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Weed. . .

Started by Missingno6, May 21, 2010, 08:46:38 PM

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I took my time to make a conlusion based on my personal experiences.

my school is full of potheads. not just the typical druggie kids, but most of them are normal students, eevn athletes and honors students. it doesn't seem to effect them in any negative way.  sure, weed is often associated with kids who are failures, but in my experience, most people who do it are average people like me.

the average good students who smoke weed, typically don't do anything else drug related.  the druggie kids smoke weed, cigarettes, drink, whatever. that makes it pretty obvious that if weed were legalized many (more) people would start doing it but still not smoke cigarettes or do harder drugs. Why? because weed isn't as harmful to someone's health as cigarettes and alcohol. its less addictive in every way.

Now why would tobacco and alcohol be legal and weed would not?

It's quite simple, selling cigarettes and alcohol make money thereby stimulating the economy, while people can easily grow weed themselves and distribute it among others.

This would hurt the economy if anything because more people would opt to smoke weed instead of cigarettes if weed was legal, thereby losing cigarette companies money. I'm not saying people who smoke cigarettes would switch just to weed. I'm saying people who would have normally smoked cigarettes would choose only weed instead before they start.

My conclusion: Health is not the real reason why weed is illegal.
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Quote from: Zero on June 13, 2010, 01:15:24 AM
If you so desperately want to know why you're being "stupid" then I'll clue you in, because I guess Cornwad telling you why isn't good enough, so here's a second opinion.

You're way past a state of being overly biased.
You make up false statistics
You bring up unproven conspiracy theories and claim them as fact
You seem to think that your "facts" are not conspiracies which proves that you don't know what a conspiracy even is for intercourse 's sake.
You have virtually NO understanding of how an economy works
You try to tell me to look at the "big picture"(which is something I've told you to do, hmm, odd) when you in fact are not looking at the issue from every angle, only yours.
You have no idea how your drug of choice plays into America's underground economy, because you're ignorant of just how much money even a run of the mill pot dealer makes off of pot a day.
Dealers aren't peddlers. They don't have everything all the darn time and most tend to focus on a specific type of drug. Weed has hundreds and hundreds of varieties each with a varying degree of potency and each requiring a specific method of growing and preparation. Your typical hard drug dealer, if they sell pot, will probably only carry a small amount of arizona fire mids and fire mids usually intercourse ing suck compared to poop like lemon kush or white widow. Only desperate poop holes and middle school kids buy that poop. So no most dealers DO NOT deal hard drugs. They get most of their money from pot simply because its the drug that is in highest demand. That's why it isn't cheaper, because of how much it is demanded. So of course the crop itself doesn't have much monetary value, but AGAIN, the higher the demand, the higher the price, which is why marijuana isn't a couple bucks for half a G like it would be without the demand for it. After you take the demand into account, its worth is multiplied severalfold and that is why the smart dealers get rich. It's easy money.


Don't twist my words around. I never said that it was set in stone, that a person that uses weed is going to try other drugs or that weed is going to make you want to try other drugs. STATISTICALLY however, most hard drug users started with pot, which obviously points to something if you use common sense. And no it doesn't point to OH SHIT THERES SOMETHING IN THE WEED THAT CAUSES HARD DRUG ABUSE! I never intercourse ing said that. It points to the obvious conclusion that if you get into the habit of using a drug, what's going to stop you from using another drug? If a drug becomes a part of your life, why not bring more drugs into your life? Not every stoner shares your "pot-only" mentality. As I mentioned earlier, many of them mix 2CE or oxy with their weed to achieve "maximum" effect.  Yes part of it has to do with how easy it is to obtain weed, but again you're not looking at the whole picture.

I don't care enough to continue further with this, maybe I'll do one more reply but after that I'm done. I'll let Cornwad deal with it. He's smart enough.


lol I love that episode. Yeah that's one way to look at it. Productivity would slowly decrease and ultimately our nation's Gross Domestic Product would decrease which means bad things for our country. So no, your argument isn't completely without merit.
I have explained all of my points over and over and over again. Again, these are facts. I'm not being Biased about my argument, i'm saying what's true and your choosing not to believe it.

Do some research, then come back to me. Of course I bet you will either A. Not do anything and say you have. B. Check 1-2 pages and copy and paste.

Most hard drugs start with pot, again that is because pot is the easiest drug to come by, if I said to myself. "Hey, I want to try Meth" and my friend said "Nah bro try pot first." I would, because it is much easier to acquire. This point of YOUR argument is the weakest.

Pot is not a stepping stone drug, it's the one most people try first because it is the least dangerous, least expensive and easiest to acquire. Because someone smokes pot does not mean that they will try any harder drugs. Yet again if someone was going to try harder drugs it was because they planned on it from the beginning not because of pot.
I understand everything you think I don't, your just not opening your eyes to any of my points.
You will NEVER beat me in any argument, about anything. Just letting you know.
I know i'm right, and i'll continue to state all of the correct points.

And Jrdude I actually have that episode on tape, pretty good one.
Crime rate dropped, production was up. It would still be frowned upon to get high during work, just like it is to come to work drunk. You would be fired most likely.
You don't forget how to breath when your on pot, whoever told you that is a dippoop.

And Nik, is 100% correct.


yeah i saw that family guy too. thats actually where I first heard about that point from hemp vs. lumber.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


you do know that it a tv show that a comdy that somtimes make up stuff

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Quote from: Jayat on June 13, 2010, 12:45:22 PM
you do know that it a tv show that a comdy that somtimes make up stuff
never in my arguement did i say i believed or agreed with. i'm just saying thats where i first heard that argument. thats why i said i was suspecting of that but i wasn't sure.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


I really don't care if you like weed or not. If I'm lucky I'll never need to associate with that class of people. What makes my blood boil is when some poop hole starts poisoning minds with some bullpoop conspiracy theory with no ground in reality.


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Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 12:51:23 PM
I really don't care if you like weed or not. If I'm lucky I'll never need to associate with that class of people. What makes my blood boil is when some poop hole starts poisoning minds with some bullpoop conspiracy theory with no ground in reality.
its not a conspiracy, its common sense. you want a conspiracy, try that new world order bullpoop
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


Quote from: Nik on June 13, 2010, 01:05:12 PM
its not a conspiracy, its common sense. you want a conspiracy, try that new world order bullpoop

See? The weakest minds have already been corrupted. We've spent the last 4 pages or show making it clear that it makes no sense whatsoever.


Quote from: Nik on June 13, 2010, 01:05:12 PM
its not a conspiracy, its common sense. you want a conspiracy, try that new world order bullpoop
now that is Bull poop

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Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 01:10:10 PM
See? The weakest minds have already been corrupted. We've spent the last 4 pages or show making it clear that it makes no sense whatsoever.
the reasons for weed being illegal really comes down to what the motives are for the people in power that make it illegal. if thats not common sense then i don't know what is.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


ITT: People with no facts or sources arguing with other people with no facts or sources, people making exaggerated analogies, and people that don't know how to be constructive to a conversation.

QuotePeople are so stupid
QuoteI'm sure you'll respond with the same garbage
Quotewe can hardly take what a pot head says seriously
QuoteAre you high right now?

You all get an F-
I'll see you in detention, you'll be writing a 6 page minimum essay with sources cited, MLA format.


Quote from: Lelouch on June 13, 2010, 11:51:00 AM
I have explained all of my points over and over and over again. Again, these are facts. I'm not being Biased about my argument, i'm saying what's true and your choosing not to believe it.

That's the thing, you aren't providing any FUCKING facts. You're just spewing how you think things are, when YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CLUE. Do you even know what we're arguing about anymore?
Quote from: Lelouch on June 13, 2010, 11:51:00 AM
Do some research, then come back to me. Of course I bet you will either A. Not do anything and say you have. B. Check 1-2 pages and copy and paste.

YOU do research. You've clearly shown that you don't do your research and if you are doing research you're just doing it on a biased hemp conspiracy site that holds no merit at all.

Quote from: Lelouch on June 13, 2010, 11:51:00 AM
Most hard drugs start with pot, again that is because pot is the easiest drug to come by, if I said to myself. "Hey, I want to try Meth" and my friend said "Nah bro try pot first." I would, because it is much easier to acquire. This point of YOUR argument is the weakest.

Holy poop did you even read what I said? You clearly didn't. I said that while pot being one of the easiest drugs to acquire is true and it certainly factors into the equation as to why hard drug users usually start with pot, IT BRINGS THEM INTO THE DRUG USING LIFESTYLE YOU ILLITERATE MORON. When you start doing drugs, why stop with just pot? Clearly this isn't how it works for most people, like I said before, but for a group of people, it really is a "gateway" into the drug using lifestyle. Jesus intercourse ing christ you can't read.

Quote from: Lelouch on June 13, 2010, 11:51:00 AM
Pot is not a stepping stone drug, it's the one most people try first because it is the least dangerous, least expensive and easiest to acquire. Because someone smokes pot does not mean that they will try any harder drugs. Yet again if someone was going to try harder drugs it was because they planned on it from the beginning not because of pot.
I understand everything you think I don't, your just not opening your eyes to any of my points.
You will NEVER beat me in any argument, about anything. Just letting you know.
I know i'm right, and i'll continue to state all of the correct points.

No you don't understand anything I've intercourse ing said. You haven't debunked a single thing I've said, and that being said you can't debate at all. I've already been over everything a hundred times. This is why I've become frustrated and truth be told, I'll try to see to it that you never post in a serious discussion thread ever again, because this is what this thread has become.

Quote from: Lelouch on June 13, 2010, 11:51:00 AM
Crime rate dropped, production was up. It would still be frowned upon to get high during work, just like it is to come to work drunk. You would be fired most likely.
You don't forget how to breath when your on pot, whoever told you that is a dippoop.

Production more than likely wouldn't be up, first of all. Most stoners have inferior grades and have hardly any work ethic.

It was a intercourse ing joke lol. When you smoke, as great as it feels you still feel like a retard.

I've grown tired of this poop. You're the kind of faggot that gives stoners a bad name.

I'm done.


you got it wrong.
most stoners don't have poor grades or work ethic. most of them are normal students. One example: my school is full of potheads but has an above average graduation rate.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


Quote from: Zero on June 13, 2010, 01:22:58 PM
I've grown tired of this poop. You're the kind of faggot that gives stoners a bad name.
I'll agree with that. Based on this thread, one would think that pot has the negative side effect of turning you into a complete poop hole.