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The Great Camping Debate

Started by RX-78-2, February 14, 2010, 11:57:22 PM

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Quote from: Captain Underpants on March 15, 2010, 07:40:13 AM
Honestly, unless in certain situations (Like skywalking in TF2 why hasn't Valve fixed that on the 360 ;-; or Spawncamping) You really have no excuse. A smart person would either flank the camper, or just downright go around the general area he camps. If a camper gets more than one kill, that's not as much his fault as it is the other team's fault for thinking they can get him by running right up to him.

To tell you the truth, I can't exactly tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. Also, by "you," do you mean me personally, or just "the player" (as in "the player really [has] no excuse")? I agree with you though. Those are obvious ways to avoid a camper, but sadly, they just don't always work.

To your TF2 comment, I agree as well (I play on Xbox 360). Skywalking does need to be patched--not because it helps the team that uses it, but hurts it. Skywalking is very easy to get around and similarly easy to destroy. Only a noob would think this helps the team, but 3 of them just try to glitch up in sky (doing nothing for the team) while the rest are defending the point at a huge disadvantage. The same goes for "skywalking" underneath the stage. The only case of this that I've seen is at Point A in Gravel Pit, but this is much harder to get around.

Concerning spawncamping, it's just cheap and takes no skill. The campers should be killed easily if there's less than 4 of them without a Demoman. However, the campers usually take full advantage of the opportunity, which makes even one Demoman a problem.

Quote from: F'lar on March 15, 2010, 03:01:30 PM
Oh, here is something me and you have different views on then. I personally watch quite a bit of MLG (GOW2 is AMAZING!) and on the Halo and CoD games, locking down the enemy is one of the best things a team can do. Me and a couple of friends actually practice doing this as well. I find this to be more skillful to have the communication and reaction, plus knowledge of the map and game (even the other player) to be able to get a full on lock. Very hard, very fulfilling.
While I disagree on the result of locking down your enemy (which, in my opinion, is camping), I do agree that it takes skill to able to perfectly set up this technique. It's just that once it's set up, it's takes very little skill to get kills and stay alive, and therefore makes it much less fair--and in my opinion--fun.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************