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Your Career Path

Started by Dog Food, March 09, 2010, 09:10:55 PM

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Dog Food

They made us take a test at school around this time last year to determine what career areas are best suited for us. My result was Lawyer, Psychologist, or something in the Communications department.

I like the idea of becoming a Psychologist. I'm taking classes in school, AP next year, and more in college. The brain, the choices people make, and all that really interests me. If I could make a career out of it, and get paid good money, then that'd be awesome.

Anyway, what is your career path? What's your major in college - or if you aren't in college, what are you planning on majoring in?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


In Canada, college is where the losers who want to have to do a single job for the rest of their lives go.  Universities are where the smart people end up.


Geez, i did this in eighth grade.

My results were: Astrophysicist, Air Force fighter pilot (I would want to be one but sadly im too tall.) , Business CEO (I don't really see myself being one but it would be awesome to be one.) , and a Scientific Engineer in BioChemistry and Anatomy

I mainly would have to go with Business CEO because it sounds more reasonable than the others.


It's hard to make a career out of, but i'm really into entertainment. I've been dancing and singing for years, and i've performed at many events around here, and even a cruise ship with some other people in my dance class when I was 14. I'm hoping i'll get back to NYC soon for more opportunities, mabe L.A. since it's closer and i'm more familiar with it.

If I can't get anywhere with that, I have been through beauty school (My moms idea ;_;), so I can cut hair, which is fun, but not my ideal job. I also love psychology, i've taken some classes in school and the local community college and think it's fun to see how the human mind works.


Hopefully going to do something with Biology, as that's my major in University is now. Perhaps go into something like Bio Phychology as the brain interests me as well.


Game Design. Because I'm cool like that.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I'm not sure yet. ;__;
Something related to games would be pretty cool, though.


Quote from: Kingmush on March 09, 2010, 10:27:05 PM
Hopefully going to do something with Biology, as that's my major in University is now. Perhaps go into something like Bio Phychology as the brain interests me as well.
Bio is good poop.

Mine is a mix of Education (Social Studies) and Military.


I took one of those tests.
It didn't give me a range, or a select few, it gave me one.

I felt so... sad...

But I do want to be a Firefighter. Hopefully move up to a Fire Inspector.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


I play Halo 3 professionally for a very good profit.

However I am also going to be taking statistics, accounting, publishing and programming next session. Should be interesting.

I would love to be a negotiator or Any job that will allow me to intrude on people's inner most secrets and manipulate there hearts. Something I am already semi good at if I actually attempt to.


I never took one of those test, but I've always wanted to.

I don't know where I will be in a few years, I've had many ideas, but the ideas tend to change often, but I have a feeling about being a pro dancer, I am very good (or so I am told by everyone), people say I'm good at leading, it's one of the only ideas I've had that is actually fun, and so on.
Dude .


I took one in 8th grade and I think I took one either last year or really early this year...
In 8th grade I got like Law enforcement and Advertising. I was like lolno
Then the more recent one I got Computer Science and there was still a bit of law enforcement. I did look into somewhat of being an "Internet cop"

But after taking computer programming this year, I enjoy the problem solving of issues in code so...I'll probably go along with that. I'll actually voluntarily take out my laptop and finish some school work when I'm bored, it somewhat entertains me, so being paid, hell year.

I might try and figure out how to make a game of sorts that I'd be able to sell and get some money over the summer.


I'm aiming to be a game designer. I've got some ideas nobody has bothered with yet, and I'd like to see them come to fruition.

Quote from: Link. on March 09, 2010, 11:59:33 PM
I would love to be a negotiator or Any job that will allow me to intrude on people's inner most secrets and manipulate there hearts. Something I am already semi good at if I actually attempt to.


I plan on being an English teacher, and the career test I took said I could do anything in the fields of science or media, especially writing.

Some like to call me... the Renaissance man.

"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Quote from: SkyMyl on March 10, 2010, 01:14:50 PM
I'm aiming to be a game designer. I've got some ideas nobody has bothered with yet, and I'd like to see them come to fruition.

Haha, thank you but no. It's more like...

Please resize your pics or put them in spoiler tags if they're this big. Thanks. ~PY

I'm kidding. I am Kira