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Started by The Riddler, June 05, 2010, 09:37:35 AM

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I made predictions for an ns2 column, but they're not up yet. I'll have to link here after. Basically, I'm expecting crazy ass poop from Nintendo, and although it's an "outrageous" column, I have to say I half expect all of it.

For instance, Star Fox Wii. Not that bad until I tell you I'm sure it'll be the first Vitality sensor game.


Quote from: TheAuraWielder on June 07, 2010, 08:04:54 PM
Ouch. You hate every console?
Actually it wouldn't be surprising at all. This is coming from someone who owns all the consoles and portable systems this gen.

Oh and with pessimism, he forgot "Rock Band 3 will be shown but for slight mere seconds with showing off the keyboard. Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock/6 will be shown off for about the same amount of seconds, no new song reveals as well, and then Brian Bright opens his whore mouth about it"

That said, the optimism is something we'll see in a surprise like last years show.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I predict Steam announces HL2: Episode 3.


Quote from: Thirdkoopa on June 09, 2010, 07:09:31 AM
Actually it wouldn't be surprising at all. This is coming from someone who owns all the consoles and portable systems this gen.
That's a bit too sad.


Quote from: TheAuraWielder on June 09, 2010, 02:17:23 PM
That's a bit too sad.
Not really. I just know how to not blind myself to the truth. Not that it's that bad as he makes it out. Especially the last line. I actually think this generation is mediocre overall, people over/underrate it to far extreme extents.

That being said there will be some things to get giddy about. Even last year managed to have a few sneak surprises. It's just that right now, there's not really much (Asides from stuff we already know a lot about that will be demoed). It's just that the optimism isn't really something to predict. So we play the waiting game.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I think this will be one of the more interesting E3s, each company has some new hardware to show off. Nintendo has the 3DS, Sony has Move, and Microsoft has Natal. Just seeing what games will be made for those 3 makes this E3 more potentially interesting than the last, and probably the best in a while.


Quote from: Night the Lucario on June 08, 2010, 03:22:28 AM
I'm actually not being sarcastic there. Somebody made a topic about it on the Other M boards on GameFAQs(yes, I go there, and yes, I'm on the boards. Don't judge me.), about Samus having bigger boobs. Most people started yelling at them, mentioning that the people developing all of the characters - and indeed, much of the game - is going to be Nintendo. Nintendo is not going to make Samus have massive breasts.

Although I am a bit worried about the controls. From the descriptions I've read, it sounds like it might be rather awkward.

I think he meant he was being sarcastic, not you... although I can't really tell...

Anyway, while I would love 3-D Kirby, any new Star Fox, and Donkey Kong 64 2 to finally make an appearance, I don't honestly expect them to appear. However, despite Nintendo's boring shows last year and the year before, as well as the high probability of Vitality Sensor garbage, I do expect this show to be awesome due to 3DS (FOR ANYONE WHO STILL CAN'T GET THIS THROUGH THEIR HEADS, IT'S NOT ANOTHER DS; IT'S A WHOLE NEW FREAKING GEN!!!!), Pokemon Black and White, and the ZELDATRAILEROMGI'MSOEXCITED!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!!! Of course, this is just the fanboy in my crying for joy; if the show had absolutely nothing but that trailer, I'd say it was the best show in years. I also expect some more Golden Sun action (not that I've ever even played the series), as well as some surprise great game like how Other M premiered last year. Oh, and it's not technically Nintendo, but let's see some Conduit 2!!

As for the other parties... I don't care. Granted, I like the other consoles, with my having previously owned a PS1, Xbox, and Xbox 360 and currently owning a PS2 and PS3 (in addition to my DS Lite and Wii), but I've never been interested in their shows before; I'm predicting way too much hype over Playstation Motion Plus over at the Sony show and way too much hype over the Xbox Eyetoy over at the Microsoft show, with some already announced FPSs to pass the time. At it's absolute best, I would hope to see the Sony presentation show us Infamous 2, Last Guardian or whatever that game is that I haven't heard from in a while (heck, it could already be out for all I know), some freaking SLY COOPER 4 (a long shot), and if Sony even has permission to do this, Batman: Arkham Asylum 2. I don't care about Microsoft anymore since I don't own an Xbox 360 anymore (freaking red ring o death), but if I did, I'd hope they would show us a real Banjo-Threeie... Heck, just announce that they're making Rare a 3rd Party so they can make their games on Nintendo again and I'd be the happiest guy alive! YOU SUCK WITH MICROSOFT, RARE! YOU SUCK!! GO BACK TO NINTENDO, OR AT LEAST GET THE HECK AWAY FROM THAT GREEN AND WHITE BOX!!!!!


QuoteThis isn't that far fetched. Back when Namco owned controlling interest in Monolith, the company that largely worked on the series, a DS version was to appear. It never came to fruition before Nintendo stepped in and bought them out. However, the fact Monolith worked with another company, tri-Crescendo, means that pretty well all work is likely scrapped. What it comes down to is that Nintendo itself would need to step in, relieving some of the work from Monolith, using the flagship EAD studio. It doesn't stop there, however. Nintendo already has a strong repertoire of DS RPG's, and I can't imagine them diverting a lot of energy into ending the DS' life cycle. Thus, it only makes sense that Baten Kaitos be a 3DS wonder – showing that Nintendo hasn't lost their edge with RPG's on their handhelds. And seeing as no one cared about Sagi, or any character but Guillo, it'll be a Guillo centric title, although, it may need morph ball like levels seeing as Guillo lost its body in the last game we played. This isn't as outrageous as the other things, but this statement may be: Nintendo WILL make Baten Kaitos a monster of a series. It's just a matter of when.

QuoteRemember that project from waaaaaaaaaay back when that never came to fruition? If you don't already know, it was a Nintendo beat em up game with a badass protagonist and a robotic looking motif. Gamers were eating it up until it mysteriously disappeared. With Nintendo's recent push to bring core gamers back home (see: Other M, Sin and Punishment 2, Zelda) H.A.M.M.E.R. is a sensible choice to bring back to the docket, thus it doesn't belong here. In order for it to return though, Nintendo has a policy of bastardization that must occur. A "Clank" like side-kick will be introduced, the art style will be extremely light and off beat, and the game will be renamed "Spyborgs 2." Ok, maybe the last part isn't doable without Capcom, but the rest holds true.

QuoteAfter the success of Punch-Out!! for Wii, and of course, Doc Louis making a Wiiware appearance, it'd be foolish not to bring Arm Wrestling, the last purely Nintendo arcade machine, to WiiWare. It's so obvious it's not obvious at alll. The motions of Wii Motion + could quite smoothly translate some of the intricacies, but what of the wrist? It doesn't matter – I'm just the visionary here. Better yet, Nintendo will actually install a viable online mode for it – so you can beat down as many people in Arm Wrestling as you can't in real life! The kicker is that Arm Wrestling had only 5 opponents (one being very familiar to fans of Punch Out), meaning we'd actually get the new characters we all desperately wanted from Punch-Out!! And, of course, a giant ape would be there to comically pound you to the ground. If that doesn't sound like something you can get into, I don't know what does.

QuoteThis is for the diehard Wii Music fans out there (all three of you!). Seeing as Nintendo sees Wii Music as a success, which it really wasn't, it'll clearly be pumping out a sequel. But in true Nintendo fashion, it'll want to brand it with Pokémon to make it sell even better (see: Mystery Dungeon, Pokémon Puzzle League). Seeing as guitar is the way to go in the current landscape, the tech demo for the Gamecube featuring Meowth playing guitar seems to be a natural fit. In fact, it's very likely that it was the animated series Meowth in the demo. What's the expression, again? It prints money. Meowth will then go on some epic journey, like in Mario DDR, and other beloved Pokémon will jump in to play some other instruments ala Rock Band. Can you imagine Arbok headbanging? Plus, I look at it this way – it's about time Nintendo copied someone else. Bazinga.


New Zelda.

It's going to rock.
It will.
Knock on wood.

I can't wait.


Quote from: Mewtwo on June 10, 2010, 06:21:38 AM
I think he meant he was being sarcastic, not you...



Another Assassin's Creed.


Quote from: Allegory on June 11, 2010, 11:21:13 PM
Another Assassin's Creed.
Do you mean the reveal of AC IV or more info on Brotherhood?


brotherhood is getting its own presentation. I can't imagine there being more AC info beyond that.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 12, 2010, 09:10:57 AM
Do you mean the reveal of AC IV or more info on Brotherhood?

More on brotherhood


All I care about is the 3DS, really, as my Wii is basically gathering dust. I hope dearly at least one franchise (Kirby, F-Zero) gets a new installation, because I've played the crap out of GX, and Air Ride didn't count.
Become a Failbook fan: Victory Road :3

The Game Boy Pocket.
Put it in your back pocket.
Sit down and it breaks.