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Super Mario Galaxy 2 is now out. (Contains SPOILERS) Be Warned.

Started by SkyMyl, May 23, 2010, 11:37:33 AM

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When are you getting it?

Already got it.
4 (21.1%)
Sometime this week/month, when I have more cash.
7 (36.8%)
5 (26.3%)
I'm not getting it anytime soon.
2 (10.5%)
Fuck no I'm not intercourse ing getting Galaxy 2.
1 (5.3%)

Total Members Voted: 19


All the high praise the reviews have been giving it has suddenly made me anticipate Galaxy 2 a lot more than I did when it was first announced. In one day. IGN doesn't intercourse ing count, by the way. Anyway, how many of you are going to get Galaxy 2?

Since I'm sending in my Wii tomorrow, I'll have to hijack my brother's Wii to play Galaxy 2 when I pick it up on Tuesday. Was going to make a mad dash and pick it up today on a whim, but financial issues denied that plan. I'm hoping the game really is more difficult than Galaxy, as that was Galaxy's biggest flaw, in my opinion.

Plus, Yoshi being included is a plus. It means I can abandon him in mid jump over a gaping chasm, and watch as he plummets to his death into a black hole.


I'm staring at the game box right now, but I currently don't have a Wii to play it on. This is torture.


I'm getting it tuesday, probably.

Just a quick note, as a first party Nintendo game on the Wii(a Mario game no less), it'll NEVER come down in price. Mario Galaxy still hasn't, neither has PBR or any of the main Pokemon games.


Gotta wait for Wednesday now. Goddangit.

Quote from: Zero on May 23, 2010, 12:41:47 PM
Just a quick note, as a first party Nintendo game on the Wii(a Mario game no less), it'll NEVER come down in price. Mario Galaxy still hasn't, neither has PBR or any of the main Pokemon games.
Didn't know. Edited that answer slightly for no real reason.


Notice how the Wii doesn't have a "Player's Choice" line? Yep. Probably won't ever will either. What changed this gen? Nintendo has basically been printing their own money and doesn't really need the price drops in their games. People still buy them.

But yeah I just read the Destructoid review and I'm pretty psyched. I wish I could go out and get it now but eh...I'll wait.


I have it right here...

Wait, do we agree that Super Mario Galaxy 1 had better storyline while Super Mario Galazy 2 supposedly has better gameplay? Sounds like a Fire Emblem: PoR and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn thing.


..its a Mario game, why the hell do people want a story?


Quote from: Zero on May 23, 2010, 03:53:15 PM
..its a Mario game, why the hell do people want a story?
Very good point.

All Mario games have the same Story line Anyway ( or at least very close to the same kind ).

I JUST bought it at Toys R Us.....

EVEN THOUGH I reserved this game and bought it in FULL over 11 months ago at Game the time I got off of work to go to the mall to pick this game up, Game Stop was closed  \: .

So I decided to go to Toys R Us on the way back home... Buy Super Mario Galaxy 2... Then the next day go back to the mall, pick UP another copy of Super Mario galaxy 2 .... then go to Toys R Us and return the one I just bought at Game Stop.

I know what I typed sounds confusing, but over all....... I pretty much get my money back while having the game on the day it came out.

Good things, all Nintendo Wii games have the same Sku's  no matter what store you buy it from. ;D


From what I've played, I like Galaxy 2s storyline more. Much faster without having to insult your intelligence. Also, they finally gave young master Luma a name.


Got it, been playing it almost non-stop. Stopped for dinner and watching MY Blackhawks DESTROY the San Jose Sharks for Western Conference Champs!

Anyway, my thoughts:
1. 55 stars in, World 4, having a blast.
2. In case you're wondering, I AM taking my time. It's not my fault I'm awesome, not to mention years of experience just makes me know how Nintendo designs things. At this point Shigeru doesn't try to surprise me anymore.
3. Except for the intercourse ing secret star in Boulder Bowl Galaxy. C'mon I've destroyed EVERY enemy, EVERY pillar, searched EVERY SQUARE INCH OF THE LEVEL. WHERE IS IT!?
4. Level design is MUCH more solid than Galaxy 1. It was apparent Nintendo realized some of the quirks didn't work, so it sticks to a more traditional Mario layout a lot of the time. Not to say there isn't Galaxy hopping and planetoids, but it's more streamlined than before.
5. Why do we have prankster comets still? It's just laziness on Nintendo's part to not create more stars. Bah. That's my only real gripe.
6. Okay, I have one more. Hungry Luma's are back. Why? Just put the Galaxies there! Don't force me to grind for star bits because you feel like being jerks. Ah, THOSE are my only two gripes. :P
7. Music is AMAZING.
8. None of the controller problems have been fixed. I'm experiencing the same problems in the same places. But since the level design is better, you don't run into them as often.

So far, I'd say this is an improvement over Galaxy. Not a MASSIVE improvement, but I'm certainly enjoying it more, and it feels more Mario than Galaxy 1 did.
And the story is utterly pointless so WHY they put in little cutscenes and try to give the luma's, etc. characters is beyond me. With the new world map, the hub world is POINTLESS. But since you never have to do anything on it, I'll leave it at that.


The game looks even more fun. They certainly improved from the previous game. This is like the Mario's "Majora Mask" of the series. :)

Nayrman, your big ego never seizes to amaze me. |:


As far as story goes, I like the purple guy more than I liked Roselina.


Quote from: Cornwad on May 23, 2010, 06:29:49 PM
As far as story goes, I like the purple guy more than I liked Roselina.
Ugh.. a big fat purple star...... he insults my name.

A "face ship, har har" ......... are you kidding me??! :|

I'm enjoying the game ... I'm not speeding through either, I'm taking m sweet time and getting everything I can as early as possible, so I don't have to go back and get things.

I've been playing for about an hour... And I'm still on the first area. I beat that stupid King Lakitu Cloud thing......... and that's where I am right now.... Lol at him beating the cloud like a drum. :D

I'm also enjoying the music...

I feel I have a long way to go

Oh, I just beat the "Think Before you Shake, -Flip-swap Galaxy" :D

Good god.

2 things.

1. NO IDEA flipping would make a Chain Chomp roll towards me by it turning like that....... Like...give me a warning! >__<

2. The last jump to get to the Star by jumping in between the electric fence was ...... UGH!!
I made it..but I was like........ "Are you Serious?!" (( :| )) I just stood there for a minute just thinking... "Should I long jump it or go it the normal way"?

I'm just screaming/yelling with loud noises trying not to get hit by it all!

I'm really enjoying the game, but I think I'd have more fun watching others play.
Still, I see why they gave this game a perfect.


Star Bunny's are my Pets by the way.

I called it.


I think I'll have to pirate buy it.
