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Weed. . .

Started by Missingno6, May 21, 2010, 08:46:38 PM

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Name calling...Pfffth really guys pot head, just say weed smokers

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Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 01:33:09 PM
I'll agree with that. Based on this thread, one would think that pot has the negative side effect of turning you into a complete poop hole.
Nah, i'm just a complete poop hole.

I'v gone through more poop than you or Zero combined. You couldn't even imagine. Which is why i'm such an poop hole to people. I see the world and the people for who they really are.

I started smoking after an irriversable moment in my life, that I wanted to forget. I drink, and I started to smoke because of that incident. I was Anti-weed very very Anti-Drug because my parents were hardcore users, they used Meth, Crack, Coke etc. They gave me to an orphanage because my birth was a mistake. Which is why I was so hard against drugs, I was just like you were Cornwad. Ignorant.

I do my research. These are negative effects, and I have experienced all of them. When I smoke in high doses I experience a massive form of paranoia, I become very afraid of the smallest sounds I hear.
However, the majority of the harmful effects are also found in tobacco products.

That, is a very very good argument that focuses on the medicinal properties of the drug.

this, is focusing on the Hemp vs Tree argument. It has TONS of great points about it.

This talks about how Marijuana can and can not be a gateway drug. And this, talks about the common myths and facts about Weed.

Read the papers, do your own research.

Know what your talking about before you say it.


Wah wah wah, you have no idea what I've gone through. This is my only way to cope with the cruelty of the world. Don't talk about what you don't understand.

... That doesn't really work with text.

The funny part is that you're still wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. Those sources don't back up your crazy conspiracies. At all.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 04:16:53 PM
Wah wah wah, you have no idea what I've gone through. This is my only way to cope with the cruelty of the world. Don't talk about what you don't understand.

... That doesn't really work with text.

The funny part is that you're still wrong and have no idea what you're talking about. Those sources don't back up your crazy conspiracies. At all.
I state facts.
I state my opinion.
I post a few of my sources.

Yet you still refuse to A. Read them or B. Even think about my opinion.

I know what you think, because I have thought of it before. I have experience hating marijuana, being anti drug and I have experience in doing it.

I would say I have more of a foothold and more experience in this subject than you do. That's not something you can argue about, that's just a fact.

What you are basically saying is "This is my opinion, I will continue to think this way"

That's fine, you can think what you want. But none of your key points are correct.

And really, what have you gone through? Getting scolded by your parents, a fight with a friend? A breakup?

You have no idea what pain is. Physically, and mentally.
However, this is not on subject. So i'll leave that, at that.


I don't care what you've gone through. I don't think anybody cares. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with why weed isn't legal.

I think we've already established that weed isn't necessarily worse for you than alcohol or tobacco. But what hasn't been shown and doesn't exist is evidence that the tobacco companies would lose a significant profit if people had access to weed. People who smoke tobacco religiously want tobacco, not weed. Even if a few people switched to weed, plenty more would take up tobacco. If weed isn't a gateway drug like your link says, tobacco companies have nothing to worry about. Your argument contradicts itself and does not make sense. Just because you and your friends switched doesn't mean a significant amount of people will, that's what you don't understand.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 04:36:09 PM
I don't care what you've gone through. I don't think anybody cares. It certainly doesn't have anything to do with why weed isn't legal.

I think we've already established that weed isn't necessarily worse for you than alcohol or tobacco. But what hasn't been shown and doesn't exist is evidence that the tobacco companies would lose a significant profit if people had access to weed. People who smoke tobacco religiously want tobacco, not weed. Even if a few people switched to weed, plenty more would take up tobacco. If weed isn't a gateway drug like your link says, tobacco companies have nothing to worry about. Your argument contradicts itself and does not make sense. Just because you and your friends switched doesn't mean a significant amount of people will, that's what you don't understand.
Please, extend on the sentence that I bolded.

Weed is not legal, millions upon millions of people do not smoke Marijuana because of this.

Many people who have smoked tobacco to get that feeling of light headedness. The reason Nicotine is addicting is because it is calming and makes you feel good.

Marijuana does the same thing, however in a much more enlightened state. I would say that 6-10 cases *This is my opinion but I would be willing to be it is true* that if someone was given the choice to smoke tobacco or Marijuana if Both were legal. They would choose Marijuana.

Again, I have experience in this. You do not, your are giving me your opinion when I have seen with my own two eyes that this happens.


I'm sure those few people would switch. There are also many people who are perfectly fine with tobacco, and many people who don't have the will to quit even if they wanted to. A few would switch, but not enough for the companies to really care.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 04:43:31 PM
I'm sure those few people would switch. There are also many people who are perfectly fine with tobacco, and many people who don't have the will to quit even if they wanted to. A few would switch, but not enough for the companies to really care.
I have already said close to exact what you just said.

I have stated Many people would not stop smoking. Many people do it, because they like to.

I smoke ciggs with my friends, it's a social activity we can do in public. I did not quit, however I do not smoke them very frequently.

As I have said as well, millions of people would start to smoke weed. An amount would stop ciggs because of Marijuana.

But this is a point I would like you to think about.

If Marijuana was legal, the next generation of smokers would smoke Marijuana instead of Tobacco. And that is when they would start to lose a mass amount of money.


Not necessarily, there is no reason to assume that people will stop taking up smoking tobacco if weed is legalized. The current generation already has access to plenty of weed, yet like you said many of them still go for the tobacco. Noww you're just going into the theoretical, based on little logic.


..I don't think anything is wrong with it..but you shouldn't smoke....if your caught you could go to jail..


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 04:49:35 PM
Not necessarily, there is no reason to assume that people will stop taking up smoking tobacco if weed is legalized. The current generation already has access to plenty of weed, yet like you said many of them still go for the tobacco. Noww you're just going into the theoretical, based on little logic.
yeah, many of them go for the tobacco, but most of the kids go for the weed.
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Yeah, the kids do both too. That's what I said.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 05:49:23 PM
Yeah, the kids do both too. That's what I said.
what i'm saying is that weed is more popular to kids rather than cigarettes. people who smoke cigarettes often smoke weed too, at least younger people. But not the other way around. Just off my personal experience.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


There are also plenty of people who smoke tobacco without any weed. Either way, they're two separate things that have little effect on each other.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 13, 2010, 04:49:35 PM
Not necessarily, there is no reason to assume that people will stop taking up smoking tobacco if weed is legalized. The current generation already has access to plenty of weed, yet like you said many of them still go for the tobacco. Noww you're just going into the theoretical, based on little logic.
Yes, we have plenty of access. But you can't deny that if it were legal the popularity and usage of weed would sky rocket.

Yeah, it is illegal, which is why your responsible when you do it.