forget. I blame the Four Swords fiasco. ;_;

As inviting as-screw it, there's absolutely nothing to see here. It's probably better to just head back to the bed, which is now a ways away from you. Well, better start walking...again! Shouldn't take too long, right?

.........finally, after a long walk, you reach the bed. Nothing special. Wooden frame, green covers, heavy blue blanket, all piled on top of the bed in a disorganized mess. But given the circumstances, it's perfectly excusable just this once. While looking at this bed, something occurs to you: You never bothered looking under the bed! Lucky for you, your bed stands 11 inches above the ground, just enough for you to squeeze under there and-

...or you could just grab the mattress, and push it off the bed with all your might. That works too. Upon doing so, you find that there is a small trapdoor underneath your bed. It's not bolted to the "floor", it's not integrated with the "floor"'s just sitting right there underneath your bed.

Could this be where you came from? Does this door lead back home? Maybe it's specifically designed as a red herring...then again, who would do that? Of course, given the circumstances...yeah, absolutely nothing makes sense. Without thinking, you open the door, and find...darkness.

Outside the door is a room without a light source. A room filled with nothing but darkness. At least it makes more sense than a room filled with nothing but a bed and a teenager. Something seems very inviting about this room...but you can't quite place your hand on it. You don't have a flash light, but you do have a flare gun, which, while not a substitute, would be helpful in the end.

Well, decision time. You wouldn't expect anything different, would you?

Sensible (Real) Options:
1: Shoot your flare gun into the dark room from where you are
2: Keep inspecting the area, just in case

Dream Options:
1: Jump into the hole and guess your way from there
2: Go back to sleep

Dog Food

Jump into the hole and guess your way from there.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.