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Crimson Skies

Started by Magnum, March 27, 2010, 05:54:40 PM

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What is a man when all choose is taken from him? What is life without rights? What would you do if everything that ever meant something was taken?

Drazgon is a dangerous place. Within the deadly mountains to the north, the raging sea to the east, the ferocious planes to the south, there lays a country to the west. The kingdom is called 'Raz' and is the last human foothold on Drazgon.

But all is not peaceful in Drazgon. The government has issued a Civil Control, where the population is watched. Nothing is done without their consent. They call themselves 'The Pristine'. Without them, the populous fears, they wouldn't last more than a week.

There are many fractions that are after The Pristine. One big one is 'Knaughty'. This is one of the most dangerous, and more of a gang than a resistance.

Another, Preven, seeks to gain independency from this system through diplomatic means. But they aren't afraid to muscle for things they want.

And the final big one is Omex. They have gone as far to leave the city and make a life in the mountains. The Pristine tries to govern them, but with little luck. You don't hear much about them, but people have come to fear them as much as the creatures that inhabit the Wildlands.

That is where the big problem is. The thing that keeps everyone in check. Fear. In the Wildlands, there are monsters no one has ever lived to talk about. One that fears most people are the shape shifters, with the ability to imitate us. No one has seen a shape shifters true form and lived, except the leader of The Pristine, who made an escape from one. A close second is the Mind Flayers, a monster with a squid like head that can control any sentient life.

But the true terror comes from Dragon, which Drazgon was named after. These all-powerful beings could wipe out humanity in an instant, but instead decide to play with us. They are capable of bestowing amazing abilities onto anyone who is deems worthy. These people are called 'Tainted'. Within them flows the power of Dragons. Many commit suicide the moment it happens, but other use this power. It is unknown what happens, or if there is any side-effects beside power. Unlimited power.

There is a constant search for Tainted, and I, Fral, lead them. The Cleanse is a group from The Pristine that searches and kills and Tainted. Right now, I am closing in on one of them. But this is just the prologue to this story, in which not even I am the main player. Will you join me on the quest of your life?


Alright, this is a simple RP I made mostly to hold time until The Bird is able to be on more. Simply story crap. Blah Blah Blah, governments are ninnyes. You're gonna have to join something also. Whether is be The Prestine or Resistence, or maybe even sit on the sidelines. It's all up to you. Onto character sheets.

Fraction: (The Pristine, Knaughty, Omex, Preven, Other)
Main Weapon:


This can start once we get a few people. I won't be doing anything special until everyone gets comfortable, so have fun.  :D

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


[spoiler]Name: Fral Ingen
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: [spoiler][/spoiler]
Fraction: The Pristine
Main Weapon: Long Sword givin to him upon begin promoted.
Background: Fral was born into a line of 'Royal Soldiers'. A family line that is dedicated to being protectors of The Pristine and everyone that was under their care. Because of it, they are retired at early ages and live in great wealth. The Ingen is one of the most trusted names and almost celebrity status with the civilians and other Royal Soldiers. Fral was already a soldier at 14, became a General at 19, and was promoted to lead The Cleanse, a special ops group, at 21.
Other: He is currently hunting down a mass murderer named "Black Heart" who is a Tainted. He is closing in on the man.[/spoiler]

Quote from: So_So_Man on March 27, 2010, 06:08:59 PM
Name: Roger Lastname
Age: 21
Gender: M
Appearance: wears a long, brown coat, goggles, and clothes that are hidden by the coat.  Also, white and about 6 feet tall.
Fraction: 1/4
Main Weapon: A pistol with one magazine left, and a longsword
Background: He used to live in a different universe where he would fly around in airplanes and rebelliously blow up zeppelins, but after a freak airplane accident he wound up in this universe.

Other: Good at fighting, but somehow manages to get beaten up most of the time

Quote from: Night the Lucario on March 27, 2010, 07:00:15 PM
Name: Tsunami Wyldfluer(Wild-Flower)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: His natural skin colour is white, though it tends to be difficult to make out considering the layers of dirt covering the youth. He mostly wears browns and earth-tones, although for festive occasions he can be seen, freshly washed, in a light blue tunic with dark blue, almost black, trousers. Both items have a distinctive wave pattern on them, and his normal clothes are usually covered in embroidery made to look like leaves and flowers. He stands at about five feet six inches.

Fraction: Omex

Main Weapon: He wields a staff carved of heart-of-oak(the heart of an oak tree, and it's strongest part besides it's roots), along with a spear carefully sharpened, that, in the right light, has a vaguely blueish tint.

Background: Abandoned as an infant outside of the city, Tsunami was found, raised, and named by the Omex. Raised to their beliefs, Tsunami all but worships the ground he walks upon, treating every step on solid ground as if it was a gift to be cherished. His staff was gifted to him by the elder, on the day he was told to leave the mountains and to find life elsewhere. He is still unsure why.

Other: Tsunami is more than a little naive, and he's more inclined to get himself badly hurt by saying something stupid than anything else. Of course, as with all naive people, often he has bouts(infrequent though they may be) of sheer ingenuity.

Quote from: AcerChris on March 29, 2010, 03:50:18 PM
Name: Arnestov LuVocnear
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: His skin color is a darker tan color, and tends to stand of the people in the Northern Land. He also stands taller than most of the people at a height of 6'5.5". He has dark Brown, almost black hair, and has Artic Blue Eyes. He is dressed in a blue and black robe with the Andorian Republic Emblem on it.

Fraction: Other: (Andorian Republic)

Main Weapon: Rare Katana made by his grandfather before the Great Takeover, and these two gloves with rare crystals in him so he can use his Aura power his Katana and his senses to a very high level. (Katana of the Elder Ancestor. Gloves of the Inner Spirit).

Background: Arnestov was born in a wealthy family 10 years before the Great Takeover. He was selected on the calendar of the Alpha Guardian to become a Light Knight. 10 years later, Levarian Thugs came into his home and assassinated his parents and took all the wealth away from him and his parents. He woke up the next morning and was set into a sad/grieving mood because of his parent's assassination. 6 years later, under close watch of The High Priest of the Andorian Republic, Arnestov was then given the two Weapons he possess today. He was given the opportunity to become the White Knight of the Andorian Republic, and he accepted. Along with being the white knight, he was the guardian of the High Chancellor of the Andorian Republic. He made a vow to overtake the Levarian Continental Kingdom, and put a stop to their thugish skeems for good.

Other: Arnestov's attitude phase changed after his parents were murdered. He is know the kind of person who will hunt down the killers for eternity. With his power to convert his aura into usable energy, he can use it as a psychic power to spot the location of his foes. Along with being the white knight of the Andorian Republic, he is also a powerful Auramancer 


Quote from: Modern Nomad on March 30, 2010, 06:30:51 PM
Name: Nethralis Necrethein

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Appearance: Although Old has kept his young appearence do to the overwhelming power of blood that courses through his veins. His hair is long and wavy and he is blond. skin color is pale. He has some muscle and strong legs.

Fraction: The blood users of the northern reaches.

Main Weapon: a basterd sword that sucks his own blood to gain power.

Background: As soon as Nethralis was 6 his parents cast him to train when he was 13 he had earned the right to wield the basic weapon of his people the blood sword's. when he was 18 he was pitted up against his parent's in a battle to the deathhe emerged victorius although he did not kill them he was cast out of his lands and called a cowerd amongst his people so for the last 37 years he has been a wandering sell sword and wold only work alone as to hid what he was to the outside world.

Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on March 29, 2010, 06:33:59 PM
Name: Dr. Zigmor
Age: 32
Sex: Once in Guatemala and now it stings when I pee Male
Appearance: A man in a blood stained lab coat and a solid beard on his chin.
Fraction: His own
Main Weapon: A machete
Background: He's a mad man...and a hobo.
Other: He'll cut you open and enhance your body...for a price...and it's not always successful...or in need of your consent.

Whatever the EFFFF Allegretto is calling himself
Quote from: Schemer on March 29, 2010, 03:27:57 PM
Name: Gazille
Age: ?
Gender: M

Fraction: Knaughty
Main Weapon: His fists.
Background: Gazille was raised on the streets, eventually he joined Knaughty, he sought after power and after a countless number of cruel and heartless acts later he was granted the power of Dragonslayer abilities. He can eat iron and other metals to restore his stamina and strengthen his body to the durability of it as well. Once he does this ability the part of his body he strengthens appearance changes to Iron scales.

*You didn't answer my text, is this okay Jim*

Quote from: SPUD on March 30, 2010, 06:54:57 PM
Oh hey, leaving this post here. I'll edit in my bio later. D:
Name: Erthlid Suffio
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has light skin that doesn't see the sun much. Facial features include clean shaven, short nose, and aqua-coloured eyes. He has chestnut brown hair that reaches his shoulders and wears blue linen pants, and a red shirt with a black vest. Not much muscle mass can be seen although he is very agile.
F(r)action: Sudomaki
Main Weapon: Dual wields daggers. Left hand used for parrying and right hand used mainly for attacking.
Background: Was born as what others see as skilled although he sees himself as an average guy. His parents nagged him as a child to train regularly but he ignored them and currently isn't as skilled as he could be. As the nagging increased, he got more aggravated and eventually left home to train at his own pace.
Other: Tends to be lazy and ignore important facts although when he applies himself, he can accomplish great things.


Grammur Nazi
Quote from: Light on April 03, 2010, 01:19:39 AM
Name: Harver

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: You don't know by now? :U Average stature, red hair, blue eyes, caucasian. Wears a black cloak with a red sash, along with black slacks. He also dons a black fedora.

Faction: Preven

Main Weapon: Katana

Background: Harver is a wanderer. Up until now, he has never stayed in one place for more than a few years, usually moving at intervals of six months. Since his parents' deaths when he was 14, he has lived life on his own and has relied on his intelligence and sword to get on by. However, after reaching this new kingdom and the problems that have surfaced within, he has decided to take matters into his own hands, attempt to gain the peoples' trust, and grant them their independence.

Other: He tries to be serious most of the time, but isn't afraid to have a good laugh. He's a bit weary of new people at first, but generally warms up to those who could be friends or allies.))


Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Name: Roger Lastname
Age: 21
Gender: M
Appearance: wears a long, brown coat, goggles, and clothes that are hidden by the coat.  Also, white and about 6 feet tall.
Fraction: 1/4
Main Weapon: A pistol with one magazine left (12 bullets in the magazine), and a longsword
Background: He used to live in a different universe where he would fly around in airplanes and rebelliously blow up zeppelins, but after a freak airplane accident he wound up in this universe.

Other: Good at fighting, but somehow manages to get beaten up most of the time


Quote from: So_So_Man on March 27, 2010, 06:08:59 PM
Name: Roger Lastname
Age: 21
Gender: M
Appearance: wears a long, brown coat, goggles, and clothes that are hidden by the coat.  Also, white and about 6 feet tall.
Fraction: 1/4
Main Weapon: A pistol with one magazine left, and a longsword
Background: He used to live in a different universe where he would fly around in airplanes and rebelliously blow up zeppelins, but after a freak airplane accident he wound up in this universe.

Other: Good at fighting, but somehow manages to get beaten up most of the time
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I like it =3

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Night the Lucario

Name: Tsunami Wyldfluer(Wild-Flower)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: His natural skin colour is white, though it tends to be difficult to make out considering the layers of dirt covering the youth. He mostly wears browns and earth-tones, although for festive occasions he can be seen, freshly washed, in a light blue tunic with dark blue, almost black, trousers. Both items have a distinctive wave pattern on them, and his normal clothes are usually covered in embroidery made to look like leaves and flowers. He stands at about five feet six inches.

Fraction: Omex

Main Weapon: He wields a staff carved of heart-of-oak(the heart of an oak tree, and it's strongest part besides it's roots), along with a spearhead carefully sharpened, that, in the right light, has a vaguely blueish tint. When not using the staff as a spear, he wears the spearhead on a string of tendon around his neck.

Background: Abandoned as an infant outside of the city, Tsunami was found, raised, and named by the Omex. Raised to their beliefs, Tsunami all but worships the ground he walks upon, treating every step on solid ground as if it was a gift to be cherished. His staff was gifted to him by the elder, on the day he was told to leave the mountains and to find life elsewhere. He is still unsure why.

Other: Tsunami is more than a little naive, and he's more inclined to get himself badly hurt by saying something stupid than anything else. Of course, as with all naive people, often he has bouts(infrequent though they may be) of sheer ingenuity.

...Is there anything here I need to change, or fix?
When one lives by the pen, one dies by the angry characters you misused. But it's too much fun not to!
Forsooth, I AM insane! FEAR ME, YE MORTALS, OR DESPAIR AT MY INSANITY! *insane cackling*
Ahem. Anyone have an RP? I need an outlet for my randomness. ;D
Think another thought, dream another dream, live another lie.
I'm writing poetry. Anyone have a request?
I'm Night the Lucario. Although that should be obvious. Just look at the sig. Or title and PT.


Quote from: Night the Lucario on March 27, 2010, 07:00:15 PM
Name: Tsunami Wyldfluer(Wild-Flower)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: His natural skin colour is white, though it tends to be difficult to make out considering the layers of dirt covering the youth. He mostly wears browns and earth-tones, although for festive occasions he can be seen, freshly washed, in a light blue tunic with dark blue, almost black, trousers. Both items have a distinctive wave pattern on them, and his normal clothes are usually covered in embroidery made to look like leaves and flowers. He stands at about five feet six inches.

Fraction: Omex

Main Weapon: He wields a staff carved of heart-of-oak(the heart of an oak tree, and it's strongest part besides it's roots), along with a spear carefully sharpened, that, in the right light, has a vaguely blueish tint.

Background: Abandoned as an infant outside of the city, Tsunami was found, raised, and named by the Omex. Raised to their beliefs, Tsunami all but worships the ground he walks upon, treating every step on solid ground as if it was a gift to be cherished. His staff was gifted to him by the elder, on the day he was told to leave the mountains and to find life elsewhere. He is still unsure why.

Other: Tsunami is more than a little naive, and he's more inclined to get himself badly hurt by saying something stupid than anything else. Of course, as with all naive people, often he has bouts(infrequent though they may be) of sheer ingenuity.

...Is there anything here I need to change, or fix?
It's fine. I was hoping you would join after I read your sig  =)

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


hey, NoL, why not make it a staff with an attachable spearhead?


I would like to get 1 or 2 more people before starting this if anyone wants to join on.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


What is this thread about?

I know it's a RP thread but what is it based off of?


Quote from: AcerChris on March 29, 2010, 03:16:38 PM
What is this thread about?

I know it's a RP thread but what is it based off of?
Nothing. Random stuff that fell out of my ears.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Name: Gazille
Age: ?
Gender: M

Fraction: Knaughty
Main Weapon: His fists.
Background: Gazille was raised on the streets, eventually he joined Knaughty, he sought after power and after a countless number of cruel and heartless acts later he was granted the power of Dragonslayer abilities. He can eat iron and other metals to restore his stamina and strengthen his body to the durability of it as well. Once he does this ability the part of his body he strengthens appearance changes to Iron scales.

*You didn't answer my text, is this okay Jim*


Name: Arnestov LuVocnear
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: His skin color is a darker tan color, and tends to stand of the people in the Northern Land. He also stands taller than most of the people at a height of 6'5.5". He has dark Brown, almost black hair, and has Artic Blue Eyes. He is dressed in a blue and black robe with the Andorian Republic Emblem on it.

Fraction: Other: (Estonavian)

Main Weapon: Rare Katana made by his grandfather before the Great Takeover, and these two gloves with rare crystals in him so he can use his Aura power his Katana and his senses to a very high level. (Katana of the Elder Ancestor. Gloves of the Inner Spirit).

Background: Arnestov was born in a wealthy family 10 years before the Great Takeover. He was selected on the calendar of the Alpha Guardian to become a Light Knight. 10 years later, Levarian Thugs came into his home and assassinated his parents and took all the wealth away from him and his parents. He woke up the next morning and was set into a sad/grieving mood because of his parent's assassination. 6 years later, under close watch of The High Priest of the Estonavia, Arnestov was then given the two Weapons he possess today. He was given the opportunity to become the White Knight of the Estonavia, and he accepted. Along with being the white knight, he was the guardian of the High Chancellor of the Estonavia. He made a vow to overtake the Levarian Continental Kingdom, and put a stop to their thugish skeems for good.

Other: Arnestov's attitude phase changed after his parents were murdered. He is know the kind of person who will hunt down the killers for eternity. With his power to convert his aura into usable energy, he can use it as a psychic power to spot the location of his foes. Along with being the white knight of the Estonavia, he is also a powerful Auramancer with his ability used on his katana. 



Quote from: AcerChris on March 29, 2010, 03:50:18 PM
Name: Arnestov LuVocnear
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: His skin color is a darker tan color, and tends to stand of the people in the Northern Land. He also stands taller than most of the people at a height of 6'5.5". He has dark Brown, almost black hair, and has Artic Blue eyes. He wears jeans with a blue and black sweatshirt. He also has sleek sunglasses that are pitch black.

Fraction: Other: (Umerian Grabarcr)

Main Weapon: Uses a small gun that shoots this Proton Synthesizer Coil (PSC) at it's target. When it hits the target, the atoms in and around the target rapidly change and start to move fast creating a small radioactive field around the target from the decaying Neutrons cause by the rapid growth in Protons and rapid decceleration of electrons, desintergrating it seconds later from dangerous heat. Target faces a slow and painful death.

Background: Was born in an average family with very loving parents. He was the only child and was cherished like a Sapphire jewel by his parents. When he reached the age of 16, going into highschool, his parents went on a trip and faced a terrible trajedy when their private plane was struck by a non authorized, non military, ray that split the aircraft in two. Arnestov then became enraged because he knew who would do the certain act: His evil uncle, who always plotted against his parents. He trained in the arts of Martial Arts, learned how to build weapons and learned extreme battle tactics and techniques. Arnestov is now a Hitman, chasing after his Uncle and currently is involved in the military Special Ops to track down terrorists. Is also a Weaponry scientist and created his weapon the PSC, and is considered one of the most lethal weapons in the world.

Other: Arnestov is the kind of person who if you do something to his close friends or family, he will hunt you down, and kill you in the most pain, and the slowest way possible. He is very emotional about his lose when he was a child and continues to live by that vow for the rest of his life. He is considered a Dark Knight because of his acts of killing and because of his acts engaged to destroy his uncle for good.   
Uh... yeah that's a little bit more tech than I think I let on to have.
A Disintegration Ray
Super Beam

I know I didn't make this in text but this is more medieval. I allowed So_So_Man a gun because it only had one magazine and it was different. This is completely in left field. I hate to say it, but you're going to have to change this a bit. I love how you got into the science of it to justify, but still...

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Well you said random RP.  :|


realized that I should probably specify the amount of bullets in the magazine