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How social are you?

Started by Thirdkoopa, April 28, 2010, 03:07:05 AM

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Read the thread title.

Extremely social
Around extreme and average
Around average and anti


I'm terribly reclusive among peers; I do better with adults for some reason. It's so bad that I have to look at the ground when I'm walking because people think I stare at them D:

Also, antisocial refers to apathy and lack of emotion/remorse, not not being social.

Nine 1 One

well i've never been antisocial, but ive usually not had a lot of friends til this year. now its about average


i'm average. i don't like being the center of attention in certain environments. I don't go around talking a lot unless i'm with friends or family. Its strange, when i'm with my family/friends i have a great sense of humor in terms of making jokes and funny remarks, but at school i just can't think of anything.
I moved a year ago so i've only made a few friends partly because i'm a shy person and i have a tougher time relating to these people (this area is different with its better funded schools than i'm used to, the kids are way different)
overall, i like hanging out with people. i keep touch with old friends through the internet and visit them occasionally. i like my alone time too though.
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Incredibly anti-social.
I tend to get really nervous in any social situation, and I don't like talking to people in real life if I don't have to. And god help you if I have to be the center of attention for some reason. Ugh.


I'm a little anti-social from time to time. When I'm around new people i tend to just listen to them befour i say a word or two.

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Not very social at all. Though I don't mind social settings I tend to get bored depending on what's going on.


I was very anti-social but I won't say that I am that way now.  I've gathered friends, some bad and some good.  I weed out the bad and keep the good.  But now, it turns out my friends are betraying me or ignoring me.  I don't really care though.  :U  I'm American.  I just need money.  Of course, I'm American and I don't have any money.  D:


I'm anti social.
I hate the human race, and don't like parties.

I have room mates i'm social with them.


ZOOOOOM! that the sound of me running off. I'm just that social, yep yep. How can I not the world is full of zombies

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