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The 'I'm Bored, Must Do Something' Fanfic

Started by Magnum, March 26, 2010, 02:03:16 AM

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The halls were silent. No sound dared enter into the shadows of these walls that held some of the most powerful fighters in the world. Broken as a man strode foreword without a care in the world, supporting himself on a cane. The darkness held his face, as it did his two apprentices that followed him, silent to not disturb him. Near the end, a light crawled into the darkness, as did shouting. At the end, a grand stadium held the crowd that watched on in high spirits as their hero, the great Mario, took on Rawk Hawk in the finals.
This was the third time Rawk Hawk came after Mario for the title that was lost but only a year ago. Anger fueled him and flowed out his eyes as he jumped off the walls in an attempt to body slam Mario. With a quick back flip, Mario was out of harm's way, and already preparing his counter-attack. The power of a nova was concentrated in the center of Mario's hand, but didn't stay long as it connected with Rawk Hawk's abdomen. The overgrown bird fell over, defeated and unconscious.
The crowd roared with delight as Mario raised his title to every side of the stadium, showing off his smile known around the world. Jolene came up to the microphone, screaming in with all her heart, "AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS! MARIO ONCE AGAIN RETAINS THE TITLE AGAINST THE FEARSOME RAWK HAWK! WHO WILL EVER BE ABLE TO STOP HIM! WE'LL FIND OUT NEXT IN THIS GAUNTLET ROUND! AND FOR THOSE JUST JOINING US, TODAY, MARIO AS AGREED TO FIGHT ANYONE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE THAT STEPS INTO THE RING WITH HIM!"
"I'll take that challenge," a voice crackled from the tunnel. The crowd went silent again, as everyone knew that voice. Before long, the evil King Bowser erupted from the challenger's entrance. A terrifying scream blasted from Bowser's mouth and echoed around the arena that housed all the spectators, and his greatest enemy, Mario, who was standing at the ready for his greatest rival.
As the noise from the scream died out, both opponents already had begun their assault. Bowser struck his claws in all places Mario jumped too, as his enemy leaped around in all directions to dodge. A fireball formed in his hand, as he threw it at Bowser. It hit Bowser directly in the face, who fell backwards from the power. Mario wasted no time as he took a flying leap, making a flip in the air.
Just as Bowser had planned, Mario caught on too late. Bowser expected him to jump, and relentlessly shot fire at Mario. Mario let out a small shriek as the fire engulfed him. A gasp escaped the crowd, as Bowser continued breathing fire. A laugh escaped as the fire continued. Hope seemed lost for the hero, until a shadow was seen flying out of the fire. Everyone looked up to the sun to see the shadow in the sun's light. In its hand was a feather. A cape floated behind as the shape looked up to reveal Mario.
The crowd cheered as Bowser let out a disappointing scream. The creature forced himself up, only to be knocked down again, as Mario crashed into his chest. On the ground, Bowser looked up to see Mario preparing a Super Fireball. Bowser let out a stream of fire in vain attempt to stop Mario, as the Super Fireball blasted through all of it and drove Bowser into the ground. X's took the place of Bowser's eyes as he was knocked unconscious.
"AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS! NOT EVEN THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM'S RESIDENT EVIL LORD BOWSER CAN STOP THE GREAT HERO MARIO! IT APPEARS THAT MARIO WILL SURVIVE THE GAUNTLET AND RETAIN THE TITLE, UNLESS SOMEONE COMES UP NOW AND CHALLENGES HIM TO WHAT WILL BE THE FINAL ROUND OF THE DAY!" Jolene yelled as the crowd was pumped up, screaming shouts to their hero, who once again flashed his title at them. Bowser was too heavy to move out of the arena, plus no one felt like going near him, so he was left on the side of the battlefield.
The crowd eventually grew quiet as they stared at the challenger's tunnel, to see if anyone would emerge. Excitement rose, until an old man slowly walked out. A turtle and a blanket walked out behind him. The crowd let out a sign of displease, however let out a breath of anxiety. Before him stood someone who was simply known as 'The Master' and his two apprentices. The cane was all Mario focused as, a determined look on his face.
"I will not be facing you by myself, and I don't expect to have an unbalanced match. Call you're allies to the battle," The Master ordered him. Mario let himself loosen up as he looked up to the stands. He put up two hands and gave a motion to come down, and began to give a small yell. "Luigi!" The crowd looked to where Mario was looking, to see an empty seat. Some of the nearby spectators looked over to see Luigi fast asleep on the floor. A tongue stuck onto his chest as Luigi slowly woke up. Next second, he disappeared into Mario's trusty companion, Yoshi's mouth.
The green dinosaur took a flying leap into the middle of the stadium and spit Luigi into his correct position to the right of Mario, and to the left of Mario was Yoshi. The Mario and Yoshi gave each other a trusting look as they stood in battle position. Meanwhile, Luigi was still wondering what in the world was going on. Until he saw The Master and his two apprentices, Lee and Chan standing in battle position. A scream escaped from Luigi as he stood up and took his battle stance. Battle was but mere moments away.
The Gauntlet Rounds finale had begun. Lee transformed into Luigi quickly and began an assault on Yoshi. They both jumped in the air and let out a flurry of kicks at each other. Chan walked slowly towards Luigi who started to shake a little at his opponent. "You leave yourself too open," Chan commented as he disappeared into his shell and span towards his opponent. Luigi quickly jumped over, but lost sight of Chan. Sensing him behind, Luigi shot off in the other direction as Chan went buzzing by where he had been. This began a chase game where Chan followed after Luigi, who kept shooting off like a torpedo.
However, everyone's attention was on the showdown between The Master and Mario. Mario had pulled out his famous hammer and was connecting blows only to The Master's cane. With each attacking, a sickening thud exploded and shook the arena. The two continued to attack and block until a quick withdrawal from both sides as Leegi (See what I did thar? Luigi + Lee! Yeah I know I suck...) plummeted between both of them. Yoshi landed next to his defeated opponent and let a victory yell out.
"WHAT A BATTLE THIS IS! NEITHER SIDE IS GIVING AN INCH IN THIS DESPERATE STRUGGLE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP! I DON'T THINK ANYONE EXPECTED THE MATCHES TODAY TO BE THIS AMAZING! BUT WHEN YOU HAVE A GREAT CHAMPION AND HERO LIKE MARIO, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!? NOW WHAT DO YOU SAY..." Jolene started, but her sentence was interrupted as an enormously loud blast literally shook the arena. Luigi, Yoshi, Chan, The Master, and Mario all looked up to the sky to see an amazing sight. The sky looked like a sheet of glass. Cracks riddled the sky. They all stared at it with locked on gazes. Moments later, the sky cracked once again. And a thunderous sound shook even the air.
Finally, the sky broke into thousands of tiny shards that rained down onto the crowd. Mario and Luigi quickly acted and started firing Fireballs at everything. The crowd began to flee to safety as Chan and The Master helped all those escape.
Smoke flooded the sky after the flurry of Fireballs that had filled it but only a moment ago. Mario and the rest looked up at the sky, waiting for whatever was next. A dark, deep laughter began to fill the air. What sounded like lightning filled the air. Moments later, a yellow jet shot out of the smoke and hit The Master directly in the chest. The Master fell over, a cold look in his eyes. Luigi let out a shocking scream as Chan ran to his mentor.
"Master! Master?! MASTER!!!!!!" He screamed. He looked towards the smoke before he charged into it. Moments after his disappeared, he fell once again, his body smoking from what didn't look to be Mario and Luigi's leftover attacks. Now, finally, the dust settled. In the sky stood a strange man. His skin was dark; his hair was red, black and purple armor, a crimson cape, and that same evil laughter from before.
Mario didn't wait an instance. His blood was boiling, but that wasn't the only thing. In both his fists were Super Fireballs ready to make contact. The true final battle of the day was about to begin.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change