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Started by Allegretto, April 17, 2010, 08:42:19 PM

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Hey guys, has anyone here ever pretended to be someone else? Or taken on a completely different personality in general? For example, I am majoring in Psychology and one of my projects was to "Observe the human mind, if a grand change in personality were to occur"

So I made up Chrona, and also began to act like an asshat. And the result was pretty self explanatory. People *I think* believed the Chrona persona and began to hate the asshat persona even though I had been friends with most of the people here for a while.

Of course I have done this more than on just this occasion, online and in real life.

So I wrote my paper on that, and said that most minds *IMO* work on what they see, and not on what they remember.

I got a good grade on my paper :3

So back on topic x3. Has anyone ever done something similar? Online or in real life?


Well my entire character is a persona, of course!

The truth is IAMBATMAN!!!!

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Oh darn. I did not see that coming.


I've never attempted doing this "in real life," but I've definitely thought about it. (Quotations because people on the internet are real people, and "in real life" needs a new name quite honestly...)

In my mind I think about different personalities on an occasional basis. I consider what it's like to be a different kind of person, then try to fit my life in that person's shoes and see how different things may turn out. Despite most of these pretend, thought-up personalities being more extroverted people, I always find that I like just how I am because then I would just be someone else, not my own unique "me."

Despite this... I did make up an identity on the internet to begin with. When I was 12 and first signed up on the original NSider forums, I originally acted my age. However, I eventually noticed people were beginning to ignore me because of how immature I acted. I lurked the forums for about a week and over that week I greatly matured. That's when I decided I'd be a 19 year old in college who has a younger brother named Link who's 12 years old. I made up a story that Link gave the account to me, and I was taking over. Everyone I talked to in the Town Square and Lounge/Pool/etc. chat threads actually believed I was the age I claimed to be because I seemed to portray that kind of maturity I guess. I made a lot more friends than I would have if I continued to "act my age," although I don't think I could really act 12 anymore because it was at this point I began mentally maturing faster than I would physically mature. I'd explain all of that here, but that's a completely different story and not completely on the topic at hand.

I continued to go on with this identity, joining new forums, meeting more people, and then one day it hit me that I was pretending to be something I couldn't be, something that didn't really exist. I figured my only out was to tell everybody that I was switching colleges and wouldn't have time for the internet anymore, and to register a new account, new AIM, new email, etc. as myself; a thirteen year old who doesn't necessarily act thirteen. However, I ended up telling all of the friends I made about the lies I told them, and explained everything to them. This was mainly because I knew I couldn't hold in the lie very long, and because I really felt bad that all of these people were losing someone that never existed and they'd be thinking about a lie for however long they decided to remember me/him. Unfortunately, as a result of admitting what I'd done many of the friends I made lost trust in me, and over time they dropped like flies. I still have a few of these friends today, but when I say a few I mean like one or two, possibly three.

Moral of my story: Always be yourself, and keep your "alternate personalities" to yourself so that you don't end up hurting anybody, including yourself.

Dog Food

I have done something similar, once.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Night the Lucario

I lived with four in my head for close to seven years. One, Tsunami, the oldest, was close to nine years, I believe. They've left, now... but now I have Requinsward to keep me company, so it's not all bad.

Oh, and my voices left when the four did, as well, so... yeah. That's good.
When one lives by the pen, one dies by the angry characters you misused. But it's too much fun not to!
Forsooth, I AM insane! FEAR ME, YE MORTALS, OR DESPAIR AT MY INSANITY! *insane cackling*
Ahem. Anyone have an RP? I need an outlet for my randomness. ;D
Think another thought, dream another dream, live another lie.
I'm writing poetry. Anyone have a request?
I'm Night the Lucario. Although that should be obvious. Just look at the sig. Or title and PT.


Allegretto is such a bastard. I thought Chrona was real, too. ;_;
If you looked at the Bad Apple thread, you would've at least had a hint of doubt...

But to answer the question, no. I don't really have any other persona's.
Hey, I think I count as a persona in some ways.


Quote from: Simea on April 18, 2010, 09:00:18 AM
Allegretto is such a bastard. I thought Chrona was real, too. ;_;
If you looked at the Bad Apple thread, you would've at least had a hint of doubt...

But to answer the question, no. I don't really have any other persona's.
Hey, I think I count as a persona in some ways.
It was for a paper x_x. FORGIVE! thread? I know I started it but what's the hint D:


I read DSG's huge post and felt like an ass. The truth is, I have a host of personalities at my disposal online for a variety of causes. Mackormoses happens to be the one you're all familiar with, but I've completely different backgrounds at Shakespeare forums, as well as music ones. It's not that I lie about myself - but I change my being to blend in, or excel. Not sure how you'd classify that.


I have a formsprings persona, I can ask about anything and they'd never know, I'm not more of a dick or anything, in fact it seems like it is liked more than my regular personality by one person, that person even named my anonymous persona, it's called Jose.

Though I don't consider it a persona, my personality is different on the internet and in real life, it's not that I'm lying to anyone, it's just easier to not be shy with people when I can think about what I want to say rather than be expected to respond right away.
Dude .



I actually don't have one true completely 100% altered identity. I've acted very differently but inside I'm still the same person. It's just that...Nobody has ever seen all my true colors and nobody ever truly will. I even hide myself from them at numerous times. I wouldn't really consider it a Persona or anything of course due to the fact I'm still the same person inside. I'll still be truthful about certain questions per say instead of saying somewhere that I'm 18 and another place 14 - I can't bring myself to lie about those things so easily.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


Quote from: Sherlock on April 19, 2010, 12:32:21 AM
I read DSG's huge post and felt like an ass. The truth is, I have a host of personalities at my disposal online for a variety of causes. Mackormoses happens to be the one you're all familiar with, but I've completely different backgrounds at Shakespeare forums, as well as music ones. It's not that I lie about myself - but I change my being to blend in, or excel. Not sure how you'd classify that.
You act differently dependent on the people around you? I do that too, less so here, but depending on which friends I'm with I act completely different. I switch from introvert to extrovert a lot.

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


If you don't give us what we want, we'll nuke you from orbit.


Quote from: Sherlock on April 19, 2010, 12:32:21 AM
I read DSG's huge post and felt like an ass. The truth is, I have a host of personalities at my disposal online for a variety of causes. Mackormoses happens to be the one you're all familiar with, but I've completely different backgrounds at Shakespeare forums, as well as music ones. It's not that I lie about myself - but I change my being to blend in, or excel. Not sure how you'd classify that.
Different people would handle the situation differently. If you aren't necessarily too abstract in whatever persona you made up on other forums, then people you've met could still be inclined to trust you and be your friend. There was also much more to the whole story than I went into detail about, mainly because it's hard to remember specifics and for the most part it'd be hard for me to separate the frivolous aspects from the important ones.

Everyone acts a little differently around different people. Only you define you.


Quote from: Arcane Saiph on April 19, 2010, 03:35:05 PM
Different people would handle the situation differently. If you aren't necessarily too abstract in whatever persona you made up on other forums, then people you've met could still be inclined to trust you and be your friend. There was also much more to the whole story than I went into detail about, mainly because it's hard to remember specifics and for the most part it'd be hard for me to separate the frivolous aspects from the important ones.

Everyone acts a little differently around different people. Only you define you.
To me, personas aren't necessarily to the point of being abstract - they allow me to express different traits. I can be quite arrogant as Mackormoses, but it's not something that defines me IRL. I think my other personas are closer to the truth in how I act in that sense. That said, the arrogant/brash part of me can really come out in debates and performances IRL, so it is a true part of me. Am I being true to myself holistically? Yes. But not on each individual persona.

The Seventh

I have the tendancy to adjust my behavior depending on who I am around.

At school, if I'm not with my friends, I'm usually rather calm, quiet, only chiming in when I know others wouldn't mind too much (don't want to draw negative attention, ya know ;D).  When I'm with my friends, I'm usually crazier, and nerdier.  At home, I'm usually rather goofy too.  When I drive, I'm usually rather serious and focused highly on the road...I usually don't pay too much attention to my passengers, unless they're yelling, "OH SHIT I'M BLEEDING TO DEATH" or something (okay, it doesn't have to be that serious, of course lol).

Then there's the conflicting thoughts in my mind I have most of the time. wheeeee fun