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In the Element

Started by THEBIRD, January 21, 2010, 09:02:44 AM

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In the Element
It's time to join the fight. Your weapon is your mind, with the power to control the elements within it. Your instruments are your hands, with the power to orchestrate the deadly blow. All you need to do is pick a side. Do you want to restore order and balance to the world, or are you looking to conquer and rule? Well, there's the question, just answer it: What will you fight for?

Elementia - The Massive World where Elements are Key to Survival.

[spoiler]Water – Control and manipulate water and ice.

Fire – Control, manipulate and create fire.

Earth – Control and manipulate rock and soil.

Air – Control and manipulate the air.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]The four nations of Elementia have been warring for the past century – it is now the year 3152. It began with Pyra Isle's uncontrollable fires and massive volcanoes destroying many Firemen's homes. Many of the other people of Elementia thought that Pyra Isle was being punished by the God of Fire, Lumone, for their destructive way of life – especially Terra, the land of the Earthmen who despised fire for the way it destroyed their good earth.

When people from the Fire Nation began migrating to other soils, small feuds began. Aquaria was the only nation that the Fire Nation did not touch, for the Water Nation was protected by rough oceans and jagged ice. This deadly sea surrounding Aquaria was called the 'Pure Passage', for only those worthy of entrance could find a way past its deadly waves and ice. The Fire Nation, with their weak navy, could not find a way into the Water Nation and so they let it be. But the Earth Nation was quickly consumed, and when the Air Nation of Zephyria took the Fire Nation's side in beating down the Earth Nation, it seemed that a war had been lit.

The Water Nation, who had since stayed out of the war, realized they had to help the Earth Nation in order to maintain balance and peace. Together, the two nations were able to push back the Fire Nation. The Air Nation quickly realized how weak the Fire Nation was against the Water Nation, and switched its forces. With Earth fighting Fire and Water fighting Air, chaos ensued. When it seemed that the Water Nation was on its dying breath, the Fire Nation switched sides and began attacking the Air Nation, asking the Water Nation to become their ally. Although it seemed like an act of repent for their past misdeeds, it was actually a battle strategy: "Keep your friends close, your enemies closer" after all.

With Fire and Water now on one side, Fire had no weaknesses to worry about. Their only issue now was to wipe out the Earth Nation, who had power over the Water Nation. After some pleading from the Earth and Air Nations, who were getting crushed, Water realized their mistakes and left Fire Nation's side. But instead of joining Earth and Air to bring down the Fire Nation, Water began an independent movement to stop the war and restore balance, realizing that was the only way.

The other Nations took this bold movement in the wrong way, and every Nation began turning on one another until it was everyone for themselves. The Fire Nation were forced back to Pyra Isle, but they continued launching attacks from their home front. But it seemed that no country was strong enough alone to beat out another and the fate of the world was to continue to fight and exhaust their weaponry forever more...

Or maybe not.

The Gods of each nation had a plan to restore balance to their homes. They went to the Star Spirits for help. The Star Spirits controlled Light and Dark and held the hopes and wishes of each individual inside of them. There was a star for every person, and a shooting star represented someone's last dying breath.

But, there were twelve Star Spirits that were not assigned humans. The Elder Twelve never died, but spent their immortal years looking after the world of Elementia and preventing the balance to be destroyed. They created the four Gods of Balance who were now asking them for their assistance. And after thirty years of war, the Elder Twelve realized that if they did not step in, the world would be doomed to a never-ending war.

The Elder Twelve first had the four Gods return to their temples in their respective homes and then seal themselves within so they could not be touched. They would be called upon when needed. Then, the Elder Twelve did what was once thought to be impossible. They fell. Twelve shooting stars came crashing down, the electric blue light could be seen all across the galaxy. No one fought that day, but stayed inside to pray. The stars fell in three's into each nation and fell into a deep slumber – trusting that they would be awakened when the time was right.

Before leaving the skies, the Elder Twelve created one last thing with the help of the four Gods. They took a lion and an eagle and created the only creature of its kind: the Eagon. This mystical beast with a lion's body and an eagle's powerful wings, with strong lion teeth inside of a sharp beak and powerful lion back legs with sharp front talons, was the wisest and most powerful creature in the world. The Elder Twelve created this beast, while the four Gods gave it some of their power – the power of the Elements. The Eagon mastered all four Elements and then was sent to live on the mountains of Zodia, where it would teach its power to any who had the skills to confront it.

Over the next seventy years of war, with the nations fighting and without the Gods or the Elder Twelve, life seemed hopeless. And now, people were gaining the abilities to master elements. Each nation began learning their respective elements from the Eagon, who taught the select few who could reach Mount Zodia. First they had to conquer the terrible ocean and jagged ice that surrounded it. Then they had to face the lava and small volcanoes that survived at the bottom of the mountain. Next was climbing it and avoiding the jagged rocks and falling boulders. Finally, they had to withstand the hurricane and twisters that roared at the peak. If they could survive each elemental test, they could learn one of the elements. Few survived, but the ones that did became legends and could pass on their powers to their children.

That is how Element Masters were born. These techniques were then used to upgrade their fighting styles and try to end the war – but since every nation had these secrets, nothing was gained but more bloodshed. The first generation of Element Masters had tried but failed to successfully end the war. Since each element was stronger during a different season (Water during Winter, Fire during Summer, Air during Fall, and Earth during Spring), it seemed that the nations were doomed to rule Elementia only three months a year before being conquered again. None of the nations would succumb to the stronger one during its season, and fighting continued. This wasn't the balance that the Star Spirits had had in mind, and so the war raged on.

A second generation of Element Masters have arrived. Children of the first Element Masters have learned the technique from their fathers and mothers. This second generation may be young, but many of the people have put their hope in them. Maybe these new powerful young ones could end the war that has exhausted Elementia for the past one hundred years. Can the second generation unleash the power of the Star Spirits and end the war, or will they too succumb to power and attempt to control the world?

The choice is up to you.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]God of Fire – Lumone – an often wrathful and short-tempered God. But he understands reason and is willing to hear someone out once he has calmed down.

Goddess of Earth – Koa – a stubborn and strong Goddess. Although she is calm and thinks carefully before acting, once she has chosen she is not likely to switch.

God of Air – Xe – The quickest and most cunning of the Gods. His spirit always roars for freedom and he is the most pacifist of the Gods.

Goddess of Water – Pura – The beautiful and wise Goddess who represents hope. She is strong-willed and courageous and longs for balance.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Aries – Fire
Leo – Fire
Sagittarius – Fire

Taurus – Earth
Virgo – Earth
Capricorn – Earth

Gemini – Air
Libra – Air
Aquarius – Air

Cancer – Water
Scorpio – Water
Pisces – Water[/spoiler]

[spoiler]An underground organization started by the first generation, living in a cave by Mount Zodia. A select few group of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air Masters that wanted to end the war began this group – named after the zodiac of the heavens, where the Star Spirits were said to have lived in the sky. Although they did not get very far in their quest for peace, they hope to gain support from the second generation to fight for the cause of ending the war and restoring balance to the world.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]These Element Masters consist of the few who do not wish to end the war, but fuel its embers until they can rise and take control, entering the era of the Dynasty where they will be the supreme rulers. Since the second generation has moved in, they have been attempting to gain as much support as they can, since many believe the second generation has the power to shape the fate of the world.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]This organization was started by a man who failed to climb Mount Zodia, but did not die. His rage and jealousy caused him to become a hermit, practicing the elements based on what he observed by others. But with his broken spirit he could not master any of the four elements. Instead, he became the first Shadow Master. The powers of a Shadow Master are unclear, since this man is the only one who seems able to do it. But, after mastering this new power he has taken a new name and face – calling himself the Shape Shifter, and is willing to teach the youths this new art, hoping to overrun the world in darkness.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Pyra Isle – Covered in volcanoes, desert, and rocky terrain. Villages are usually found in the middle of valleys or at the foot of mountains. Their Fire Temple is hidden past the treacherous Valley of Volcanoes, where the active and unforgiving volcanoes once commanded by the God of Fire lay.

Aquaria – There is always snow on the ground in this terrain. Around it is the Pure Passage (a line of whirlpools and jagged ice created by the Goddess of Water herself), where allegedly only the pure can pass. The outer layer is circular and icy, with calm water on the inside. The inner layer is also circular and icy, with more water, and then the center has a beautiful, legendary oasis with the Water Temple hidden within it.

Terra – This terrain is covered in rocks and mountains, with forestry all along the bottom. The Rocky Mountain Range is said to have been created by the Goddess of Earth, and without the steady Earthmen footing, it is nearly impossible to climb. The Earth Nation homes are safe at the top of each peak, but also a long travel from any other form of life. At the bottom is the Forbidden Forest where it is easy to get lost, and only the ones chosen by the Goddess of Earth can get through and find her temple hidden away in the center.

Zephyria – The Air Nation home is, at first sight, a flat stretch of land with small towns on either side of a raging hurricane created by the God of Air to keep trespassers out. But at a second glance you may notice the floating islands above this hurricane, with the Sky Mountains connecting the two islands together. Only reachable with the flying Airmen, the Air Temple is tucked away where only few can find it.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Although it may be beating our planet with over a millennium of extra years, their way of life isn't overrun by flying cars and people riding jetpacks. They have a much simpler way of life. They get around on the backs of animals or wagons and cross water in wooden boats. Weapons include items such as swords or catapults and maybe a few guns. Television and radio don't exist, along with all other electronics. People send written messages with their birds or by way of mouth. But just because technology isn't booming doesn't mean they haven't developed faster in other ways...

Plant and animal life is where the real changes take place. Genes are not a factor on this planet. Any animal can mate with any animal, and the same with any plant. You can find anything if you just know what habitat they can survive in and their niche. The Eagon is a prime example of the types of animals you may find in Elementia. The Fire Mouse (a mouse with the tip of its tail burning and red eyes), for example, lives in holes underground only in the Fire Nation. The Ice Hawk is a large, colorful blue bird with an ice armor that would die if it ever left the icy terrain in the Water Nation.

Then there are the plants, which are somewhat like the animals that inhabit this world. The Blasting Mushroom may look like a normally, overly-sized, as-big-as-your-torso, red mushroom with pink dots. But get too close and those little pink dots with spray in your direction and explode. It's obvious where this plant hails from – Pyra Isle. The Tramp-O-Lily in Zephryia, an oversized lily with the inflorescence curvy like a spring, can be jumped on to soar to higher heights. In Terra, there is a large brown flower without a stem that lies open on the ground, but if you scare it, it will close up and roll at you like a boulder. Although it won't hurt too badly to get hit by it, it's point is to look like a boulder and scare you away (which works quite well most of the time).

As you can see, it's the wildlife of Elementia to marvel at. And during your journey through this world, I'm sure you'll come to find more and more exciting specimens of creatures. Anything and everything is possible, after all.[/spoiler]


[spoiler]Screen Name:
Age: [Under 50]
Nation & Element: [have to be the same]
Organization: [Zodia, Dynasty, or Shadow Souls - You don't have to necessarily end up in one of these organizations, but at least pick the one that describes your character's ideals best.]
Item 1: [Can be a weapon (must be something that can be found in Elementia)]
Item 2: [Can not be a weapon]
Extra Information:[/spoiler]

[spoiler]1. You know, follow the guidelines of normal RP rules. No god-modding, semi-literate, and all that. I'm not going to spell it all out for you guys. If you have a question about what is right and wrong, ask. Otherwise, I'm going to assume you know how to RP.

2. Your character must be approved before you can start (mainly the weapon/item issue that I'll look at).

3. You can have up to one character of each element.

4. Since this RP needs a massive amount of characters and I'm not going to want to do all the extras, if you wish to play one of the Important Characters (won't count towards the four characters you are allowed to play), please PM me for more information.

5. I'll add more rules here when I'm not lazy and can think of some.[/spoiler]

Screen Name: THEBIRD
Name: Solon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Zephyria & Air
Organization: Zodia
Appearance: Medium in height, messy blond hair that goes about past his ears, electric blue eyes, very skinny like the majority of the Air Masters tend to look, with very little meat on his bones and not so much muscle, either. He wears a light blue hoodie with a plain white shirt underneath and baggy pants with tight and light-weight shoes. This is useful for when he's falling, and his baggy clothes can help catch him and keep him from smashing into the ground.
Item 1: A kite-like object that he can bend and carry on his back, but when he needs it he just unfolds it and can surf the air on it.
Item 2: A silver lighter.
Extra Information: Maybe a reincarnation of a certain other Solon many may know...



[spoiler]Name: Solon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Zephyria & Air
Organization: Zodia
Appearance: Medium in height, messy blond hair that goes about past his ears, electric blue eyes, very skinny like the majority of the Air Masters tend to look, with very little meat on his bones and not so much muscle, either. He wears a light blue hoodie with a plain white shirt underneath and baggy pants with tight and light-weight shoes. This is useful for when he's falling, and his baggy clothes can help catch him and keep him from smashing into the ground.
Item 1: A kite-like object that he can bend and carry on his back, but when he needs it he just unfolds it and can surf the air on it.
Item 2: A silver lighter.
Extra Information: Maybe a reincarnation of a certain other Solon many may know...[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Name: Vio
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Aquaria and Water
Organization: Zodia
Appearance: Medium height and weight. Wears a light purple tunic and a dark purple coat.
Item 1: Bo Staff
Item 2: Can I have an animal?
Extra Information: Vio is extremely shy, but a skilled warrior if made mad.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Name: Reina
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nation & Element: Pyra Isle, Fire
Organization: Zodia...?
Appearance: [spoiler][/spoiler]
Item 1: Pair of short swords
Item 2: A notebook
Extra Information: Her name is Reina... at least, that's what she's going by. She and her family were not rich, but still did well... that is until all of them but her ended up caught and imprisoned (and likely killed) for some unknown reason. That left her a wanted woman, hiding in the streets of her own town. Now she's out looking for answers, and trying to put an end to those who wronged her family.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Name: Kumori, Zetsumei
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Pyre, Isle., Element-Fire
Organization: The Dynasty.
Appearance: 6.2ft, Long black hair, his hair goes past his neck on the back of his head and goes to his nose on the front. His hair is always parted slightly so he can see. Wears a black shirt with white buttons down the center, a fire proof black overcoat, black pants, a sword shaped bronze pendant. And he has dark green eyes. He usually seems expressionless because he is always lost in thought
Item 1: A sword which is identical to the pendant he wears, which allows him to amplify the fire he creates.
Item 2: black gloves with a silver trim along the outer sides. Which help him control the fire he creates.
Extra Information: He is a very skilled warrior, he has lost many friends and loved ones because of the war which have left him without compassion. He now wishes to become the most powerful Fire Element user alive. And will do whatever it takes to do so. He also chants latin for whatever technique he is going to use.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Name: Talon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Zephyria & Air
Organization: Dynasty
(While I'm not one to use character in games for these sort of things, I think Minamimoto (or however the EFFF you spell that) fits him well)
Change the clothes into a uniform or into a silver shirt and pants for his normal clothes.
Item 1: [spoiler][/spoiler]
A steel whip, with small blades only an inch or two large all around it. If steel isn't alright, I'll just change this to a regular whip.
Item 2: Boots said to be made from sacred fabric
Extra Information: Loves to gamble. He likes the Dynasty's goals, but wants to increase them even farther. He is interested in the Shadow Souls[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Name: Arc
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Zephyria; Air
Organization: Zodia, I guess. For now.
Appearance: Average size, but kind of skinny. Has short, light brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a brown coat over a white shirt, with brown pants.
Item 1: Knife
Item 2: A Map.
Extra Information: Not much of a fighter, and far more likely to run away or hide behind others in the event of a fight, though he can hold his own to an extent.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Name: Harver
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Pyra Isle / Fire
Organization: Zodia
Appearance: Caucasian, average height. Blue eyes, medium length red hair. Wears a white shirt with a black cloak and jeans underneath, nice black shoes, and a fedora. His build is average; not too skinny or flabby, not too muscular or weak... just average.
Item 1: Katana
Item 2: A silver watch
Extra Information: Harver's parents taught him many subjects and raised him to be a very smart child until their untimely death during the growing war. Harver lived on the streets and fended for himself, using both his street knowledge and brain smarts to make his way around the area. He dedicated his life to helping stop the war and restore peace to the world. He has always been interested in the Shadow Souls as well.[/spoiler]



Screen Name: Violet
Name: Vio
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Aquaria and Water
Organization: Zodia
Appearance: Medium height and weight. Wears a light purple tunic and a dark purple coat.
Item 1: Bo Staff
Item 2: Speech with Aquatic and Artic animals.
Extra Information: Vio is extremely shy, but a skilled warrior if made mad.


BoA better not let this die. >.>'

Screen Name: Sh0rTi
Name: Reina
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Nation & Element: Pyra Isle, Fire
Organization: Zodia...?
Appearance: [spoiler][/spoiler]
Item 1: Pair of short swords
Item 2: A notebook
Extra Information: Her name is Reina... at least, that's what she's going by. She and her family were not rich, but still did well... that is until all of them but her ended up caught and imprisoned (and likely killed) for some unknown reason. That left her a wanted woman, hiding in the streets of her own town. Now she's out looking for answers, and trying to put an end to those who wronged her family.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Screen Name: Link.

Name: Kumori, Zetsumei

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Nation & Element: Pyre, Isle., Element-Fire

Organization: The Dynasty.

Appearance: 6.2ft, Long black hair, his hair goes past his neck on the back of his head and goes to his nose on the front. His hair is always parted slightly so he can see. Wears a black shirt with white buttons down the center, a fire proof black overcoat, black pants, a sword shaped bronze pendant. And he has dark green eyes. He usually seems expressionless because he is always lost in thought

Item 1: A sword which is identical to the pendant he wears, which allows him to amplify the fire he creates.
My Pendant

Item 2: black gloves with a silver trim along the outer sides. Which help him control the fire he creates.

Extra Information: He is a very skilled warrior, he has lost many friends and loved ones because of the war which have left him without compassion. He now wishes to become the most powerful Fire Element user alive. And will do whatever it takes to do so. He also chants latin for whatever technique he is going to use.


Screen Name: Magnum
Name: Talon
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Zephyria & Air
Organization: Dynasty
(While I'm not one to use character in games for these sort of things, I think Minamimoto (or however the EFFF you spell that) fits him well)
Change the clothes into a uniform or into a silver shirt and pants for his normal clothes.
Item 1: [spoiler][/spoiler]
A steel whip, with small blades only an inch or two large all around it. If steel isn't alright, I'll just change this to a regular whip.
Item 2: Boots said to be made from sacred fabric
Extra Information: Loves to gamble. He likes the Dynasty's goals, but wants to increase them even farther. He is interested in the Shadow Souls

Tell me if there is anything wrong with it  ;)

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Violet on January 21, 2010, 01:48:30 PM
Screen Name: Violet
Name: Vio
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Aquaria and Water
Organization: Zodia
Appearance: Medium height and weight. Wears a light purple tunic and a dark purple coat.
Item 1: Bo Staff
Item 2: Can I have an animal?
Extra Information: Vio is extremely shy, but a skilled warrior if made mad.
not as an item, but you can have an animal as a pet

alright, i'll add all of you guys and we can start in a bit. and i promise not to let this one crash and burn. well, i'll try.



((I love how we have no Earth users or Shadow Souls))  ;0

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


...So is this Solon going to spend half the RP falling into random holes in the ground too?

Screen Name: Triforce_Luigi
Name: Arc
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nation & Element: Zephyria; Air
Organization: Zodia, I guess. For now.
Appearance: Average size, but kind of skinny. Has short, light brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a brown coat over a white shirt, with brown pants.
Item 1: Knife
Item 2: A Map.
Extra Information: Not much of a fighter, and far more likely to run away or hide behind others in the event of a fight, though he can hold his own to an extent.






((Wait for Bird to start D:))


((I agree. Wait for Bird))

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change