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Les Miserables - Cosette (Screenplay)

Started by Light, February 21, 2010, 02:20:12 AM

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Here's a short screenplay I wrote for my English class as a project (I got an A, mofos). It's an adaptation of the Cosette section in Victor Hugo's epic novel "Les Miserables". Yeah. Enjoy.

FADE IN. EXT. DOCKS - STORMY - MIDDAY.                           
          The massive ship known as the ORION is floating atop waters     
          next to a docking port. Stormy clouds levitate over the         
          skies, as far as the eye can see. A voice shouts.               
                              OFFICER (O.S.)                               
                    Alright, move it! This ship won't                     
                    wait for any of you!                                   
          An OFFICER is in front of the ship, with many convicts lined     
          up in front of him. The officer starts shouting numbers,         
          indicating the convicts who will board the ship.                 
                    9303!... 9376!... 9388!...                             
          CLOSE UP: JEAN VALJEAN                                           
          The officer continues to shout out numbers as we see a           
          scruffy, older man with a melancholy disposition, named JEAN     
          VALJEAN. He looks down, waiting for the inevitable calling       
          of his name.                                                     
                              JEAN VALJEAN (V.O.)                         
                    I suppose you're wondering why I'm                     
                    in such a position as this. Let's                     
                    just say that I once led a criminal                   
                    lifestyle... and even when I change                   
                    my ways, I find myself staring at                     
                    the same exact fate. I have been                       
                    known by many names. Outside of                       
                    prison walls, people have called me                   
                    Monsieur Madeleine, or Monsieur le                     
                    Mayor. In the galleys, I was once                     
                    known as 24601, or at the current                     
          Jean Valjean steps forward, the chains that bind his arms       
          and legs clinking as he does so. Despite being elderly, he       
          appears to be very lean and muscular.                           
          As he walks away to board the ship, he resumes thinking.         
                              JEAN VALJEAN (V.O.)                         
                    Numbers and aliases, that's all                       
                    everyone has thought of me for as                     
                    long as I can remember. Despite all                   
                    this, I still know my true name. My                   
                    name is Jean Valjean.                                 

          EXT. ON THE SHIP ORION - STORMY                                 
          The officer has all the convicts chosen lined up in front of     
          him, with additional, regular crew members scattered around     
          the ship, working on different tasks. The ship is still at       
          the docks, swaying back and forth with intensity.               
                    Alright, you dogs! You'll be sent                     
                    to do the more rigorous tasks in                       
                    repairing this ship!                                   
          CLOSE UP: JEAN VALJEAN'S SIDE                                   
          Jean Valjean begins to think again as the officer gives out     
                              JEAN VALJEAN (V.O.)                         
                    I am in debt to a woman named                         
                    Fantine. I denied her the ability                     
                    to continue working at her job, and                   
                    in doing so, she became a                             
                    prostitute in order to pay for her                     
                    only child, who is currently                           
                    staying with an innkeeper and his                     
          INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - AFTERNOON                                   
          A young woman - no more than thirty - is lying in a hospital     
          bed as Jean Valjean sits on a stool by her side. The woman,     
          named FANTINE, weakly looks over at the man sitting next to     
                    Monsieur le Mayor... please take                       
                    care of my child. I am all she has                     
                    to love in this world...                               
                              JEAN VALJEAN                                 
                    You don't have to worry. Your child                   
                    will be raised with love under me.                     
          Fantine sighs in relief.                                         
                    Thank you, monsieur... thank you                       
                    for taking my Cosette... you come                     
                    from God on high...                                   

          CONTINUED:                                              3.       
          Fantine closes her eyes and drifts off into a deep sleep.       
          EXT. SHIP - CONTINUOUS                                           
          Valjean stares out into the sea, noticing another ship dock     
          right next to them.                                             
          CLOSE UP: SIDE OF THE OTHER SHIP                                 
          The word "Algesiras" is engraved in large, bold letters on       
          the side of the ship.                                           
          CLOSE UP: VALJEAN                                               
          Valjean watches the ship go by.                                 
                              JEAN VALJEAN (V.O.)                         
                    I had already sworn to myself that                     
                    I would become an honest man; I had                   
                    been living the life of one for                       
                    some fifteen years. But that moment                   
                    changed everything once more; I                       
                    would need to risk all that I had                     
                    in order to pursue a greater good.                     
                              OFFICER (O.S.)                               
                    ...Do I make myself clear?!                           
          WIDE: SHIP                                                       
          All of the convicts shrug and nod as Valjean snaps back to       
          the current situation.                                           
                    Alright then, get to work!                             
          EXT. SHIP - LATER                                               
          The workers - regular men and convicts alike - are all           
          hammering, hoisting, and working on repairing the ship.         
          Orders are constantly being given as the men struggle to         
          work against the fierce winds and trying conditions.             
          Lightning FLASHES in the background, with the booming sound     
          of thunder rumbling not far behind.                             

          CONTINUED:                                              4.       
          SUDDENLY: Cries and shouts are heard from both on the boat       
          and those spectating on the docks. Jean Valjean, from           
          amongst the working crowd on the ship, looks up and sees a       
          TOPMAN dangling from the top of a beam, over the edge of the     
                              CROWD WALLA                                 
                    My God... Will someone anyone save                     
                    him?! No fool would ever try his                       
                    hand at saving that man! He's good                     
                    as dead!                                               
          A spark flashes in Valjean's eye. He begins to climb up the     
          rigging. The crowd gasps in horror.                             
                              CROWD WALLA                                 
                    Look at that madman! What the hell                     
                    does he think he's doing? He'll get                   
                    himself killed!                                       
          EXT. SHIP - UPPER LEVEL, BEAM - CONTINUOUS                       
          Valjean makes his way up the rigging, rather perilously, and     
          manages to get across the beam to where the topman is.           
          Valjean crouches down with as much strength as he can allow     
          as his cap is blown off his head. His hair - or what little     
          is left of it - is completely white. He reaches his hand out     
          to the struggling topman below him.                             
                              JEAN VALJEAN                                 
                    Grab my hand!                                         
                              TOPMAN (V.O.)                               
                    A convict for life...                                 
          The topman reaches up with one hand to grab onto Valjean's.     
                              TOPMAN (V.O.)                               
                    And yet he risks his life for me?                     
          The crowd is stunned and silent as the topman is helped up       
          to the beam. Valjean carries the topman over to the rigging,     
          where his crew mates are waiting. Cheers are let out as the     
          topman returns to his men.                                       
          Valjean looks away and finds... his cap! It had blown off       
          earlier, and is now hooked onto the edge of the beam,           
          dangling above the ocean below.                                 
          Valjean, without fear, makes his way across the beam to         
          retrieve the cap. He leans down to grab the cap... and a         
          sudden gust of wind causes him to lose his footing and send     
          him toppling over board.                                         

          CONTINUED:                                              5.       
          He falls in between the two docked ships. A dull splash is       
          heard. Seconds pass. Nothing comes up.                           
                                                         FADE TO BLACK     
          INT. INN - DINING ROOM - MANY MONTHS LATER                       
          CARD - THREE MONTHS LATER                                       
          The dark and damp innards of a small inn are dimly lit by       
          candles adorning the walls. Loud drunks are carousing as the     
          innkeeper and his wife - the THENARDIERS - grin and laugh       
          with a select few others, the presence of evil oozing out of     
          their stature.                                                   
                         (shouting over the drunks)                       
                    Did you hear about that convict                       
                    that drowned about three months                       
                    ago? Poor sap; heard he was helping                   
                    another man who was stuck on some                     
                              DRUNK #1                                     
                    Yeah, probably wanted to get into                     
                    his pockets!                                           
                              MME. THENARDIER                             
                    Serves him right, anyway; scum of                     
                    the earth like him don't deserve to                   
                    be graced with our presence!                           
                              DRUNK #2                                     
                    I'll drink to that!                                   
                    And what, that'll be your tenth                       
                    toast of the evening?!                                 
          More LAUGHTER.                                                   
                    No, no... I'm afraid we're ready to                   
                    close up the eatery for the night.                     
                              DRUNK #2                                     
                    But one final toast-                                   

          CONTINUED:                                              6.       
          The drunk clambers onto the top of a table, swaying from         
          side to side, his beer mug in hand. He raises it up             
          reverently, as if it were made of gold. As he begins to         
          speak, the room grows eerily silent.                             
                              DRUNK #2                                     
                         (shouting, gathering                             
                    One last toast for t
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I'm getting my friends and we are doing this. Just figured I would forewarn you  ^_^

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Magnum on February 22, 2010, 06:54:51 PM
I'm getting my friends and we are doing this. Just figured I would forewarn you  ^_^
You mean you're going to have people hanging off of ships? Awesome.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.