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Nintendo - June 15, 9 am PST

Started by Lotos, June 06, 2010, 07:02:32 AM

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DANGIT. I'm gonna be gone tomorrow from approximately 12 to 1. FROM TWELVE O'CLOCK PM EASTERN TIME TO ONE O'CLOCK PM EASTERN TIME. Is there seriously no other time I could have to do errands tomorrow?!?!  >:(

I guess now I'll have to... *gulp* ...just read the articles afterwards.  :O  :(


15 hours remain until it begins.


Need something to pass the time... I know, a list!

Most looking forward to (or "realistically hoping for," since their lineup isn't officially revealed yet):

2. 3DS
3. Pokemon Black/White
4. Conduit 2 (if that's not reserved for SEGA's show)
5. Epic Mickey (if that's not reserved for Disney's show)

Honorable mention: Metroid Other M, Golden Sun
For Nintendo, but not by Nintendo: Kingdom Hearts Re:coded, Conduit 2, Epic Mickey, Sonic 4, Sonic Colors (if it's even at E3)
Impractical hopes: non-portable StarFox (unless it's for 3DS), non-portable Kirby, a good DK game, anything F-Zero, Super Smash Bros. anything, Wii 2 (extremely unlikely)


I'm surprised no one's mentioned a new Kid Icarus yet.

Have people finally realized that it's not happening?


Nintendo doesn't really listen to the fans, and we all know that.

Anyway, I've got it recorded, and depending on how class goes I could get home on time. But these things start late anyway so I have a window I guess.

What I want to see:
1. Zelda...DUH
2. Golden Sun please. You showed it last year and then given us NOTHING. C'mon!
3. Some old franchise that hasn't gotten a release in forever. Remember Nintendo, you have other franchises besides the big four. Rumor is Retro making a DK game, but I'd like an F-Zero game to be honest.
4. 3DS, just to see what it is.
5. No intercourse ing gimmicks please. Just once I'd like to see a press show (besides the 3DS obviously) that wasn't waggle filled "ugh"-ness at some point.


Quote from: Nayrman on June 14, 2010, 04:40:57 PM
Nintendo doesn't really listen to the fans, and we all know that.

Anyway, I've got it recorded, and depending on how class goes I could get home on time. But these things start late anyway so I have a window I guess.

What I want to see:
1. Zelda...DUH
2. Golden Sun please. You showed it last year and then given us NOTHING. C'mon!
3. Some old franchise that hasn't gotten a release in forever. Remember Nintendo, you have other franchises besides the big four. Rumor is Retro making a DK game, but I'd like an F-Zero game to be honest.
4. 3DS, just to see what it is.
5. No intercourse ing gimmicks please. Just once I'd like to see a press show (besides the 3DS obviously) that wasn't waggle filled "ugh"-ness at some point.

There's no way you're getting number 5; this IS post-Gamecube era Nintendo we're talking about. However, I do have a feeling this year will be considerably more epic than the past years; in fact, I feel Nintendo may actually "win" E3 this year; heck, any year with good Zelda is a win for me.


Quote from: Mewtwo on June 14, 2010, 04:44:49 PM
There's no way you're getting number 5; this IS post-Gamecube era Nintendo we're talking about. However, I do have a feeling this year will be considerably more epic than the past years; in fact, I feel Nintendo may actually "win" E3 this year; heck, any year with good Zelda is a win for me.

I know, but I can hope. One of these years they're going to realize that they're trying to impress the guys who don't care about waggle at this event, and actually structure a show around that.


I have heard a rumor that they are announcing a new peripheral...

Oh, and F-Zero or Starfox would be nice.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


*Waves Nintendo flag* I want to see very original titles already.

EDIT: *Waves flag faster*



Twenty minutes until it starts.


Kid Icarus Uprising
The Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

The show's not over yet, but Nintendo has already won. This is beyond anything I could have expected. Bravo, Nintendo, you're back in business.


Only two games that weren't interesting at all, and FOUR revivals.

Congratulations Nintendo. You've reminded me why I'm proud to be a Nintendo fanboy.

Gwen Khan

Quote from: Mewtwo on June 15, 2010, 10:06:29 AM
Kid Icarus Uprising
The Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Donkey Kong Country Returns

The show's not over yet, but Nintendo has already one. This is beyond anything I could have expected. Bravo, Nintendo, you're back in business.

you forgot Golden Sun: Dark Dawn


Activision, Square, THQ, Atlus, Capcom, Konami, and more, oh my...

Thank you Nintendo XD

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change