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Weed. . .

Started by Missingno6, May 21, 2010, 08:46:38 PM

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My sentiment is this..."look at what it did to phatyo."

That is all.

Not really though. Peer pressure is annoying as intercourse , but you can be cool about it. I've been offered the poop, and there's always an excuse. The fear of being caught. Letting  ma and pa down. Asthma is my personal favourite.

The Seventh

I personally am not in favor or against it.

I, however, dislike the idea of putting something like that in my body.  I hated taking my ADHD meds at the prescribed dosages.  It makes me feel less like myself, and I hate it.  And, I don't want to damage my lungs either...I wanna breathe well, man.


My advice is smoke it.

I smoke weed ALOT. I was very anti anti drug, but after excruciating circumstances I started to smoke. And I can say that Nothing bad happens from it. Other than it helped me stop smoking tobacco and it really makes every day an enjoyable one.

I say try Weed. Do it in a responsible environment and make sure if someone is driving high, they can do it well. 90% of people can drive fine, because your so much more aware and careful on the road.

Try it once, if you like it GRAND do it some more. Weed does less damage to you than alcohol. Don't let this phony war on drugs turn you off of it, marijuana is just illigal because the Government can't make to much money off of it *Because people can grow it in there own homes, and because the tobacco industry would lose a ton of money since it can be used as a replacement for cigarettes.

If you don't like it, then don't do it again.

It's non addictive, trying it once will just tell you if you like it, or if you don't.

I smoke pot close to everyday. It's summer, i'm a pro Halo player.

All of the Marijuana studies *Most of them* are very untrue. I will give this example.

It was a test to see if one could OD on Weed. They said yes, because a monkey's brain shut down. However in the study it was because they injected so much THC into it, it was the equivalent of 1600 joints. But of course they don't say that in the interview.

Before I started smoking I did a TON of research on the subject, and I made sure all of the sources were reliable.

People can tell you smoking Marijuana is bad for you, and it is. Your SMOKING. Smoking is bad, however this does less damage to you than alcohol. It's less addictive for you than tobacco and gives you a much better feeling of euphoria.

I would say, anyone that thinks when you smoke weed you become retarded has either A. Never smoked weed. Or B. Is a retard already.


I doubt it does less damage then alcohol. Smoking anything is respiratory and circulatory, automatically. Alcohol is going to reak havok on your liver, pancreas, and kidneys. I'd rather try living without those then my heart and lungs - sure, it's both bad, but I see the damage associated with smoking as far worse than that of drinking.


Alcohol is worse for you than weed.

Both are bad, one is worse.

In fact, 5 years ago the city of Denver ran a decriminalization campaign for Marijuana, based on the fact that Marijuana does less damage to you than Alcohol.


Even if it isn't that bad for you by itself, some of the stuff that gets put into it can. You never know what you're really buying.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 11, 2010, 03:48:06 AM
Even if it isn't that bad for you by itself, some of the stuff that gets put into it can. You never know what you're really buying.
It's grown, and the buds are taken from it.

It's not made from scratch, so it is very difficult to put anything into it. Of course some people lace weed with acid or Vicodin. But it's not very hard to notice that, and 99% of people won't lace your weed without telling you.


A growing trend is to lace weed with 2CE, not to mention plenty of dealers piss on their crop.

It happens more often than you're letting on. Don't throw around a false statistic that's probably based on your personal experiences.


It's been proven alcohol is worse than weed. But who the hell cares? Don't do it anyway, if you're going to think of it that way, don't drink either.
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude φ on June 12, 2010, 12:43:34 AM
It's been proven alcohol is worse than weed. But who the hell cares? Don't do it anyway, if you're going to think of it that way, don't drink either.


I've done it before and it's not that bad. weed is hella good when you already doing something fun you just having the time of your life.everything is what i don't agree with is powder that stuff is nothing like weed at all I've never done it but jugging from the people I'm around sometimes the just beyond hyper active. I went to the club all cum and not collect and my Buddy was every where and I mean every where dancing with 4 chicks at once on the dance floor, then out side acting a fool, and last but not least in the car with the females. Lucky I was driving.

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Quote from: Jayat on June 12, 2010, 10:27:21 AM
I've done it before and it's not that bad. weed is hella good when you already doing something fun you just having the time of your life.everything is what i don't agree with is powder that stuff is nothing like weed at all I've never done it but jugging from the people I'm around sometimes the just beyond hyper active. I went to the club all cum and not collect and my Buddy was every where and I mean every where dancing with 4 chicks at once on the dance floor, then out side acting a fool, and last but not least in the car with the females. Lucky I was driving.
You see, this is why people say that weed smokers are idiots.

Because most of them are.
But smoking it doesn't cause you to become one, or act like one.

Idiots are idiots, before and after they smoke.


True that it make idots into even bigger idots every day but he was on powder not weed

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Quote from: Jayat on June 12, 2010, 05:13:56 PM
True that it make idots into even bigger idots every day but he was on powder not weed
Fix your grammar.

No, it doesn't make idiots into bigger idiots.

idiots follow the path that makes them into idiots.

Get schooling, go to college.

I smoke weed VERY frequently, but I am a very smart person. Weed is hobby, it doesn't change you anymore than any other hobby.


You do know that I'm joking on some of these topics right. =P

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