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Pack Wars Sign Up Thread *finished, thread posted*

Started by Dog Food, May 03, 2010, 05:21:32 PM

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Dog Food

[spoiler]Pack Wars – A New Era of Werewolves

Prelude to the Wars

It was a full moon. The shadow of a figure followed a brick wall slowly. The silhouette stopped in front of window and carefully pried it open. Then, the shadow slipped inside. The being, Delano, smiled, although you could not see it. He liked the dark. It aided him in many ways. He felt comfortable in the dark, and in his comfort the dark sought to help him by keeping him in hiding.

But if there was one thing Delano knew, it was this: Darkness can only hide you for so long.

It was the creak of the floorboard this time, that alerted the home owner of his presence. There was movement from another room, then the slow opening of a door.

"Who's here?" came a voice, not expecting a reply. It wasn't disappointed.  "Show yourself. Unless you'd rather me get the gun." The man wasn't fearful and neither was the intruder.

"I'm here," came the cool, husky voice belonging to Delano.

"...Well, what the intercourse  do you want?" asked the home owner, Ramón. He had a slight Spanish accent, but otherwise blended in with western culture.

"I hear you are a good story teller."

A long silence fell. The darkness slowly crept around them, shortening their breath.

"You've come for the story?" Ramón finally asked.

"I've heard you are the best at it, and that you will only tell it on the full moon." Delano stood, waiting, able to fully see Ramón in his boxers and nightcap, while Ramón was blind as to what lurked in the darkness before him.

"Did you want to visit that town?" Ramón's question came as a whisper, and Delano did not answer. Then, "You went through a lot of trouble to hear this story from me."

"Let's just say... I'm a legend-collector."

"Well then. Maybe I'll give you a little something now that you've woken me up an' all."

"Thank you, Ramón."  Delano sat on the floor, and when Ramón reached for the light Delano made a noise. "Stories are best told in the darkness, don't you think?" he said, but Ramón did not answer. He felt uneasy about the situation, as he was unable to see his listener, but he continued as asked.

"There is a story passed down from generation to generation, told on the full moon, about a town. A town not inhabited by people, but by werewolves. It started with one werewolf - but it only takes one to cause an infestation. Soon there was nothing but werewolves. What happened next is sick and barbaric. After each and every person suffered the fate of a werewolf's venomous bite, they began turning on each other.

"What's worse than a werewolf-infested town? A town that is hosting a pack war. And this small town was on the verge of being the site of the pack war of the millennium. No one knows how many packs are currently lurking in that village. I can tell you that it started with one wolf. And from there became one pack. That's when the disunity began. There must be at least four packs now, but no one would dare getting too close to count.

"It's a blood bath in that small town. Werewolves seeking information by day, and thirsting for bloodshed by nightfall. It has gone on for decades, not one pack able to break through the throng, not one pack stronger than another. All of them destined to fight forevermore. That is their fate. But they can not stop, for it has become their life and duty to destroy the others. They can not stop because they have lost their souls a long time ago, and they have been left to die at one another's hands. The tale of that town is a sad one, almost empathetic one, but overall a sickening and disgusting one. The tale of the Pack Wars have haunted the new era for all werewolves, and it is one that will likely never be settled."

Ramón's words hung into the air for a moment, until they gently fell onto the wooden floor. No more sound was made for a great while. Delano could see through the window in front of him that the moon was beginning to fall, and that dawn would be among them soon.

"Does anyone else live with you, Ramón?" Delano asked, a small smile on his face.


Delano stepped in front of the window beside him, allowing the light to beat down and illuminate his silky fur. Giant, clawed paws and glistening, sharp fangs all attached to long fur the color of night... Delano was a werewolf.

"I wanted to know if anyone would be here to hear you scream."

"Delano, the demon of the night," Ramón said, only a small hint of surprise was detected in his voice. "You were bound to come for me eventually. I should have known better."

"Yes, you should have. And now you will pay for your mistake – with your life."[/spoiler]

KJ's Third Werewolf

Welcome to my third Werewolf. If we were graced by your presence in my second Werewolf, you may have noticed some changes. Then you'll know that I like mixing things up. So why go back to the original when I can continue pushing limits? Don't bother answering that, it was rhetorical. Anyway, this new Werewolf is going to be different than any Werewolf I've created in the past, so if you are looking for just another ordinary Werewolf get the intercourse  out because that's not what I'm selling. In this Werewolf, I'm getting rid of a normally very important group: the Innocents. Guess what I'm replacing them with. Come on, take one guess. Well I don't know what your answer was, but the correct one was: more Werewolves.

Enter the pack wars, where the Innocents have been annihilated (or turned into Werewolves), and what we are left with is a bloody war that has been going on for decades. Each pack wants to break through and win honor for its kind, but none seem able to quite make it to victory. Can you lead your pack of wolves to the top, kill your opponents, and unite under one pack once again? With a little luck, you might just be able to.

Here's how it works: There are going to be at least three packs, but I'd love more if I can get more. You start off not knowing who else is in your pack and blindly vote for someone you think is an enemy and would like to kill on your designated Night Phase. So far it sounds pretty familiar, right? Just a couple of changes; the voting goes on at night and it's all wolves. Even though you are separated from your pack, your votes still count all together. You'll only make a kill if at least half of your pack votes for the same person. You can not kill someone from your own team, no matter what.

Then, when the Day Phase comes around, abilities can be used. Back to Night Phase, where the voting commences. Once you've found someone from your pack, you must both PM me in order to confirm it. You can now vote together to give yourselves a better chance of killing off enemy packs. And then once you have found your entire pack and PMed me for confirmation, you must choose a pack leader. You must all PM confirming the pack leader, and then the pack leader from then on will be the only one who PM's me with the vote of who you guys mutually agree to kill.

Throughout this process, achievement points will be handed out. You can get these by being the first pack to obtain a leader, or being the first pack to make a successful kill, and things like that. These points can be used later on for important things like reviving a team mate and other things that can bring you back into the game. Use them wisely.

In a nutshell: Night Phase is for killing, Day Phase is for abilities. PM me each time you find a team mate, choose your pack leader, and win the game. If you still don't understand it, that's okay. I'll explain it more in detail when I actually hand out roles and the like. Seriously, don't worry about rules. It'll all be explained in a personalized PM after you join.

Sign-Up Sheet [Needs 16 people to play.]
1. Magnum
2. SkyMyl
3. Jason
4. JrDude
5. Ray
6. TK
7. Shu
8. Spud
9. So_So
10. Birdie
11. Light
12. RedSox
13. Rob
14. Silver
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.




(that means me in woooooolf language)
Dude .



Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Well, let me consult my concious.

*flips coin*



It seems....

That I must....

Sign up. :P



Yeah sign me up.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"



Dog Food

You guys rock. <3

Still need at least three more people.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.



...Fine, you've piqued my interest. I'm in.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I'm in. I thought at first I wouldn't sign up, but I figured that'd be a waste.

Dog Food

Ha ha, I knew I'd get you guys! ...By doing absolutely nothing... but I knew it would pay off!

Sweet, so that makes twelve players. I'll give this some more time in case we want to make the game more fun by adding in sixteen people, but otherwise we are good to go.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.