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The Sound of Silence

Started by Dog Food, March 27, 2010, 06:16:43 AM

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>Let's discuss things civilly
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

The Riddler

Quote from: Light on March 28, 2010, 01:28:19 PM
>Let's discuss things civilly
>"Do you have a weakness?"

Dog Food

Quote from: Light on March 28, 2010, 01:28:19 PM
>Let's discuss things civilly
"H-How about we discuss things civilly?" you ask, trying not to choke with his foot against your neck. As soon as you say that, he releases you and helps you up.

"Jolly good," The Silencer replies. "I'm sure you have many questions. I will allow you to ask one before we begin."

Quote>"Do you have a weakness?"
"Uh, do you have a weakness, by any chance?" you ask, grinning nervously.

"No," he replies curtly and you hang your head.

Suddenly, you feel something slip by your butt cheeks, and a small noise like a whistle is released. You turn red and wide-eyed while The Silencer turns away in contempt.

"Ah, uh, well... That was... You see... I have this condition..."

"That's quite alright," The Silencer replies and your voice fades away. You are still as red as a tomato, but at least you've finally agreed to talk things out with this random stranger.

"Now that you have decided to discuss things civilly, let us discuss things civilly."

"Uh, okay."

"You have lost your memory, I can help you retrieve it. Your memory was lost within each different world that you passed during your time warp that you-"

"Wait, what? Time warp? Different worlds? Huh?"

"Please, silence. It is my favorite sound, after all," The Silencer said with a small smile. He then continued, "So, you must travel back to each world in order to piece your memory together."

"But I have amnesia, don't I? Won't my memory just... come back to me?"

"Unfortunately no. Your memory has been lost in time, not temporarily dismissed."

"...So I have to go to places and pick up my lost memories...?"


"Right... So, how would one go about doing that?" So many strange things have happened, that you are willing to believe this man. Besides, what else is there to do? Walk around in the blank whiteness listening to nothing but the sound of silence? Nope, might as well take on this strange quest.

"Your memory is not completely gone. You may have found yourself doing strange things from time to time, or doing something that triggered a memory that was not there, so you were left with a familiar empty space in your brain. If that has ever happened, your watch would have picked up on it. Ah yes, looking at your watch I can see exactly which world you must go to first. I will transport you there. The rest you will have to figure out on your own."


"Excellent. Good bye then, remember the importance of your watch, dear Hero." The Silencer takes a step back and hops onto his little brown stool. He looks like a floating head with a long white beard. Then his hands slip out from his robe, and a white staff slips out next. The staff has a large crystal at the end of it, about the size of your palm. He mutters a few choice words and the crystal begins to glow. It gets bigger and bigger, suddenly becoming its own black hole. You stifle a scream, but your eyes are wide in horror.

And then, you are sucked into it, you scream and try to grab onto anything you can but it is too late and you are gone.

In the next moment, you are falling. Everything is a blur, but you can see colors again. It's a blur of colors! It makes you so happy that you begin to tear up in joy. Finally, you have come to a normal place. Maybe... maybe it's home? Maybe all that really was just a dream? But instead of hitting ground, some sort of flying ship swoops down and grabs you. You land with a thud on its wing.

"Aw crap," you mutter. Apparently more weirdness is about to ensue. You sigh and look over to see who is controlling the plane. You groan and slap yourself in the face. A intercourse ing blue bird is controlling the plane. A bird, a intercourse ing animal with wings, is controlling a plane. What the intercourse ?

Oh well, this must be the place to get your memory. Wherever you are. But what's supposed to happen next?

What do?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


convince the bird to do a barrel roll

Dog Food

Quote from: So_So_Man on March 28, 2010, 04:44:49 PM
convince the bird to do a barrel roll
You clutch the wing of the arwing very tightly, as you could fall off at any moment. Suddenly, you hear a noise behind you. When you turn around, red lazor things are being fired at you! "Holy poop!" you cry out, ducking as the red beam flies close to your face. "Open fire! Quick, do a barrel roll!" The bird glances at you waving your hands and shouting at him, and pointing animatedly at the red arwings chasing after the arwing that you are on. He rolls his eyes, makes a sharp turn and does a few spins on his plane to deflect the shots.

You, on the other hand, are propelled from the ship. "Craaaaaaap!" you shout as you fall. Thankfully, another one of the blue arwings grabs you. This time it's a green toad flying the ship. "And I thought it couldn't get any weirder," you mumble. But you are still thankful for being saved and cling gratefully to the wing of the plane.

But, now what?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.



Dude .

Dog Food

Quote from: So_So_Man on March 28, 2010, 07:04:56 PM
enter the arwing
You knock on the glass, shouting at the toad to let you in. The large amphibian just stares at you with a quizzical look on its face, then begins to slow down and descend. When it is going slow enough to open the cockpit, it does so.

"What?" the animal yelled out at you over the wind. You two are flying above water now, a fight still going on above.

"Uh, could you... let me in?" you ask, a little annoyed that this toad-frog-thing didn't offer earlier.

"What happened to your plane?" it asked.

"I don't... I just..."

"If you can give me the coordinates, I'll repair it in no time!" the toad's voice is very annoying and you grimace every time it speaks. "I'm Slippy!"

"Uh, hi. I'm-"

"Hop in!" Slippy suddenly shouts urgently, and you comply. Slippy then closes the cockpit and dodges the giant rock that they were about to fly into. "Whew, that was a close one!"

Quote from: JrDude ♦ on March 28, 2010, 11:47:58 PM
> Dissect Frog
You feel your headache coming back. This frog's voice is so insanely annoying. It makes you angry just looking at its green, warty face. The next time it opens its mouth, you vow you'll kill it. You slip your keys out of your pocket and stare at the frog... waiting. And then you see your chance. Slippy's mouth begins to open and form a word, and you jump forward with a battle cry. You take the key and stab it into the back of Slippy's head. Slippy squeals in pain, but you dig the key and bring it down, successfully dissecting him.

"Good riddance, you intercourse ing worthless piece of crap," you growl. The remains of Slippy are on the ground, the arwing has lost it's controller, and you start to shake at the realization that you just killed... something. You aren't going to lie to yourself, though, you don't feel like you committed murder or anything, since all you did was dissect a frog. But it was a talking frog, so it did make you feel kind of bad. Maybe doing too many things like that isn't exactly a good thing?

You are alone in the plane, what now?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Use precise firing to force the other arwings to land



>fly arwing
>Magically learn how to use controls perfectly
>shoot smash ball that appears out of nowhere and use FINAL SMASH
Dude .

The Riddler

>Watch. Map. Forget everything else for a moment.


>Check to see if there's a spare towel to use

Dog Food

Quote from: So_So_Man on March 29, 2010, 01:39:37 PM
Use precise firing to force the other arwings to land
Quote>fly arwing
You attempt to fly the arwing so you can force the other arwings to land, but it's much more difficult than you first anticipated. You are able to steer it steadily above the water and are able to turn it in case something blocks your path, but trepidation settles in and you don't dare do any more. You actually value your life.

Quote>Watch. Map. Forget everything else for a moment.
You decide it's best to consult the map on your watch, then decide what to do. You bring up the options and click on 'Map'. It quickly analyzes the area around you, and then a little hologram pops up. You can see clearly everything on the map and you breath out a gasp of admiration. According to your map, you are flying over the ocean towards a place called Corneria, and the red arwings behind you are gaining. There are also blue arwings who seem to be attempted to drive the red ones away from the city - which must be only about twenty miles away from you. The way your arwing is moving, you could reach Corneria in about twenty minutes if you didn't touch the controls at all.

Quote>Check to see if there's a spare towel to use
While you are waiting, you decide to clean up the mess that you made of Slippy. There is a little bit of guilt still, since the little guy helped you so much when you were about to die. Oh well, you shrug it off. It is only a toad, after all. And toads aren't human. You find a spare towel in the back of the ship and begin to mop up the bloody remains. Once you are done, you let the rest of Slippy fall out of the escape hatch in the ship. You see the splash of his body landing in the water before flying out of sight.

"Good riddance, Slippy," you mumble solemnly.

Now what?
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.



>Shoot the next person who tells you to do a barrel roll
>Realize that "red arwings" are called "Wolfen"
>Use communicator to contact other friendly Arwing
Dude .