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Started by Silverhawk79, February 18, 2010, 10:01:57 PM

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Dog Food

Quote from: SkyMyl on March 19, 2010, 12:16:37 PM
When I was a lot younger (8), and I screwed up on something, I would hit my head against a small rock I had in my room as my own punishment.

...I swear, that has absolutely nothing to do with the present.
Now that you mention it, I think it does. ._.

Confession: The Harry Potter books were good, the movies sucked.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Piggy on March 19, 2010, 09:01:37 PM

Confession: The Harry Potter books were good, the movies sucked.
That's not a confession. That's a fact. Yeah, the books weren't great, but they were good. And everything after the 1st movie sucked (I actually like that one)

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Piggy on March 19, 2010, 09:01:37 PM

Confession: The Harry Potter books were good, the movies sucked.
Except the first two. Those kicked ass.


hey intercourse  you I liked the book 5 movie. D:

but book 6 ran on for bloody hours. I can't believe I watched it on the plane.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"

Dog Food

Quote from: F'lar on March 19, 2010, 10:24:02 PM
That's not a confession. That's a fact. Yeah, the books weren't great, but they were good. And everything after the 1st movie sucked (I actually like that one)

Quote from: SkyMyl on March 19, 2010, 10:39:42 PM
Except the first two. Those kicked ass.

I'll agree with those. I actually did like the first two movies before they got a new director and a new Dumbledore and intercourse ed everything up.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Triforceman22 on March 19, 2010, 01:29:10 AM
I guess i'm going through a depressed state right now....
But i'll soon get over it.

(I'm definatley NOT going to comitt suicide though...)
You get used to it after a while :/

Quote from: Spencer on March 19, 2010, 09:19:27 AM
I am actually a chronic masturbater.

Three times a day at the least x.x
You're a 16-year-old boy, right? And you think not everyone that sex and age is like that? :U
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Piggy on March 20, 2010, 07:21:07 AMnew Dumbledore
You do realize that the original DIED, right? >_>
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Quote from: Piggy on March 20, 2010, 07:21:07 AM
and a new Dumbledore
...there wasn't a choice, given the original actor who played Dumbledore died.


no seriously how was the 5th movie bad asides from dumbledore. Asides from running on a bit too much, it was one of the few that didn't run off all too often into it's own fantasy world. It just did an overall decent job at least with covering the theme of that book.

6 was too god darn long and not enough important, also for everytime I had to hear "KILL HIM, DRACO" I felt like killing draco myself

3 I don't remember much of it, was pretty good.

4 just wasn't that interesting to what I remember at all.

And come to think of it I think the only ones I really liked were 5 and 1, though I've never liked the books much anyways.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


Quote from: Piggy on March 19, 2010, 09:01:37 PM

Confession: The Harry Potter books were good, the movies sucked.

Confession: I refuse to read Harry Potter because I'm a book snob.  I remember when it first starting getting big, I would be talking to people.  The conversations went something like
Me:  I do read a good bit.

Person:  Oh me too.  I love to read.

Me: Really?  What do you read?

Person: Harry Potter.

Me: Oh. Okay.  Anything else?

Person: No.  Just Harry Potter

So that was frustrating, and I refused to read them.  Besides, I had already attatched myself to a really good fantasy book series, The Shanara series by Terry Brooks (I actually got back into these recently after I saw that he had written a few more books that established a beginning to that universe).

I don't knock people for reading Harry Potter.  I don't knock people for reading Twilight.  But if that's ALL you read, you're not really a bibliophile.  You're not really a book nerd.  You're not really a "reader."  You gotta branch out.

Dog Food

Quote from: Kilroy on March 20, 2010, 06:09:22 PM
You do realize that the original DIED, right? >_>
Yeah, sorry, let me clarify: I wish they did a better job when casting the new Dumbledore. The first one was so good, and it really sucks that he died, but they made the new one so somber and mean and not at all lively.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Due to recent events and memories I must vent and make a confession about this somewhere. This thread shall do. This is going to be pretty long. Some of it I admit is pretty stupid but god; I never knew how much anger I had in me with Dubai.

Tl;dr at the end

Alright; So here's the thing, I'm actually fine socially in real life but ever since I was extremely young I've always hated being in big groups. I could just never stand it. Like when I was about 3 in a jewish pre-school due to my mom wanting me to have something to do during the day (No, she wasn't jewish). I got myself kicked out from playing instead of worshiping during there religion but for intercourse s sake I was 3.

Of course that was just the beginning. In elementary I hated it too; I could easily make a lot of friends in kindergarten separately but when doing something in a big group I got overly nervous. This whole thing didn't really come back much during 1-4th grade asides from a few small case events but in 5th grade I really started to crack up and realize what the true problem was. The School-Play that we were forced to do made me frustrated on so many levels.

The levels this got me frustrated on were unbearable...Three miserable hours each day of my life. Three miserable hours I could have spent doing something useful at least in school. Why was there such a huge emphasis on it in the first place? For the love of god I was in 5th grade. It seemed they were trying to make a more miserable experience for us in school rather than enjoying it by pitting us up into one huge group. Who were we doing this for? NOBODY! NOTHING IMPORTANT AT ALL. THIS IS SO MUCH BULL SHIT.

And so when I politely asked "Why do we have to do this" All I got was "Because the principal wants it" And because "It's a school tradition" Which is bull poop. Just because it's a tradition doesn't mean you keep it around - Do people still chop off heads like in the middle ages as sacrifices? Maybe, but NOT THE ENTIRE POPULATION. - Next off, a Principal shouldn't have all that much control over the school especially if many of the teachers I asked thought it was bull poop.

And "Showing it off" to parents? What? My parents would rather see me come home and learn every day and become a more social person than rather the opposite; I think I can say the same for many others. Now I'm not emotionally butthurt easily unlike many others I know, but I still know a lot of the people from this school and people who've had to deal with bull poop like this.

Guess what? It actually made them become a worse person. So thanks, thanks for the most pointless 60 hours of my life wasted so I could say a poopty line that was unmemorable at all. Thanks for making me realize what was wrong with me.

But that's not all. The bullpoop I've been stuck with of big groups always goes on - It's not just about schools. It's about Peer Pressure to, and furthermore, all the whole "Oh hey let's act all bossy about our poopty social groups nobody cares" Here's the fact, they DO care. Stop your bull poop because you think you're so cool and preppy and all that poop because here's something - You're not all that. You're not all that cool just for being the most popular high school cheerleader ever. It doesn't give you any complete right to be a social jackass just because you don't like a person or that person is "Weird" to you. In a sense, we're all "Weird" being so different as we are.

Yet I still see most of this pathetic poop with big groups. Peer Pressure, Hierarchy Chains, Rolling schools, Traditions, and so forth. It becomes so much bull poop to the point where I can't even take it. Even in being the start from the beginning of a big group I just bloody hate it.

Which brings me to one more thing before I finish it off - Is it me or do people just not give a poop for others anymore? Most people who I've seen in real life stay in THIS stage for more than a week. On facebook most people just bother me about something stupid instead of having an actual discussion with me.

Or furthermore, you know what they do?

hay gaiz i tlk liek dis becuz im awn teh interwebz thaws i cn loooooose aii respectz of thawt i haz in discusawns

Not exactly like that, but If you're going to talk to me, at least show more thought into it. Hell, I don't care If you're using leetspeek but my point is that If you have something to say then god darn just come out and say it. I hate having to go out and find something about say one of my friends that should have been known ages ago. It piles up into so much bullpoop due to laziness.

I could easily rant more but I digress. I want this post to have more of a purpose than just me going on so much.


tl;dr: So in short, I've always hated most things related to big groups or those type of cliche's who think they're the poop. It's not just about me - It's many people I've seen this happen to. I may not be able to change the world or anything, but I can at least try as much as I can to end up helping even if it involves rebelling. If I just do nothing and don't at least attempt to better to it slightly I'm just adding into that lazy pile. I can at least help my friends and my family if it comes down to that because they'll at least respect most of my thoughts even If they disagree with them (Asides from my sister but I'd rather not explain her)

And there we go. I'm not actually all that angry about it but I really just needed a good vent about it and somewhere to fess it up to. I said I'd fess up one of my issues with school and all that jazz, so I did.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"

Dog Food

@TK - I read your post. First of all, you spent 60 hours working on a school play? Damn. And yeah, people who think they're great just because they play a sport exceptionally well or any poop like that can be annoying. Cliques in general are annoying. I don't exactly know how you're planning on "rebelling", unless you just mean not associating yourself with any particular clique?


I need to get rid of some baggage here, too. Don't worry about reading this or anything, I just feel like typing things out will get my mind in order... Woke up this morning to another unpleasant scene. For starters, I had another nightmare involving spiders hatching from eggs. I don't know why, but I'm having dreams like this every night now. My screaming in my dream wakes me up. Then I wake up feeling as if there are spiders all over me and I can't sit still.

I managed to get back to sleep, anyway. Then I woke up to the real unpleasant scene. It's kind of ironic how more screaming is what woke me up again, just this time it wasn't my own. I was hungry when I woke up, but I couldn't go downstairs because I didn't want them to know that I could hear them. I haven't woken up to them in so long, it brings back some memories, haha... I just sighed and ignored them, it was the same usual bullpoop anyway. I've basically memorized the fights, as if I was reading the scene off of a script (ironically, I had another dream involving reading off of a script that I had never actually seen that involved screaming at my lover before they woke me up again - cool how it can all relate in that way as if my dream manifested from their yelling).

So of course this meant my morning was going to suck, because now my mom was going to take out her extra frustration on me and I was going to have to be nice to her without letting on that I knew anything. But I'm good at pretending I'm clueless. Comes from years of practice, I guess. Sure enough, I had to clean the entire house that morning before I could finally get a chance to eat breakfast. Then more cleaning so I never got a chance to eat lunch. The good news is I had to take a shower and then go to my sister's house to visit her baby - which meant my mom would be in a good mood again when she saw her.

The strangest thing happened in my shower though. For a second, I thought I was going to start crying (and I have no idea why I would do that, I didn't have any reason to cry, it was just a random feeling) but I started laughing hysterically instead. I don't know why I was laughing or why I felt like crying. I had to think about it for a long time, because it really did puzzle me. I remembered back to the previous fights I had silently witnessed in my room - the ones that woke me up every Saturday/Sunday morning for the longest time. It was the same poop then, too, with the threatening for divorce and the screaming and the swears in a different language. My dad can be loud as hell. I used to cry into my pillow (okay, I was little, I know there really wasn't any reason for me to cry). But I think the reason I would do that was because I thought I was supposed to act sad in the situation, even though it wasn't a big deal or anything. So I figured that's why my eyes were burning in the shower and I was going into hysterics of laughter - because I was trying to deceive myself into experiencing an emotion that didn't fit the situation. People get into fights all the time, the only reason it ever bothered me was because they constantly woke me up every intercourse ing weekend.

But anyway, then I got mad at myself for deceiving myself. Then I wondered if I truly did care and I was deceiving myself about deceiving myself. Then I was scared because I realized I didn't know how I felt about anything. So then I was angry at myself for not being able to understand my emotions. I didn't know what I felt and what I was pretending to feel because I felt it fitted the situation. Then I realized how selfish I was being, and what a horrible person I was, because I realized that when I cared for others it ultimately was a positive reflection upon myself and how was I supposed to know if I was being nice for their sake or for mine? Then I thought to myself, "I don't care about others so much that I care about them" - because I figured I really only care about myself and I must only be nice because it made me look good. Then I thought that that was a really funny sort of contradiction that would go really well in the book I am reading: Catch-22. So I started laughing again, and that broke the tension and I decided I had wasted enough hot water and got out of the shower and dried myself off and forgot all about my troubles.

Ah, just another one of my shower revelations.

tl;dr - Can anyone here interpret dreams? I really want to know what a spider egg hatching, and watching millions of those brown dots pouring out means. And then having them overtake your house. You can yell at the person with you to help you, but there's nothing they will do. Then they all come at you, like a giant wave of brown dots, covering you and suffocating you. You can try to scream out but they only jump into your mouth and block your airways... Oh god, I intercourse ing hate spiders ;-;.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Cartman on March 21, 2010, 08:44:38 PM
@TK - I read your post. First of all, you spent 60 hours working on a school play? Damn. And yeah, people who think they're great just because they play a sport exceptionally well or any poop like that can be annoying. Cliques in general are annoying. I don't exactly know how you're planning on "rebelling", unless you just mean not associating yourself with any particular clique?


I need to get rid of some baggage here, too. Don't worry about reading this or anything, I just feel like typing things out will get my mind in order... Woke up this morning to another unpleasant scene. For starters, I had another nightmare involving spiders hatching from eggs. I don't know why, but I'm having dreams like this every night now. My screaming in my dream wakes me up. Then I wake up feeling as if there are spiders all over me and I can't sit still.

I managed to get back to sleep, anyway. Then I woke up to the real unpleasant scene. It's kind of ironic how more screaming is what woke me up again, just this time it wasn't my own. I was hungry when I woke up, but I couldn't go downstairs because I didn't want them to know that I could hear them. I haven't woken up to them in so long, it brings back some memories, haha... I just sighed and ignored them, it was the same usual bullpoop anyway. I've basically memorized the fights, as if I was reading the scene off of a script (ironically, I had another dream involving reading off of a script that I had never actually seen that involved screaming at my lover before they woke me up again - cool how it can all relate in that way as if my dream manifested from their yelling).

So of course this meant my morning was going to suck, because now my mom was going to take out her extra frustration on me and I was going to have to be nice to her without letting on that I knew anything. But I'm good at pretending I'm clueless. Comes from years of practice, I guess. Sure enough, I had to clean the entire house that morning before I could finally get a chance to eat breakfast. Then more cleaning so I never got a chance to eat lunch. The good news is I had to take a shower and then go to my sister's house to visit her baby - which meant my mom would be in a good mood again when she saw her.

The strangest thing happened in my shower though. For a second, I thought I was going to start crying (and I have no idea why I would do that, I didn't have any reason to cry, it was just a random feeling) but I started laughing hysterically instead. I don't know why I was laughing or why I felt like crying. I had to think about it for a long time, because it really did puzzle me. I remembered back to the previous fights I had silently witnessed in my room - the ones that woke me up every Saturday/Sunday morning for the longest time. It was the same poop then, too, with the threatening for divorce and the screaming and the swears in a different language. My dad can be loud as hell. I used to cry into my pillow (okay, I was little, I know there really wasn't any reason for me to cry). But I think the reason I would do that was because I thought I was supposed to act sad in the situation, even though it wasn't a big deal or anything. So I figured that's why my eyes were burning in the shower and I was going into hysterics of laughter - because I was trying to deceive myself into experiencing an emotion that didn't fit the situation. People get into fights all the time, the only reason it ever bothered me was because they constantly woke me up every intercourse ing weekend.

But anyway, then I got mad at myself for deceiving myself. Then I wondered if I truly did care and I was deceiving myself about deceiving myself. Then I was scared because I realized I didn't know how I felt about anything. So then I was angry at myself for not being able to understand my emotions. I didn't know what I felt and what I was pretending to feel because I felt it fitted the situation. Then I realized how selfish I was being, and what a horrible person I was, because I realized that when I cared for others it ultimately was a positive reflection upon myself and how was I supposed to know if I was being nice for their sake or for mine? Then I thought to myself, "I don't care about others so much that I care about them" - because I figured I really only care about myself and I must only be nice because it made me look good. Then I thought that that was a really funny sort of contradiction that would go really well in the book I am reading: Catch-22. So I started laughing again, and that broke the tension and I decided I had wasted enough hot water and got out of the shower and dried myself off and forgot all about my troubles.

Ah, just another one of my shower revelations.

tl;dr - Can anyone here interpret dreams? I really want to know what a spider egg hatching, and watching millions of those brown dots pouring out means. And then having them overtake your house. You can yell at the person with you to help you, but there's nothing they will do. Then they all come at you, like a giant wave of brown dots, covering you and suffocating you. You can try to scream out but they only jump into your mouth and block your airways... Oh god, I intercourse ing hate spiders ;-;.
I'm now freaking out because there's a dot on my ceiling and I think it's a spider and eggs and aksfjalfkjdf.
Also it probably just means you're terrified of spiders.
Also also, the laughing in the shower instead of crying is your body's defense mechanism to protect against harmfully powerful emotions. Forget what it's called.