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Sleep(ing habits)

Started by SkyMyl, April 28, 2010, 09:58:57 PM

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So, which way do you face when you sleep?

On my front
3 (42.9%)
On my back
2 (28.6%)
On my left
1 (14.3%)
On my right side
1 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 7


Anyone here but me having some odd sleeping habits? Namely, sleeping habits where you can't get to sleep without those habits. In my case, I always sleep on my side, back against a wall/surface, clutching a small throw pillow. Another one is that I need a blanket, always. For me, it's unsettling to sleep without a blanket, no matter the season.

So, do any of you have sleeping habits or sleeping issues? Also, the poll is really there just for giggles.


Well I actually have some sleeping pills to help me fall asleep and stay asleep. I have difficulties because when I fall asleep and I haven't taken one, then I am only half asleep the entire night, able to hear everything. It actually is VERY boring to be in this state, and it's the reason why I fall asleep with a movie on repeat so I can hear something while I'm dosing. Trying sitting in bed all night, not moving, and just listening to the air move.
It's intense.

Also, I sleep everywhere. Left, back, right, even stomach are all acceptable.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


I couldn't give a darn about the way I sleep if I only get 2 hours a night.


I usually sleep on my right side, nothing fancy. Can barely fall asleep in summer though, but there are certain rituals for that which help. (if you know what I mean)

And I have serious drooling issues, it seems. At least I'm not bothered by it since it dries up when I leave bed.

Click the sig to level it up. Go to to learn more.


I sleep on my stomach with the blankets over my head. I also can't go to sleep without something to listen to, but not music. Usually I just put on a playlist of standup comedy and turn my speakers on or I put my tv on and put a sleep timer on so it isn't on all night. If no one comes in my room I can sleep a good 14 hours, but my door is really squeaky and wakes me up every time, so i usually only get about 10.

Dog Food

I have no idea which way I fall asleep. Any position is fine, I guess. It has to be past midnight before I get into bed, otherwise I'll have serious trouble falling asleep and then waking up. I need at least thirty minutes to an hour of the snooze button before I can actually get out of bed in the mornings (I wake up at 5:30, then at nine minute intervals after that until 6:30, and then I'll get out of bed).

I sleep with the covers over my face and with a stack of pillows on my right side (usually with a cellphone, iPod, DS, etc stuck under the pillows) and Ping.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


I fall asleep in all positions, though I fall asleep less on my left than the other sides, but it still happens from time to time.

I used to grind my teeth, but I don't think I do anymore.

And I try my hardest to not fall asleep in the car, 'cause for some reason when I fall asleep in the seat of a car, I sometimes snore, 90% of the time my first snore wakes me up though :P

An odd habit that I have is having a fan blowing on me (no matter the season; the sound of a fan blowing helps me sleep somehow), also, long ago I got this little pillow that can sort of wrap around your head, I really liked it as a child, used to bring it everywhere, lost it once and found it lying there as if it were trying to be found, and it even survived a car fire where everything was burned except my pillow (the zipper part got a little burned, but not much at all), with all that I kinda consider it my lucky pillow, I don't like to go to sleep without it.
Though those habits are only for my house, if I'm anywhere else, I can live without those things.
Dude .



I usually just fall asleep whenever I get really tired, if i'm not absolutely exausted, I can't sleep without the help of sleeping pills. Anywhere between 12:00 - 4:00am, just depends on whatever time I got up that morning and how busy I was, I guess.

I almost always sleep in the fetal position, I don't really sleep on a certain side, just whatever is most comfortable that night. Also, I can't sleep with light in my face, like a porch light or anything, i'll just never get to sleep (Although I do like the moonlight shining through my window). And cold, it's gotta be cold, I hate it being hot when i'm trying to sleep.

Oh, also, I always need my favorite blanket <3


I have huge sleeping issues. I need a hard surface, and I need it to be cooler than the area around me. I'm restless - I don't sleep for more than three hours straight, and I'm always moving around.


My back is usually facing the wall or hard surface, and I have trouble falling asleep to silence, so I need to listen to music, thunderstorm/rain/wind, or ocean or something like that, but the sound of machinery will keep me up.