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Harvest Moon: Pepper Town

Started by Savage Syn, October 09, 2007, 11:59:36 AM

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"I'm...uuh.My name is Boog."He said awkwardly.


"Oh that's good.  I look forward to meeting the rest of the townspeople if they're all as nice as you." Miles says with a wink to Shaelyn.

He says to Shaelyn and Boog,"Well, I'm going to head home for the night as this looks like it's not getting any more exciting.  If you two want to hang out, watch t.v. or something, I'm in the small house by the shore.  The pleasure was all mine."  And with that Miles begins to walk away.
Heart Status:

Link: Purple
Boog: Purple
Shaelyn: Blue
Lux: Purple


"Uuuh...bye."Boog said as Miles walked away.

He looked over at Shaelyn.

"Uuuh...hi.How are you?"


Once Miles got out of their view, he quickly shuffled behind some bushes.

"Finally, candid pictures are much better when they think that no one's watching."

He climbed into a tree and began to shoot away.  Various candids of people mingling, talking, eating, etc.

These will do quite well.  Now who would be willing to purchase them....Ah ha!  Now where is Link, I'm sure this will nice on brochure for this quaint little town.

Finally, Miles found link and proposed his offering.

Hello, Mayor.  This is one fabulous get together you've thrown!  I hope they're all as fun as this one!  Well anyway, I've shot some photos of this event and I think they would look ravishing on a brochure for Pepper Town.  On the front could be a great picture of you if you would like?  You would look so courageous and leader-like.  I could sell you my photos for say...80 gold pieces?  Actually you know what, since you're such a great mayor and you've thrown this great event, I'll sell 'em for 75!  Whadda ya say?"


Dr.Zizmor was just walking into town when he saw the event going on. Instantly, one thought came to his mind. Food! He ran over, grabbed what was left to eat and drink and started wolfing it down. Yes! Food. I haven't eaten since yesterday!


Lux finally arrived at town square and was immediately bored. He had never been one for parties. Not many people were there, so he decided to get some punch. He hated punch, but there wasn't muci he could do about that.


Miles, still trying to sell his pictures, can't help but notice the two new arrivals.  He turned his head towards the man devouring the buffet table and let out a small, "Ew." before snapping an embarrassing picture of him.  He looked at the quiet one and couldn't help but be intimidated by his icy cold facial expression.


Lux saw the glutton with disgust. He noticed the man with the camera and looked away. He would not be getting pictures of him.


He saw a flash but he didn't really care and kept eating.


Miles, seeing Lux turn away, couldn't resist the temptation to get a few snapshots of him.  He slipped away from Link for a second then popped out in font of Lux and quickly shot a few pictures of him.  "Just couldn't resist, buddy.  Having fun?"


Dr.Zizmor finished his personal feast with a loud burp. "Wow. I haven't eaten like that in days...Speaking of days, I haven't stayed in a town for a while either." He said looking at himself. "Which also means I haven't really gotten any cleaner...I suppose I could wash up in the ocean near by." And with that comment, he stood up and walked toward the ocean.


"not particularly," he replied. "And I would suggest you hide that camera."


"A little sensitive are we? Or maybe just a debby downer?  Hahaha.  Now what is that crazy hobo doing?  If he tries to steal anything from my house oh I'll let him have it.  I'm Miles by the way.  You?"


He was near the ocean when he spotted a small house. there were no lights on so he assumed that nobody was home. Hm...Should I ransack the place and then clean up or should I clean up first?...Well...There might be some useful stuff in there but then again, cleanliness is next to godliness...I guess I'll clean up first. So he went to the shore of the ocean. "Wow, this is a really nice place." He said in awe.


"Lux. That guy said somethimg about going to the ocean. Doubt he will steal anything. He has a Ph.D and he is a doctor. Strangely, he is also a hobo."