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Crimson Skies

Started by Magnum, March 27, 2010, 05:54:40 PM

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Night the Lucario

Quote from: So_So_Man on March 27, 2010, 07:33:49 PM
hey, NoL, why not make it a staff with an attachable spearhead?

...Actually, this is a good idea. And it works. ...It's also the kind of thing that wouldn't have occurred to me. Oh, and he can wear the spear head as something like an amulet! Yes! It works! I'll fix it momentarily. Thanks, SSM!
When one lives by the pen, one dies by the angry characters you misused. But it's too much fun not to!
Forsooth, I AM insane! FEAR ME, YE MORTALS, OR DESPAIR AT MY INSANITY! *insane cackling*
Ahem. Anyone have an RP? I need an outlet for my randomness. ;D
Think another thought, dream another dream, live another lie.
I'm writing poetry. Anyone have a request?
I'm Night the Lucario. Although that should be obvious. Just look at the sig. Or title and PT.


Quote from: Night the Lucario on March 29, 2010, 04:36:35 PM
...Actually, this is a good idea. And it works. ...It's also the kind of thing that wouldn't have occurred to me. Oh, and he can wear the spear head as something like an amulet! Yes! It works! I'll fix it momentarily. Thanks, SSM!
np, just seemed like the next logical step.  It also seemed a little odd that your character was carrying two walking sticks of varying deadliness


Name: Dr. Zigmor
Age: 32
Sex: Once in Guatemala and now it stings when I pee Male
Appearance: A man in a blood stained lab coat and a solid beard on his chin.
Fraction: His own
Main Weapon: A machete
Background: He's a mad man...and a hobo.
Other: He'll cut you open and enhance your body...for a price...and it's not always successful...or in need of your consent.

Modern Nomad

Name: Nethralis Necrethein

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Appearance: Although Old has kept his young appearence do to the overwhelming power of blood that courses through his veins. His hair is long and wavy and he is blond. skin color is pale. He has some muscle and strong legs.

Fraction: The blood users of the northern reaches.

Main Weapon: a basterd sword that sucks his own blood to gain power.

Background: As soon as Nethralis was 6 his parents cast him to train when he was 13 he had earned the right to wield the basic weapon of his people the blood sword's. when he was 18 he was pitted up against his parent's in a battle to the deathhe emerged victorius although he did not kill them he was cast out of his lands and called a cowerd amongst his people so for the last 37 years he has been a wandering sell sword and wold only work alone as to hid what he was to the outside world.

Other: This class allows Netralis to take damage and the blood flows around him constantly untill he has some time to use his ability to merg the blood of his enemys with the power of his blood and heal his wounds. Although this seems like a god class the truth is that to much blood lost will kill him instantly if he is not to careful.
systems killed so far:
1 gameboy
1 gameboy color
2 gameboy advance
2 gameboy advance sp
1 nintendo ds
1 Pc
1 Xbox 360 (This one made me cry till it got fixed, thankfully)
1 Nes
and finaly 1 N64


Oh hey, leaving this post here. I'll edit in my bio later. D:
Name: Erthlid Suffio
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Has light skin that doesn't see the sun much. Facial features include clean shaven, short nose, and aqua-coloured eyes. He has chestnut brown hair that reaches his shoulders and wears blue linen pants, and a red shirt with a black vest. Not much muscle mass can be seen although he is very agile.
F(r)action: Sudomaki
Main Weapon: Dual wields daggers. Left hand used for parrying and right hand used mainly for attacking.
Background: Was born as what others see as skilled although he sees himself as an average guy. His parents nagged him as a child to train regularly but he ignored them and currently isn't as skilled as he could be. As the nagging increased, he got more aggravated and eventually left home to train at his own pace.
Other: Tends to be lazy and ignore important facts although when he applies himself, he can accomplish great things.



I believe you mean faction as opposed to fraction. :U

Name: Harver

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: You don't know by now? :U Average stature, red hair, blue eyes, caucasian. Wears a black cloak with a red sash, along with black slacks. He also dons a black fedora.

Faction: Preven

Main Weapon: Katana

Background: Harver is a wanderer. Up until now, he has never stayed in one place for more than a few years, usually moving at intervals of six months. Since his parents' deaths when he was 14, he has lived life on his own and has relied on his intelligence and sword to get on by. However, after reaching this new kingdom and the problems that have surfaced within, he has decided to take matters into his own hands, attempt to gain the peoples' trust, and grant them their independence.

Other: He tries to be serious most of the time, but isn't afraid to have a good laugh. He's a bit weary of new people at first, but generally warms up to those who could be friends or allies.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Shut up Grammur Nazi  >:(

Also, WE START NOW!!!!!


Fral walked down a dark alleyway, the sound of armor clanking behind him. A broken down door was taunting him on the left. He put his hand on the hilt of his sword and advanced in at a breezy pace.
Nothing was inside. Alive, that is. A hunk of blood and an assortment of body pieces lay wasted in the corner. The smell was enough to make Fral immediately throw up at the site. He attempted to contain it, but it spilled across the floor quickly. He knew this family.
A young girl with golden pigtails that always had a smile.
A loving father who took care of the girl after his wife passed away. Never a kinder person.
A senile grandfather who always went out of his way to make sure others were happy.
Now, just a pile of flesh. Never to smile at the world again. "Black Heart..." Fral said as a tear fell down his face. The other knights came in and started to search the place, with a group of medics taking care of the bodies the best they could.
"Take care of this mess! And report back to HQ immediately. Find any clues. I'm off to gather witness'," Fral ordered. Without even waiting for a reply, he continued onwards outside of the house. He knew where he was going, and it wasn't for witness'. He was off to see the 'Mad Dr. Zigmor'. This lunatic never had a good reputation, but he was one of the best at getting information from people.
Nothing he did followed protocol, but then again, that wasn't Fral's department.
He arrived at where Dr. Zigmor held his experiments, or surgeries. Whichever made you feel better at night. Fral once again put his hand on his hilt, and kicked the door in. "I'm back, Doctor!"

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Modern Nomad

           As Nethralis was heading through the country side he saw the Pristine troops heading into a farm house so he decided to go and check it out for himself.

          "Seems like I could find me some work haven't done anything for awhile and cash is kinda short." he said to himself as a reminder of the poor situation he was in
            As he approached the farm house he heard a guard yelling and decided that he should hide as to not bring up suspicion with the guards. just then a single guard came out through the door, Nethralis saw this as an opportunity to gain some knowledge on what has happened and also see if there was going to be some mercenaries to hire for this situation. As he followed, the guard stopped at what looked to Nethralis as a research facility. Then all of a sudden he hears the door get kicked in and the guard yelling "I'm back, Doctor!"
systems killed so far:
1 gameboy
1 gameboy color
2 gameboy advance
2 gameboy advance sp
1 nintendo ds
1 Pc
1 Xbox 360 (This one made me cry till it got fixed, thankfully)
1 Nes
and finaly 1 N64


((*Will edit profile in here once I'm not busy stressing over AP crap*))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Night the Lucario

The heavy thound of his thtaff the only companion on hith travelth, Tthunami made hith way thowly to the city on the empty, detholate highway, withhing for nothing more than a companion to talk to.
When one lives by the pen, one dies by the angry characters you misused. But it's too much fun not to!
Forsooth, I AM insane! FEAR ME, YE MORTALS, OR DESPAIR AT MY INSANITY! *insane cackling*
Ahem. Anyone have an RP? I need an outlet for my randomness. ;D
Think another thought, dream another dream, live another lie.
I'm writing poetry. Anyone have a request?
I'm Night the Lucario. Although that should be obvious. Just look at the sig. Or title and PT.


"Ah, hello." He walked in a sort of slithering movement toward Fral. "What will it be? A nose change? Face lift? Or are you looking for a more...mystical enhancement?" He opened a nearby cabinet containing some glowing potions.


"Doctor, I am here for more serious matters. I will not play any games. Black Heart."

"His power is strong, even for a Tainted. Have you done anything to him by any chance? Enhance him? I need these answers," Fral ordered him as he watched the doctor go through an assortment of 'things'.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"I remember not his name. Of course, I find names trivial to me so he may have come in. All that matters to me is the payment." He closed the cabinet and slinks up right in front of Fral's face. "However, I always remember a face," He says as he pantomimes a picture frame with his hands. "What features did 'Black Heart' have?"


"Black hair that covers most of his face. Last time we met him, I slashed him across the chest and by the looks of it, he should have a scar. He is about the same height as me. And his eyes... are eyes that shows the pits of the abyss," Fral told the doctor, not losing any ground as the mad man slunk up right next to him.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"Ah yes," A large smile creeped up on his face, "He's one of my best customers. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't work for him because of his power. It's the pay that I want and he always has it. So, as a man of capitalism, I'll do what he needs." He began to walk away and then stopped and looked at Flar for a second. "Oh, by the way, he doesn't have that scar anymore. He got that removed last week."