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Summer Movies

Started by Dog Food, May 03, 2010, 07:37:57 PM

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Dog Food

The summer movies are fast approaching. You can find a list of summer movies coming out here. Which ones are you most looking forward to?

From what I've seen, I'm looking forward to The Last Airbender. And of course Toy Story 3. Pixar never goes wrong, and Toy Story was a classic. Despicable Me, Dinner for Schmucks and Salt are possibilities. And I definitely want to see MacGruber, although that one is a little early for summer flicks.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Toy Story 3 is a must-watch for all of us, I sure.  I want to see The Last Airbender, but generally, I don't see that many movies.  Maybe that'll change once I have an unrestricted driver's license.


the voices in Despicable Me might be enough to get me to see it. MacGruber because it's supposed to bring up the bar for SNL movies. TLA because the plot seems interesting, but the fact that it's based off of something from Nick makes me uncomfortable. and maybe Salt, just because of Angelina Jolie.

oh, and Toy Story 3 because. just because.


Toy Story 3 of course.
Still need to see Kick-Ass.
Other than that I hate the summer line-up. There's always so little WORTH seeing. Besides, it's M.Night and the real Avatar. It's going to suck. Never try to make a live action adaptation of an excellent animated series that can STAND ON IT'S OWN WORTH.


Iron Man 2 was great. That Justin Hammer guy is awesome, I hope they don't ruin him in the threequel when he inevitably comes back for revenge. When they said War Machine was going to get a F2000, I heard everyone around me mention Call of Duty, which is pretty cool. Also Thor.

Toy Story 3 looks great, and I might see Hex if it gets good reviews. I'm going to have to see Avatar, even if it's completely ruined by some crazy plot twist. I'll never see the new Karate Kid. Last I checked, Daniel isn't black and Mr.Miyagi isn't a gosh darn communist.

Oh, and nobody has mentioned the best movie on the list: The A-Team. It has an all-star cast, explosions, BA's van,  that theme song, and the original Face and Murdock make an appearance. Plus they have a tank with a parachute falling out of a plane. Instant Oscar, amirite?