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Started by JrDude, February 05, 2010, 07:23:26 PM

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Broke up with my girlfriend friday. I'm 80% fine now.


Quote from: BOREDFANBOY on June 28, 2010, 08:19:37 PM
Really, that guy is doing it so he can keep his options open.  It's up to you how you want to react to that.

Ya, but if you say your with someone, you need to own up to it.


wub wub wub


So that girl I convinced to try a long distance thing while I go to school? Well I went to a get together thing at her house and she was hitting on another guy right in front of me...-_-


I gots a new girlfriend. Almost two months, she's in that picture up dar.


In order:


    >talking to this cute/hot blonde I like who I met in college on facebook
    >somehow the topic of crushes comes up
    >she asks me if I have anybody I like from school
    >I say "do you?"
    >we spam maybes
    >she finally tells me that she likes this one boy i sort of know (seen him around)
    >i get nervous and start sweating. i feel a panic attack coming
    >tell her i gotta go and that i'll tell her who i like later
    >she texts me abouit 10mins later
    >"it isn't me is it?"
    >my eyes start getting teary
    >turn the phone off


Quote from: Persephone on September 24, 2010, 01:49:30 PM
    >talking to this cute/hot blonde I like who I met in college on facebook
    >somehow the topic of crushes comes up
    >she asks me if I have anybody I like from school
    >I say "do you?"
    >we spam maybes
    >she finally tells me that she likes this one boy i sort of know (seen him around)
    >i get nervous and start sweating. i feel a panic attack coming
    >tell her i gotta go and that i'll tell her who i like later
    >she texts me abouit 10mins later
    >"it isn't me is it?"
    >my eyes start getting teary
    >turn the phone off


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!

Dog Food

Damn this must be a successful thread to still be around after so long. Either that or... this place is just always dead.

ANYWAY. You should add some new questions, JrDude, to keep things fresh after over 10 pages of discussion. Or not. Doesn't really matter.

I don't really have anything new to add. Um, two year anniversary coming up. If anyone has random suggestions as to what to do or what to get a guy, share please. I'd prefer just creating something with my extremely untalented talent, because I'm a cheap, uncreative ninny sentimentalist who believes money makes the world go round isn't needed to give someone something they'll love.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Still single, still untouched.

Yep. Not a single thing changed in eight months. Life's pretty great like that.


Only girl who's talked to me consistently my entire collegiate career (3rd year, 1st semester) I'm 99% sure is gay. God intercourse ing darn it all...


Quote from: Poet Laureate on October 22, 2010, 01:56:58 PM
Damn this must be a successful thread to still be around after so long. Either that or... this place is just always dead.

ANYWAY. You should add some new questions, JrDude, to keep things fresh after over 10 pages of discussion. Or not. Doesn't really matter.

I don't really have anything new to add. Um, two year anniversary coming up. If anyone has random suggestions as to what to do or what to get a guy, share please. I'd prefer just creating something with my extremely untalented talent, because I'm a cheap, uncreative ninny sentimentalist who believes money makes the world go round isn't needed to give someone something they'll love.
Excuse my long absence and ignorance, but what talent might that be?

Making something is great though. Really. If I had a girlfriend, I'd feel like the luckiest guy in the world if she actually spent her time and effort making me something--no matter what it was or if it was even good or not. Trust me, if he's sentimental and/or appreciative of art and effort, he'll love it.

Just in case, though, you should couple it with another gift. This'll also make your handmade one seem that much more special. You've taken AP English classes, haven't you? It's called "juxtaposition."

On a side note, the girl that I have a huge crush on might have a girlfriend...

I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************

Dog Food

Quote from: RX-78-2 on October 27, 2010, 04:44:08 PM
Excuse my long absence and ignorance, but what talent might that be?

Making something is great though. Really. If I had a girlfriend, I'd feel like the luckiest guy in the world if she actually spent her time and effort making me something--no matter what it was or if it was even good or not. Trust me, if he's sentimental and/or appreciative of art and effort, he'll love it.

Just in case, though, you should couple it with another gift. This'll also make your handmade one seem that much more special. You've taken AP English classes, haven't you? It's called "juxtaposition."

On a side note, the girl that I have a huge crush on might have a girlfriend...

We only have senior AP English, so I'm taking it this year.

And for our one year anniversary I made him a CD with 12 songs on it, each one representing a month of our relationship. Or something like that. I don't remember. But to make it more interesting I created a scavenger hunt throughout my house (hiding the CD and hiding clues all around so that he'd need to find each clue in order to lead him to the CD). That was fun to make. I wanted do that again, but I don't want to do the same thing every year or else it will get repetitious, stale and unoriginal.

Also, that girl you like sounds like a keeper. As long as she's bi, not just a lesbian.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Every guy likes a surprise  BJ.
Jus' Sayin!


Had a girl ask me out, tried the whole dating thing for a while, then broke up. Another girl asked me out recently. Turned her down. And now I believe another girl has a crush on me.


Oh Vesperia, never change... never change