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I am so gosh darn tired.

Started by Friendly Hostile, April 27, 2010, 12:54:13 AM

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Friendly Hostile

Since I feel this is somewhat needed after chatting with Mack;

I am done.  I am burned out.  And I'm sick of this place.  I'm sick of NSider poop in general.

So I am leaving.  I am going to resign myself to Orbital and Hadaway and nothing more.  I'm not going to sit here and go on and on about what wrong with this place or why I'm leaving.  It's not important.  I know why I'm leaving, and at this point, that's all that matters.  I have been debating on this for a good while now, and have decided I will no longer continue wasting my time and effort on this site, or any other NSider affiliated website.

So farewell, thanks for the fun I had when it was fun to be here, and good intercourse ing luck.


Completely understandable. Remember that I only go on forums and not on chat as well. All of these post NSider forums have been on a huge slump of mediocrity. I can't really say I'll miss you or anything along the lines of that since I see you on those said two sites and have you on msn and all that jazz though some of your posts here were funny and/or very good here. Sometimes it's much better to simplify the amount of forums you go on anyways; I go on way too many myself (what 14 or something like that) and there's few I can actually say I give a poop about at this point. Hell, there's few I can say I'm there for for an actually plausible reason. Too much poop has hit the fan here in this month anyways with only few things actually enjoyable after all the good last month. i blame mack for not posting his pic sooner

So, before I ramble too much, cya around everywhere else I normally do.

Quote from: Friendly Hostile on April 27, 2010, 12:54:13 AM
So farewell, thanks for the fun I had when it was fun to be here, and good intercourse ing luck.
...At this point this site will need more than luck.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums

But Hadaway came out of nsider too though and also has nsiders in it.

But good luck with whatever you do next.



I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Depressing Woeful other synonyms for sad.


Friendly Hostile.


Adios, Hostile.

Keep that supply of L'oreal in good hands.

Dog Food

Bye, FH. <3
Sorry to see you leave. But it's inevitable, we're all going to leave this site eventually.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Good luck yourself

See you around on Hadaway



I guess it's safe to say that about half of my posts to you--all of the ones about insults and the like--were largely facetious in nature and admittedly, half-trolling. In retrospect, you can probably tell which ones were fully serious and which were half-serious. It was nothing personal. I really did want to hear your response though. In short, they were "serious" posts meant to "lure/bait" a reply out of you for my entertainment--rather than intellectual stimulation (as it is with my normal posts). In a way, though, they were still both. Everything I said, however (concerning my opinions and such), was true. Don't worry though; you're not that special in this regard--if you catch my drift.

I really did enjoy your company though--I mean that. I hope you trust me when I say that this post is not at all a troll (or anything of the sort), but completely serious.

I don't think you'll be missing me though. However--(concerning the previous content of this post) don't take this the wrong way--but if you take the time to respond to my post, I'll consider it a compliment of sorts.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Quote from: RX-78-2 (TerribleFrog) on April 27, 2010, 07:35:43 PM
I guess it's safe to say that about half of my posts to you--all of the ones about insults and the like--were largely facetious in nature and admittedly, half-trolling. In retrospect, you can probably tell which ones were fully serious and which were half-serious. It was nothing personal. I really did want to hear your response though. In short, they were "serious" posts meant to "lure/bait" a reply out of you for my entertainment--rather than intellectual stimulation (as it is with my normal posts). In a way, though, they were still both. Everything I said, however (concerning my opinions and such), was true. Don't worry though; you're not that special in this regard--if you catch my drift.

I really did enjoy your company though--I mean that. I hope you trust me when I say that this post is not at all a troll (or anything of the sort), but completely serious.

I don't think you'll be missing me though. However--(concerning the previous content of this post) don't take this the wrong way--but if you take the time to respond to my post, I'll consider it a compliment of sorts.
That's what I did.


The Riddler

I'll be the first to say you're whining out.
