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I just lost my job...

Started by MoS, March 26, 2010, 04:41:22 AM

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I don't know if this is the right place, but I just need to vent.

I don't work a very good job, I make barely more than minimum wage at a gas station down the street from me. I've been working there for almost a year and we've gone through 3 different managers while i've been there. We recently got this snaggletooth walrus of a woman as our new manager. In addition our district manager has been there every day for the past month, and he is a real poop hole, but this new manager seemed like such a nice lady at first. I talked to her about changing my schedule and she seemed really understanding, and everyone else at the store says how nice she is.

Generally, I do just about everything at the store, but mainly I'm there to put away and stock the shipments that come in, so I can't just stand in front of a register all day and pretend to be busy. Well this morning the guy who was supposed to be on the register was running late, so third shift couldn't leave until he got there to take over. He got there at 6:15, I had been there since 5:45, and by then I had filled all the coffee pots, stocked all the coffee related poop, wiped down everything and faced and fronted the store, A job which takes other lazy intercourse s like 2 hours, so I go into the back, to look at the schedule, I had not been standing there not more than  3 seconds, when the manager comes around and tells me to get to work, and has the audacity to accuse me of time theft. Everyone who smokes (Including her) takes about 5 to 6 smoke breaks a day, which I would estimate total as about a 45 minute break total. I don't smoke, so I don't even get a break, not even to eat lunch.

So naturally (I think) I got extremely mad off. I'm not one to be so quick to anger, I'm actually pretty mellow, so to get me that riled up takes a lot. She was right in front of my face, so I politely asked her to please walk away from me, I wanted to diffuse the situation before I made an outburst, and I needed to cool down, but no. She stood there and replied with "What did you just say to me?" (Another annoying phrase, because she knew what I said.) At that point I explained that I was about to get extremely angry. At that point she told me to go home (Not in the nice kind of way). I didn't yell or scream, I went and clocked out, slammed a few things and threw open the doors and left.

I don't think I was fired, but I won't be going back. I can't work in a place like that anymore. I'm not going to bust my ass all day and get yelled at for something like that, and I am certainly not going to let someone accuse me of time theft.

Do you think I was right to be angry?


Well, on one hand, it could have been a misunderstanding on her part. She probably didn't know how long you'd been back there. On the other hand, she did overreact to a fairly simple situation. Sounds like it's good you're out of there anyways.


yeah, the only problem with that is she was on the floor the whole time, it's not a big store, she could see me working, I don't know what her deal was.


I'd say you were definitely right to be angry. By all means, tell supervisors/managers/etc that you need your space. But by the sounds of it, it seems you may have just said it in a tone you may not have meant - which would be the issue. She likely overreacted, and you likely didn't communicate very well. Sometimes, you really need to "blow your own horn" so people can actually notice what you have accomplished.


Quote from: King Richard on March 26, 2010, 09:14:43 AM
I'd say you were definitely right to be angry. By all means, tell supervisors/managers/etc that you need your space. But by the sounds of it, it seems you may have just said it in a tone you may not have meant - which would be the issue. She likely overreacted, and you likely didn't communicate very well. Sometimes, you really need to "blow your own horn" so people can actually notice what you have accomplished.
This. Right on target. She's a new manager; She needs to know how long you've actually worked there. And she seems outright, so she def deserves at least a somewhat higher tone.

Oh well. It seems like it's a good thing you were out of there anyways; Good luck in the future with finding a new job.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"