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Started by Thirdkoopa, March 28, 2010, 02:51:30 AM

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Quote from: Mutilator<Seven> on August 04, 2010, 05:40:05 PM
No one has StarCraft? sad face.....

My opinion on it, the units in campaign are a lot more than in multiplayer, there is very few units for use in multiplayer, what were they doing for 12 years? Getting rid of dragoons, that's what. Oh yeah that's right, campaign. It is amazing, the mission structure is always varied and with nice cinematics and "kill him or kill her" kind of choices, it really is interesting. leaves a lot to be desired, where are my chat rooms? Where is my ease of access? Where is my LAN play? Where can i easily download replays and host/download custom maps? Nowhere, that's where. could learn a lot from Steam, a lot.

EDIT: i just noticed i said my opinion on campaign already, oh well. you get to hear it again.
I have the first one and the expansion if you want to play on GameRanger. I know it's it the best, but I've been using it for Age of Empires II private games, so if you want to play Brood War or the original, just tell me.

The campaign in that game is very fun though. The movie clips are awesome. My favorite one is "Battle on the Amerigo" or something like that.

Anyway, I played SC II for the first time today, although I couldn't finish a game. It was very fun though and I'll be getting it eventually--once I have a good computer and/or more memory.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


The last mission is a "you can't go back" kind of choice so i was reluctant to continue until i got some more achievements. I went on and the cutscenes in it are so cool


I'm not really into RTS games, but all my friends are in love with it and play it non-stop. The graphics are gorgeous. I'm still waiting on Diablo 3 D:


I just finished pirating it. I'll do the campaigns and then probably buy it so I can play online.


Good game. Even though I bought it I haven't used online at all. Probably because I know I'd get creamed right away. Thought the campaign was great. Wished there were more. Fun watching high-level matches too.

I'd love to do a few 2v2 matches with you guys.
<+Clu> my dick is a massive launch title


I'm angry. My laptop can barely run Starcraft II, and it crashes when I try to adjust my graphics settings.


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on August 25, 2010, 08:05:37 PM
I'm angry. My laptop can barely run Starcraft II, and it crashes when I try to adjust my graphics settings.
The worst I've got is how I can't scroll in windowed no border because the cursor moves out of the window. At least I can fix that by going to options and just hitting accept.
<+Clu> my dick is a massive launch title


Maybe an NSFCD starcraft tourney or something?
My computer runs it on ultra settings, and it is amazing.