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In the Element

Started by THEBIRD, January 21, 2010, 09:02:44 AM

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'I should be doing research for the next job, but... He managed to follow me, so he shouldn't get in the way too much...' Reina turned, and started to walk again. "Whether or not you decide you come with, that's up to you. I'll warn ya though, you could be getting yourself into a hell of a mess by hangin' around me, and trying to get out of it isn't exactly easy either. Buuut if you think that avoiding a bit of boredom is worth it, then c'mon."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Life has been progressing far too slowly for me lately," Harver said as he began to follow Reina. "I'm ready for a change, even if it means altering my whole lifestyle."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Alright then, if you say so," Reina began to make quick rights and lefts throughout the alleyway again, climbing over stone walls and fences as if they were nothing but level ground. She continued on in silence until she realized that she didn't know what to call the one behind her by. "So, what's your name anyways? It would kinda help to know that if we're gonna be near each other."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Harver followed nimbly after her, glad to have a chance to actually keep up with the mystery woman. "You can call me Harver," he called to her as he leaped over a wall. "And yourself?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"You can call me Reina," Reina finally stopped navigating through the labyrinth-like alleys, and pushed a door open. "This place here is kinda my base, if you wanna call it that." Although they were deep in the alley, the hidden base was a decent size, and it seemed to have adequate furnishings. "My mom and dad had this place prepared as a hideout in case something went wrong, and it... er... nevermind that," she shakes her head and looks down. "It serves as my home now."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Kumori walked at his average pace towards the Valley of Volcanoes, today he was going to attempt to master a technique he had been working on for months. He had deemed it would be his own unique finishing move. "Incendia Telum" he called it. It required heavy concentration for the move to not backfire. It was done by focusing extreme power into two fingers and then letting it emerge in an astronomical burst of speed.

"This should be a good place" Kumori said, thinking out loud. He was perched atop a high cliff with a small mass of boulders and rock formations beneath him. These had been caused by the melting lava from surrounding volcanoes.

Kumori focused, closing his eyes. He could feel the power coursing through him, he concentrated all of it into his right index and middle fingers, raising his right arm and pointing at a medium sized boulder. He opened his eyes and shouted "Incendia Telum!!!"

In an instant fire shot from his fingertips no wider than an inch, however it pierced through more than half of the boulder and set it aflame. However the attack was not yet controlled as it also seemed to explode halfway through, limiting the power and slightly injuring Kumori's right hand. Kumori grasped his right wrist with his left hand "Still not perfect, I need more training, I need to become more powerful, Fire itself is not enough.."

Kumori finished his training routine and began the walk back to his house. Once he got there he noticed the door was open, he cautiously walked inside to notice a piece of parchment lying on his bed. he unrolled it and read aloud "I see a spark in your eyes that I once had, the motivation for power, the foolishness of youth. If you truly want to become stronger seek me out on the small island northwest of Terra.
~Shape Shifter.


Harver looked around Reina's base with a content look on his face ((lolrhymetime)). "Seems cozy," he stated, admiring the work done with the area. "You seem to be doing very well for yourself. Better off than most the people I know."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"I guess you could say that," Reina shut the door, then leaned against it. "I don't like the fact that I found out about this place because my family was killed off... but my parents had a bunch of stuff hidden here, and that's helped." She moved to sit in a chair, and though they were safely hidden in the base, she still didn't take her hood off.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"I'm sorry about your parents," Harver said, leaning against a wall. "I know what it feels like. But, as you said, people like us still manage to get by, through one way or another." He resumed to looking at all the furniture that decorated the room. He gestured to it. "So, all this was theirs?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Yeah, all this was theirs," Reina nodded then looked around. "With all the things that are here, it's almost like they knew something like that would happen. It's weird because a few days before, they sent my little sister to..." She stopped talking and shook her head. "Nevermind. Sorry, I'm just rambling on."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Nah, it's okay," Harver said, staring off into the deeper parts of the base. "I actually find things like this quite interesting. All you ever hear on the streets nowadays is 'war this' and 'war that'. It's odd to hear things that aren't completely about the war in this day and age."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Kumori began to think out loud "The Shape Shifter? I have heard of a man by that name however I believed it was only a rumor." Perhaps I should ask around the village, to see if anyone knows more about this. Kumori thought.

He stepped out of his house closing the door behind him, and began to run towards the northern most village. He arrived at the village gate and began his walk towards the market. He saw an acquaintance of his and walked up to him. "Rez, hello" "Oh hello Kumori I have not seen you in ages" Rez replied. "I have been training near the Valley of Volcanoes." "The Valley of Volcanoes!" Rez shouted "Kumori, that is more than reckless "I do not question your methods of living please do not question mine, now for the reason I am here. Do you know anything of a man who calls himself the Shape Shifter?"

Rez looked at him dumbfounded "You don't know about the Shape Shifter?" "I have not been around people for some time, news of the outside world rarely reaches me." Kumori sharply replied. "Well, I suppose I should tell you. Lets sit down" They began to walk towards Rez's house. It was a small run down hut that smelled of burnt bread. "Please take a seat" Rez said while pointing at a chair that looked almost as run down as the hut.

Kumori sat and said "Now, tell me all I need to know about the Shape Shifter"


"No, even that's connected to this war," Reina shook her head and sighed. "At least, I think it is. Every lead I find on their deaths point at this war, and some rumored secret organization." She gives a short laugh. "Ridiculous, can't even mention family without war coming into the picture."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Rez walked over to his chair holding a small wooden cup of liquid, Kumori assumed it was tea. He sat down and took a sip. Taking his time he eventually set it down and got a more serious look on his face.

"I'll tell you what I know Kumori. The Shape Shifter was a man who attempted to climb Mount Zodia however he failed. After his failure his spirits and some say, his very soul were shattered. He was ashamed and this caused him to lose all touch with the elements. He eventually lost the ability to control Fire, Earth, Wind or Water. His anger, jealousy and broken self caused him to become a hermit on an island north west of the Earth Capital of Terra." Rez stopped for a moment, and seemed to be thinking.

Kumori listened intently attempting to grasp every last piece of information Rez had for him. "Continue Rez, I would like to hear more"

Rez nodded and began again "His loss of the elements caused him to master his own. He mastered the shadows, and has become the first known "Shadow Master" It is said he is willing to teach the youths of the second generation this art, in attempt to cover the world in darkness."

Kumori stood up with a slight grin on his face.

"Why did you suddenly want information on this man Kumori, I hear he is truly a terrible evil man" Rez said firmly.
"It's not your concern Rez, however I suppose after hearing this I just want to meet him, I thank you for the information" As Kumori finished he turned and walked out of the door. Rez stood up and looked at him confused. Kumori what are you up to.


"This war is tearing this world apart," Harver said, looking over at Reina. "With things going as they are, it will soon be the only thing anyone really cares about. And no one will ever be able to stop it. It's crazy, really."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.