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Started by Thirdkoopa, March 13, 2010, 06:41:22 PM

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No you don't have to only play these with alcohol. You should see the crazy things a few friends and I did with sour skittles and pepsi.

Anyways in this thread we shall make up drinking games or post some we've had; Even If you don't have friends you can at least contribute to when other's need there boredom cured. I'll start with my one on super mario sunshine;

In ours we had to take some pepsi everytime we lost a life. We entered each "Round" (Each time before a person got a game over) with some type of crazy disadvantage like "No changing camera" And each time you got a 1-up you had to take a handful of sour skittles. Same went for some other disadvantages. Once you lose all your lifes you have to take sour skittles. The sour skittles grow up by 1 each time you break a rule.

What's the problem? You can't go to the bathroom until it's your turn so the other players will try to stay as long as they can.

And feel free to post drinking game experiences.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"

Dog Food

Quote from: Third K on March 13, 2010, 06:41:22 PM
Even If you don't have friends you can at least contribute to when other's need there boredom cured.
I laughed :(

I've played Beer Pong with friends, sometimes with beer and sometimes with a non-alcoholic beverage. I've also played another game at a couple parties, but I can't remember it's name... It's that game where you have to try to flip the cup to land right, and each time you mess up you have to take a drink. It's funny as you watch people get more and more intoxicated attempt to do it right. Especially when they sucked at it to begin with.

Also, chugging. I consider that a drinking game. I've done it with a full liter bottle of Pepsi before, but that's the biggest feat that I've accomplished.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: (K)ilo (J)oules on March 13, 2010, 09:54:22 PM
I've also played another game at a couple parties, but I can't remember it's name... It's that game where you have to try to flip the cup to land right, and each time you mess up you have to take a drink. It's funny as you watch people get more and more intoxicated attempt to do it right. Especially when they sucked at it to begin with.
I'm pretty sure it's called "Flip Cup". lol

I've played Ring of Fire with my cousins, which is a card-based drinking game where you have to do something depending on which card is drawn.


Personally, I've never done any kind of drinking game. Laughed at other people doing it though.

And TK, our talk the other day didn't happen to make you think of this, did it? :P

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


If you don't give us what we want, we'll nuke you from orbit.


Beer pong. *Obvious*

Ring of fire. *Someone already explained it*

*I never, *That's where you say something you have never done and if someone else has done it they drink. We did it with vodka shots, it was a wild night*

I don't know the name but a game where you flick a coin on the table and attempt to make it into a large class, whenever you miss you take a drink.

I'll post more when I remember.


Quote from: Natsu on March 14, 2010, 03:47:53 PM

Have you ever, *That's where you say something you have never done and if someone else has done it they drink. We did it with vodka shots, it was a wild night*

AKA "I Never"
I don't know the name but a game where you flick a coin on the table and attempt to make it into a large class, whenever you miss you take a drink.

Of course beer pong, a card game called circle of death with all kinds of rules I can't remember.  Flippy Cup, the version of which I've always played goes like this:

People split into two teams, at least four people on either side.  Each person has a drink in front of them in a plastic cup.  The first person on each team chugs their drink on "go."  The person puts their cup on the table rim down, with part of the cup hanging off, and attempts to flip the cup upright.  When the cup is upright, the next person chugs their drink and repeats.  The team who's last person finishes first wins.

One of the more elaborate games was at a toga party, and it was "Climb Mount Olympus."  There was a drink or shot for each God, using about 10 of the Gods, i.e.  Ares was Hot Damn!, Hades was Aftershock, and Zues was an Irish Carbomb.  Only another guy and I made it all the way through.

Of course there is Hour of Power and it's older brother The Century Club.  Hour of power is one shout of beer per minute for one hour, and century club is 100 shots in 100 minutes.  Sounds easy, but you'ld be suprised how few can make it through.

One of the simplest is "Higher, Lower, Inbetween."  Three people grab a deck of cards, draw a card and stick it to their head without looking at it.  You try to guess wether your card is higher than the other two, lower, or inbetween.  Take a shot if your wrong.

Shot glass checkers is another good one, but you want to play with something like Pucker if your going to do anything else that night.  Play with whiskey and chances are you'll only be playing one game.

Once a year we would play the Oscars drinking game, were each person guessed catagory winners.  Each catagory was worth a certain number of drinks if you guessed incorrectly.

I also have a game called "What the F*ck," which is a board game were people are read a question with two options.  Everyone tries to guess what their answer would be, and if their wrong, they take 1-3 drinks, depending on the question.  If everyone guesses correctly, the person who answered the question drinks.

Dog Food

Quote from: Natsu on March 14, 2010, 03:47:53 PM
Beer pong. *Obvious*

Ring of fire. *Someone already explained it*

Have you ever, *That's where you say something you have never done and if someone else has done it they drink. We did it with vodka shots, it was a wild night*

I don't know the name but a game where you flick a coin on the table and attempt to make it into a large class, whenever you miss you take a drink.

I'll post more when I remember.
Oh yeah, forgot about those.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: Drizzt on March 14, 2010, 01:00:49 AM
our talk the other day didn't happen to make you think of this, did it?
nope I was already going to post this thread anyways : )

Quote from: BOREDFANBOY on March 14, 2010, 06:10:03 PM
I also have a game called "What the F*ck," which is a board game were people are read a question with two options.  Everyone tries to guess what their answer would be, and if their wrong, they take 1-3 drinks, depending on the question.  If everyone guesses correctly, the person who answered the question drinks.
Holy poop. I'm so going to try this with pepsi when I get back at home.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I remember when I was at a "lock in" at the church I used to go to we played this drinking game, which was a ton of fun.

But we were supervised and we were in a church, so we make real nasty concoctions for drinks that you did not want to drink.

I don't exactly remember the name of the game or how it was played but I'll do my best to describe it, maybe one of you guys know...

Well you played with a deck of cards and each card had it's own rule, like I think one of them is the person, lets say got a 6, the game would continue and at any time that person puts their thumb on the ground, and everyone has to catch on and put their thumb on the ground, last person to catch on would take a shot.
... ugh, that's all I can think of it at the moment, maybe it's enough....I'll edit if I think of something else

Dog Food

Quote from: L10 on March 15, 2010, 11:38:37 AM
I remember when I was at a "lock in" at the church I used to go to we played this drinking game, which was a ton of fun.

But we were supervised and we were in a church, so we make real nasty concoctions for drinks that you did not want to drink.

I don't exactly remember the name of the game or how it was played but I'll do my best to describe it, maybe one of you guys know...

Well you played with a deck of cards and each card had it's own rule, like I think one of them is the person, lets say got a 6, the game would continue and at any time that person puts their thumb on the ground, and everyone has to catch on and put their thumb on the ground, last person to catch on would take a shot.
... ugh, that's all I can think of it at the moment, maybe it's enough....I'll edit if I think of something else
Oh yeah, that game sounds so familiar. But I didn't play it as a drinking game. I think I gambled or something with that game. But I haven't played it in a while, so I don't really remember the rules, either.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Ah... where to start.
Beer Pong.
Flip Cup.
haha... Twister.... :]!

The Riddler

Quote from: K-Cee on March 26, 2010, 01:49:08 AM
Ah... where to start.
Beer Pong.
Flip Cup.
haha... Twister.... :]!
You don't  have to censor.

You can turn censors off too.


seriously? thank god. I'm tired of this poop.

Quote from: L10 on March 15, 2010, 11:38:37 AM
I remember when I was at a "lock in" at the church I used to go to we played this drinking game, which was a ton of fun.

But we were supervised and we were in a church, so we make real nasty concoctions for drinks that you did not want to drink.

I don't exactly remember the name of the game or how it was played but I'll do my best to describe it, maybe one of you guys know...

Well you played with a deck of cards and each card had it's own rule, like I think one of them is the person, lets say got a 6, the game would continue and at any time that person puts their thumb on the ground, and everyone has to catch on and put their thumb on the ground, last person to catch on would take a shot.
... ugh, that's all I can think of it at the moment, maybe it's enough....I'll edit if I think of something else
I loved that game. Used to play that at camp. But it's very interesting when you join in without ever knowing it existed.


A game I quite enjoy is the 24 drinking game :D

In the show 24, Jack Bauer, as you might know, says "Damn it!" A LOT. And the point of the game is that every time he says that, you drink...needless to say...there's a crap load of drinking happening...

Too bad I'm eighteen and we've only used Soda :( Kinda lame but the concept is fun.