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Relichris's Poetry and Short Stories

Started by Relichris, June 11, 2010, 10:07:32 AM

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Hello, this is Relichris here.  This is where I will share my stories and poetry if you are all into that.  Probably won't get that many views or comments but it's for your eyes now.  Only few people have ever read any writings I may have conjured.  Consider yourself lucky.  Please comment if you like.


"Her Warming Touch"

Broken down in the midst of all that is good
I strive to reach to the top
Only to be pushed down again
If only I were strong enough to overcome such challenges
I could be more use

She looks down upon thee
Silent as the fall of night
Her eyes gaze into mine wanderously
She extends an arm
And softly says, "Help is here"

I look upon her as I interlock my arm with hers
She lifts me to the top where she stands
She holds me close
Her warming touch soothing what lives inside of me
She says to me gracefully, "Let me be your strength."


"One Lovely Story"

   Once upon a time there was a girl bewildered.  She had no idea what to do.  Her parents paid no mind to her.  They only went about their business, leaving her feeling helplessly alone.  She wishes for a life of peace, free from all the hurt and anguish that is bestowed upon her shoulders.  While feeling trapped within the confinements of her own home, she works as a waitress for a local restaurant.  There she is able to maintain a little independence but would rather have someone at her side.  Having a shy nature, it made this nearly impossible for her to reach out to others.  Of all the friends she has, no one has been able to fill the void.  She wants nothing more than to be loved.  She has met many capable men to live up to what she needs but they turned out to be nothing less than arrogant chumps.  Upon realizing what their true faces were, she decided to move forward without love of others.  She continued to work and live through her years with her ignorant parents.  She learned to be strong and wise.  She pushed through the pain, the agony, the loneliness.  She took on any task she was able to carry.  And just as she thought this was how it was to be, she found new light.
   An old friend from years past came back into her life.  At first it was very subtle.  She enjoyed conversing with him as did he.  They spent a lot of time together with mutual friends.  For a month, they exchanged words of comfort.  He points out that he will listen to any problems she has been having amongst herself and others.  He tells her that he will always be there as long as she needs him.  She feels at peace knowing that someone has taken the time and heart to care of what she needs.  Weeks later he tells her that he must leave briefly for a couple of weeks.  An overwhelming disappointment appears on her face.  She has yet to tell him how much he means to her.  She keeps her feelings hidden thinking that he's going to leave like everyone else.  He assures her that he will be back and that he will keep in touch.  Upon the last day they spent together, she's excited and scared simultaneously.  She wishes that he would stay but knows that he has to, if only for a bit.  She stays with him til he has to depart.  They share a hug.  A hug that feels most important to both of them.  They say their goodbyes.  Tears flow from both of their eyes, as well as their hearts.
   Two weeks later he returns.  She stands there awaiting his arrival, excited to see his face she knows and cares for.  During the two weeks, he has stayed true to his word.  They communicated nearly everyday they were apart.  She realized how much he meant to her and believed to found the one person that filled her one wish.  She confessed her feelings to him that week, as did he.  He appears behind her and gives her a gentle hug.  They smile and gaze into each others eyes.  They say their hellos.  Their story continues on, happily ever after.



I am nothing but a shadow.
Standing behind you, following your every move.

I am there when you are happy.
I am there when you are sad.

I have no feelings nor can I keep you company.
But I am always there.

I walk as you walk.
I express what you express.

I am the dark.
You are the light.

I am nothing but a shadow.
But I am always there.