
<+Clu> im 100% nigga

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Started by Silverhawk79, February 18, 2010, 10:01:57 PM

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Quote from: Mystic on March 09, 2010, 11:34:02 PM
I hate when people say never hit a girl, and poop like that. If everyone is equal, hitting a girl is just as fine as hitting a man. Women aren't special.

Totla and I posted about this on Facebook once. We got some pretty funny reactions.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


This, is going to be a fun post.

I did not say *I only hate girls, guys are superior in every way* I said "This is why I hate females"

They are very stupid, very. Yes of course guys make mistakes, they are stupid as well. Some more than girls. The vast majority of human beings are, however I see this come out more in the female gender.

I did mean it, I don't like you at all KJ. Never did.

Also, MYL Kilroy, Custom. Let me give you another opinion. I am going to have to agree with Insanity, you all jump at any oppurtunity to get brownie points with any girl. I would guarantee you would not show such devotion or anger towards me if I said that about any male member. However this is more directed towards MYL.

Also allow me to quote Kilroy "allegretto is just a pathetic nerd trying to get "revenge" on the world."

If you can expand on this statement then by all means. I don't understand how this makes any since "Revenge on the world" You can say i'm a pathetic nerd, that's an opinion and we all have one. However the second statement is an idiotic outburst, that has no truth in the meaning.

It made me lawl.

JrDude. Also, you said i'v been acting pissy lately? Nah, this is just my mood. I'm a cynic. If anyone within the last 10 posts is intelligent enough to know what that word means then bravo, you deserve a round of applause.

Saying anything about *I should punch you in the face on her behalf* Shows my point on the stupidity of the human race. Always resorting to violence instead of negotiation or simply talking it out. However those with a lack of brain power always do. No surprise.

Also, Mystic, thank you very much for saying that.

People who are dependent on sexes and races, that whenever someone says something bad about them they deem it as sexist or racist. They should look into a mirror and repeat.


Quote from: Link. on March 09, 2010, 11:35:51 PM
This, is going to be a fun post.

I did not say *I only hate girls, guys are superior in every way* I said "This is why I hate females"

They are very stupid, very. Yes of course guys make mistakes, they are stupid as well. Some more than girls. The vast majority of human beings are, however I see this come out more in the female gender.

I did mean it, I don't like you at all KJ. Never did.

Also, MYL Kilroy, Custom. Let me give you another opinion. I am going to have to agree with Insanity, you all jump at any oppurtunity to get brownie points with any girl. I would guarantee you would not show such devotion or anger towards me if I said that about any male member. However this is more directed towards MYL.

Also allow me to quote Kilroy "allegretto is just a pathetic nerd trying to get "revenge" on the world."

If you can expand on this statement then by all means. I don't understand how this makes any since "Revenge on the world" You can say i'm a pathetic nerd, that's an opinion and we all have one. However the second statement is an idiotic outburst, that has no truth in the meaning.

It made me lawl.

JrDude. Also, you said i'v been acting pissy lately? Nah, this is just my mood. I'm a cynic. If anyone within the last 10 posts is intelligent enough to know what that word means then bravo, you deserve a round of applause.

Saying anything about *I should punch you in the face on her behalf* Shows my point on the stupidity of the human race. Always resorting to violence instead of negotiation or simply talking it out. However those with a lack of brain power always do. No surprise.

Also, Mystic, thank you very much for saying that.

People who are dependent on sexes and races, that whenever someone says something bad about them they deem it as sexist or racist. They should look into a mirror and repeat.

Hey, I never disapproved of your post. I agreed with it. Leave me out of this.

Also I don't want a relationship or nudes or anything. I find both women and men boring now. I just want a friend. ;-;

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Long ago, you never seemed pissy, you seemed cheery, but I believe you had a girlfriend then, and now I believe you don't, and you are all butthurt and being angry.
Dude .



When I was a kid, I thought that Sailor Moon was God. Don't ask  |:

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Customrobo13 on March 09, 2010, 11:38:10 PM
Hey, I never disapproved of your post. I agreed with it. Leave me out of this.

Also I don't want a relationship or nudes or anything. I find both women and men boring now. I just want a friend. ;-;
I'm sorry Custom D: my apologies. I mistook you for L10 for some reason. Also, I agree with you.

Also Jrdude, you are making assumptions yet again. I was cheery yes, however that was a facade. I have not had a girlfriend in almost a year, having someone like that in my life does not change my mood in the slightest. However I will say that when my ex cheated on me and lied behind my back I was devastated, and my mood changed drastically for a few weeks. However that was ages upon ages ago.

If you truly want an opinion on my normal mood ask someone who has known me in Real life, longer than you have. For an example, Magnum, he's known me since around 6th grade, I was always more of a loner back then. However now I am much more open to certain people.

But trolling anyone is one of my all time favorite hobbies and I do it every chance I get.


Quote from: Link. on March 09, 2010, 11:46:09 PM
I'm sorry Custom D: my apologies. Also, I agree with you.

Also Jrdude, you are making assumptions yet again. I was cheery yes, however that was a facade. I have not had a girlfriend in almost a year, having someone like that in my life does not change my mood in the slightest. However I will say that when my ex cheated on me and lied behind my back I was devastated, and my mood changed drastically for a few weeks. However that was ages upon ages ago.

If you truly want an opinion on my mood ask Magnum, he's known me since around 6th grade, I was always more of a loner back then. However now I am much more open to certain people.

But trolling anyone is one of my all time favorite hobbies and I do it every chance I get.
I will put it in one simple sentence.
He's a complete poop hole vagina cleaning device bag. And for an extra sentence to understand better, he understands this and embraces it.  ;)

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Magnum on March 09, 2010, 11:48:32 PM
I will put it in one simple sentence.
He's a complete poop hole vagina cleaning device bag. And for an extra sentence to understand better, he understands this and embraces it.  ;)

I'll bring you Bioshock 2 tomorrow.

But in all seriousness that sums me up pretty well  ;)

Of course, i'm nice to my friends most of the time.

And I don't think i'v been mean to Taira. I said earlier in the confessions *I hate the majority of females* however allow me to change the sentence.

I hate the majority of humans.

Fixed  ;0


Who the hell cares about real life behavior? My real life behavior and internet behavior are mostly different.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude ♦ on March 09, 2010, 11:53:20 PM
Who the hell cares about real life behavior? My real life behavior and internet behavior are mostly different.

Then you're lying to yourself and everyone around you.
Stop it.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


*Insert DBZ announcer voice*  ... and the tides turn against Jr. What outcome will come next? Will Jr. continued to get bashed now that it has started? Will the flame go back on Allegretto? Find out next time on the chilling conclusion of NSFCD Confessions!

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Magnum on March 09, 2010, 11:57:25 PM
*Insert DBZ announcer voice*  ... and the tides turn against Jr. What outcome will come next? Will Jr. continued to get bashed now that it has started? Will the flame go back on Allegretto? Find out next time on the chilling conclusion of NSFCD Confessions!
I already have my next few posts planned out, I have a response for any feeble argument he attempts to make  ;0


Quote from: Link. on March 10, 2010, 12:00:30 AM
I already have my next few posts planned out, I have a response for any feeble argument he attempts to make  ;0

*Insert DBZ announcer voice* don't talk to the announcer. The announcer talks about you... AND KILLS YOU IF YOU DARE TALK TO HIM!

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Customrobo13 on March 09, 2010, 11:55:12 PM
Then you're lying to yourself and everyone around you.
Stop it.
Actually no. This reminded me of a confession, but I'll get to that in a sec.
In reality, I'm a nice guy, with not so nice thoughts, but if I said those thoughts, I'd either be hated or punched, neither sounds pleasing.
On the internet, I act like a dick, I try to be humorous more often, and so on, but neither personality is a lie, they're both true, I just instinctively act different.

I feel like I have a second personality hidden deep within me, it's basically auto-pilot.
Long ago, when I had just gotten my permit, I was backing out of a parking space, I was almost not moving and my gramma kept saying "SLOW SLOW SLOW," I got annoyed, and my foot acted on it's own and pressed the gas and I almost went speeding along.
More recently, I had to dance in front of a poop load of people who kept cheering my name, I got overly embarrassed and couldn't move, but I was moving, my "auto-pilot" basically turned on and danced, apparently very well, I remember it all, but I don't feel like I did it, ya know?
EVEN MORE RECENTLY, I was driving to dance class, a light turns yellow, I couldn't tell whether I was too far to keep going or close enough to make it, so I freeze, then my foot presses the brake, press, let go, press, to make the car stop, but not skid.
Dude .


...You should act the same no matter what your doing.....just always be yourself...

You all shouldn't fight...were all nakama arn't we... =)