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Animal Crossing.

Started by Kilroy, January 17, 2010, 05:10:32 PM

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After having a recent spree of playing Animal Crossing, an intriguing idea for a story entered my head. The way this will be written is a diary-like first person perspective. Expect updates every few days, or whenever the hell I feel like it. After this, italics will denote thinking when out of quotes, and stress within quotes.

Chapter 1

I don't remember how I got on this train... All I remember is waking up in the seat I'm currently in, strapped in with a small tray of food in front of me. It wasn't much, some bread, a small mound of spaghetti, and a glass of water. I ate what was in front of me, sat up, and examined my surroundings.

They weren't pleasant. There was what appeared to be a sleeping boar donning a bonnet, what appeared to be a hedgehog knitting, and that was it. I was immediately startled by the sight of these animals. They weren't animal like at all, they were very human in complexion. I heard a door open and looked towards the sound. There was a cat walking down the aisle. It looked around for a bit, then looked at me.

It started to speak. All I heard was this strange, almost phonetic speech, as if he (I was assuming, only because of the lower pitched voice) were pronouncing every letter he spoke. For some reason, I understood him perfectly.

"Hey, can I sit here? I promise I won't fall asleep, fall onto your shoulder, and start drooling all over you!"

He started to laugh a very dry laugh. I was still very creeped out.

"Er..." was the only reply I had.

"Alright then!"

He sat without me really giving an answer.

"Hey, mind if I ask your name?" he said.


My mind blanked. What was my name? I can't think of it for so-

"Kilroy? What a cool name for a boy!"

"Uh... yeah..."

How the hell did he know what is evidently my name? I didn't say anything and he answers... this is really freaky...

"So, Kilroy, are you moving?"

"I don't know..."

He looked shocked.

"You don't know!? How can you get on a train and not know where you're going!?"

"Look, I don't even remember getting on the train. I didn't even know my name until you went ahead and told me it. Can you please tell me what the hell is going on here?"

He looked a bit nervous for a split second, but went back to his shocked state in an instant.

"Look, Kilroy, I think you need a rest. I'll take you off at the next stop, which is Tenchill. We'll figure everything out there, alright?"

"...Alright, I guess... What's your name?"

"Me? I'm Rover."

"Alright, Rover, thanks for helping me."

"No problem, man."

He laughed that eerie dry laugh again.

"Here, before I run off, I'll give you these."

He rummaged through his pockets, and pulled out a lot more than what should fit in a pocket. A watch, a notebook, a pen, a large sack that jingled when moved, a blank card, and a folded up piece of paper.

"You've got a watch, a diary, something to write with, 1,000 Bells, an ID card, and a map of Tenchill."


"The currency in Tenchill. I'd recommend filling in that ID card now, it'll be useful."

"Alright... thanks again."

"No problem."

I went to fill in the ID card. Simple information. Name, age, hair color, eye color, sex, place of residence... It all came back to me as I was writing. I decided to put Tenchill down for my place of residence, because I had no other place to put.

After I finished, I put the card in my pocket, and put everything else on the seat next to me. I rested my head against the window, and drifted off to sleep.

Kinda a crappy start, but whatever. Expect the next chapter soon.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums