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Street Fighter

Started by CommanderFlint, March 07, 2010, 01:09:57 PM

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Discuss the series I guess.

What do think of SSFIV? I think I feel ripped off. That was a waste of 60 dollars for SFIV, because of SSFIV coming out. 9 new characters, new stages, music, etc. is hard to pass uptoo . I feel bad for the people who bought costume packs in SFIV also, waste of their money.

Also this:


I played the smart card and waited until the price came down to 20, then asked a friend to get it for me for my birthday.

So, I don't feel ripped off. However, I am eagerly waiting for SSFIV. The update was VERY needed, nuff said.


SSFIV is going to be game of the year for me. It's more of an update than most games get. There probably wouldn't have been any problems if they called it Street Fighter 5, people only feel ripped off because the name is similar. Stop getting mad when people ask you to pay a little money.

That being said, Street Fighter is my favorite game series. Every other fighting game is garbage compared to Street Fighter. All of the new characters in Super look really fun to play as, except Guy of course. I finally unlocked all of the titles and icons the other day. I usually cycle between Vega, Fuerte, Rose, and Viper. Dan is pretty fun to play as too, but right now I'm playing around with Fei. T Hawk and Hakan are going to be great.


I love how I thought they weren't going to rerelease it like the other SF titles, but they did.

Still, I'm excited for SSFIV, partly because my guess with Cody was correct (Along with my brother's guess for Guy), and because the new updates are pretty darn awesome. The fact they brought back my favorite punching bag from the Alpha series back is also enough to make me shell out money for it.
Please note MYL was rushing as he typed this.

Quote from: Cornwad on March 07, 2010, 08:48:27 PM
All of the new characters in Super look really fun to play as, except Guy of course.


Ibuki and Vega are the only ninjas I need thanks. Gen is pretty much Guy but with elderly wisdom instead of whatever Guy has. On the plus side, Guy is American and makes cool faces.

But I seriously can't wait for Hakan. He has to potential to be the best character ever.


I haven't even seen anything on Hakan yet. Mind filling me in?



He looks like that, oils up between fights, comes from Turkey, has moves that differ depending on how much oil he has on, and is going to be officially revealed Wednesday night.


Sounds good so far.

I hope Cammy isn't nerfed in the update. If she is I'll be completely devastated because the main reason I win online is because people don't expect Cammy and I'm freaking amazing with her. Hopefully this update brings people to realize that Ryu, Ken, Zangief, and Sagat need to be played a little less. The game isn't fun when everyone is playing with the same 4 characters. Whatever though, competitive gaming will always be what it is whether its Street Fighter or Smash Bros.


We should have a forum tourney if we can find a few more people. Dudley looks like he's going to be crazy good. Everything connects into an ultra or a few special moves. I'd rather be beat by Dudley than Ryu or Ken though, so I'm not complaining.


Agreed. I'm in if we do.

I'm happy that Dudley's in, but what about Alex? Come on, he's the MAIN character of SF3. I don't get it. He's in Tatsunoko, and that's great, but I'd actually use him in SFIV. Maybe we'll see DLC or another update down the road.


lol Street Fighter

But seriously, I'm looking forward to SSFIV. I didn't get SFIV because it looked so plain and boring. I mean they brought back the entire SF2 cast with only 5 new characters, while SF3 nearly replaced the entire SF2 cast. Anyway, I might be maining Guy, Cody, and Adon (Maybe Deejay) since I used them in the Alpha series.


Quote from: Cornwad on March 07, 2010, 09:11:38 PM
Ibuki and Vega are the only ninjas I need thanks. Gen is pretty much Guy but with elderly wisdom instead of whatever Guy has. On the plus side, Guy is American and makes cool faces.

But I seriously can't wait for Hakan. He has to potential to be the best character ever.

I Like Guy he might've been my favorite nclusion in the Alpha series. Final Fight is such a good series. I hope Haggar, Rolento, and Hugo show up too.


They all have little references. The Final Fight stage kind of looks like Rolento's old stage, has a statue of Haggar in the background, and Hugo is one of the construction workers. And of course Zangief has a Haggar costume, but it isn't the same.

The reason I don't like guy is he just seems boring. I  like characters like Dhalsim and Fuerte that have a lot of personality. Ninjas are cool and all, but Vega is a much better one in my opinion, and Fuerte is more fun for running around fast.


Vega is a pretty-boy that's obsessed with beauty and is french. I'd hardly call Vega a ninja. He uses a ninja weapon, that's it, really.


Quote from: Zero on March 09, 2010, 06:18:03 AM
Vega is a pretty-boy that's obsessed with beauty and is french. I'd hardly call Vega a ninja. He uses a ninja weapon, that's it, really.
Vega is Spanish

I'm probably gonna wait a while to get SSF4, seeing as I waited until Christmas to get SF4. I'm excited about Dudley, I wish there was a few more SF3 characters though, but oh well.

I'm more excited for KOF13 though

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


If you don't give us what we want, we'll nuke you from orbit.