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Portal 2 announced

Started by Linkman, March 05, 2010, 04:12:12 PM

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It's gonna have co-op multiplayer along with a single player campaign.  Both are said to be different with new and old characters.  Gamestop lists it's release date as 10/26/2010.  Nothing else is known at the moment. 

Your thoughts?


That's my sisters birthday. I'll make sure that's what she asks for.

Or it's two days after. But still.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


According to some stories there will be new gameplay mechanics, plot twists, and possible co-op. Definetely going to get this. The recent update to portal certainly hinted at it, so i'm not that surprised.

The Riddler


Portal 2 will be a great game to deal with the addiction to civ V that I will probably be dealing with.


Since it's going to most likely be a full length game this time, I hope there's enough fun to last that long.
Still, awesome news.


The new update for Portal was nice too. I replayed it (for the 5th time) for the new ending and achievement.


Looks fun.  $60 on the 360 seems a little steep for just Portal 2 after paying that for the full Orange Box, but it may end up being less than that.  Of course, it could be worth that full price.


Eh, it had better be a little bigger than Portal 1 if it's going to cost full price.
I'm looking forward to it, though.
Co-op Portals will be confusing.


Quote from: Minimcbeef on March 07, 2010, 09:04:32 PM
Eh, it had better be a little bigger than Portal 1 if it's going to cost full price.
I'm looking forward to it, though.
Co-op Portals will be confusing.
Full Price is what is throwing me off of it entirely.


For anyone that is wondering there is new details on POrtal 2 in this months game informer magazine. Here are some details.

-Portal was a 'trial game' apparently. Size and assets were specifically kept minimal as Valve had no idea it would be as popular as it turned out to be.
-Portal was a 'test bed', Portal 2 is a 'full game'.
-Portal 2 takes place hundreds of years after the original and so the Aperture Science complex has overgrown and almost looks like a jungle.
-GlaDOS returns as the antagonist.
-Chell returns as the hero, and we play as her once again.
-Those personality orbs you may recall from the last Portal have sectioned off parts of the Aperture labs as their territory and are concerned about the decaying state of the complex.
-The original Portal gun thankfully remains unchanged, so will still be the same sleek, crisp white lump of tech we're used to.
-There's a new 'paint' mechanic wherein certain liquid substances can be used to cause a reaction. For instance, the demo showed an orange substance on the floor that propelled Chell upwards. Using portals you can chuck these 'paints' through to other areas of the level for puzzle solving.
-New reflection cubes will enable you to reflect laser beams for some puzzles.
-Physics will now be an integral part of portal puzzle solving. A vent that sucks air in can be combined with a portal to 'suck' from a different location is cited as an example.
-The co-op campaign has you play as two bipedal robots that like to hold hands. Fruity.
-Co-op will also have a splitscreen option and will reportedly utilise picture-in-picture online to allow you to easily communicate with the other player and combine efforts for puzzle solving. Nice.


^Holy crap that sounds sweet.
But wait a moment, I thought that it was going to be a prequel? Oh, like it really matters, I wonder if this will tie in with Half Life. I kind of doubt much on that other than maybe a cameo of a vort or a head humper, if even that.


I thought of something a little while after i posted this. How can we be playing as the protaganist from the first game if it's hundreds years later? I guess valve will pull a bioshock 2 or something


Quote from: Mutilator<Seven> on March 08, 2010, 07:19:31 PM
How can we be playing as the protaganist from the first game if it's hundreds years later?

Extending life is a lot easier than creating a Portal Gun.