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Started by Magnum, April 08, 2010, 06:48:50 AM

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Hey guys, Allegretto wanted me to pass off a message for him since it is not possible for him to say it to the forum. He wanted me to emphasize that this is not him typing so I don't get in trouble. And it's just me passing his message of goodbye to the forum.

Here it is.

"Heya guys, as of yesterday I was perma banned by a mod that takes the internet way to seriously. I didn't really think you could be so corrupt as to do all that just because someone hurt your feelings <3. It made me laugh that he thinks it affects me in the slightest though. But I digress from the real reason of this topic.

I was planning on leaving within the next few days anyway. For the two and a half years I have been here I have made some pretty great friends, and i'll name the most rememerable ones in just a second. For everyone wondering my Asshole ness was just an act, as usual. I like to see which type of persona's I can make believable, and I thought I did the troll pretty well. I think I made most of the forum hate me in a very short time. I love you guys though :3.

Some of the great friends I have made here include..

Brawlin: You are a great guy, one of my best friends. And i'll never forget how great of Mastaz we were!!!
MYL: Your one of the most girl loving guys I know (And I mean that in a good way :3) and it was always nice chatting with you.
Custom: It was great playing GH with you when we were all doing that, and it was awesome to meet someone else who liked Higurashi!
Silverhawk: Your a really nice and wonderful guy bro, great admin and it was great getting to know you over the past 2 years, i'm sure you'll find a great girl bro.
Dog Food: *I'm really sorry for this, and you'll find out what this is after the end of this post* but I think you're actually a pretty great person, your really nice to talk to. And I like your rambling.
Mack: I thought we were friends for a while, but I think we kinda grew to dislike each other. I still think your a pretty great guy though.

"I'm rushed finishing this so i'm sorry for everyone I forgot, I like the majority of you guys!"

If anyone here would like to contact me my Gamertag is "The Number Zer0"
My facebook is "Bryan Almeida" with my email as ""
*I rarely check my email though*
And my cell is 1-719-466-1255

I would love to be in contact with some of you guys.

My last order of buisness is to say "There is no Chrona". Yep, i'm both people. Chrona is I and Allegretto is Chrona. I was both people, I just wanted to see again how believable I could make it, it started off pretty rough but I think everyone grew to like Chrona AKA me. Which was great, the forum hating one persona but liking the other.

It was very enjoyable.

I love you guys, and I will most likely miss this forum for a while, you're all fantastic. *Beside a few who take the internet too seriously*.

Goodbye all, and I hope you all have a wonderful life."

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


It sounds so not like him to write that. You wrote it, right?

Kidding aside, ouch.


Yeah, he went ahead and came to my class, mid-writing that. So I just let him type it. Forgot to change to beginning.

Also, I, Magnum, would like to say sorry Dog Food. I knew he was Chrona, but I didn't want to tell you, because he was starting to like you as a friend. And I didn't want it to get screwed up. I didn't think he would get banned though.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


You guys are now troll masters, that's for certain.

"I'm Allegretto, Chrona, and Magnum. Yes, I, Magnum, contrived this whole thing to-wait lol no I'm joking Allegretto and Chrona do exist WAIT NO CHRONA IS A LIE"

I'm not sure if I can believe anything else other than him being perma banned.
You're certainly believing this. We'll see how this goes.

Quote from: Magnum on April 08, 2010, 06:48:50 AM
Brawlin: You are a great guy, one of my best friends. And i'll never forget how great of Mastaz we were!!!
MYL: Your one of the most girl loving guys I know (And I mean that in a good way :3) and it was always nice chatting with you.
Custom: It was great playing GH with you when we were all doing that, and it was awesome to meet someone else who liked Higurashi!
Silverhawk: Your a really nice and wonderful guy bro, great admin and it was great getting to know you over the past 2 years, i'm sure you'll find a great girl bro.
Dog Food: *I'm really sorry for this, and you'll find out what this is after the end of this post* but I think you're actually a pretty great person, your really nice to talk to. And I like your rambling.
Mack: I thought we were friends for a while, but I think we kinda grew to dislike each other. I still think your a pretty great guy though.


Quote from: Magnum on April 08, 2010, 06:48:50 AM
*Beside a few who take the internet too seriously*.

And yet he wrote all of that?

...The intercourse ? v;
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I've no qualms with you Al. I'll make that clear right now. There's very few people online I can say I dislike, and trust me, you're not one of them. Up until recently, I found you rather amiable. Not sure what's been up as of late, but meh.

That said, there is a reason you can't post - mod being too serious or not. As such, this thread is getting shut down. If you have any messages for Al, feel free to contact him through magnum, or the means above.