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Started by Jayat, June 12, 2010, 12:42:00 PM

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Has this ever happend to you? well, it happend to me when I was trying to learn how to make flash.

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Wii 8713-9036-0212-2272


Getting rick rolled? Constantly. Friends of mine have like, a league going on, to see who can do it the most. Plus, let's not forget the Foster's Home For Imaginary Friend's float. Fuck.


I Rick Roll my family whenever I'm desperately bored.

Also, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 'back in 08 was actually the first time I've ever been Rick Rolled.

The Riddler

Shea Stadium got Rick Roll'd ;_;


HA ha haa Rolled!
I fell like rick rolling people now

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Wii 8713-9036-0212-2272


On the last day of school, my entire school got rick rolled by the administration.


Quote from: Allegory on June 12, 2010, 03:24:17 PM
On the last day of school, my entire school got rick rolled by the administration.
Really I bet that was funny.The look of OMG on everyones face

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Wii 8713-9036-0212-2272


Quote from: Jayat on June 12, 2010, 04:02:47 PM
Really I bet that was funny.The look of OMG on everyones face

It was hilarious, and one kid was out in the hall screaming "You just got rick rolled" at everyone. (That was really dumb though.)


I'm going to make a dance called rick rolled now.

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Wii 8713-9036-0212-2272


I have been shamelessly rick'rolled hundreds of times.


Be looking on you-tube for my rick roll dance COMING SOON

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Wii 8713-9036-0212-2272


If I recall correctly, the first time it happened to me, I was looking up the ED article on it ( The first time it actually happened to me was when I was haphazardly searching for episodes of Arby 'n' the Chief on Youtube and--what do you know--it wasn't posted by Machinima, but by some joker that changed one letter or so of the word "Machinima" for his own account name. I didn't mind though; I enjoyed it. I eventually downloaded the music video; it's a good song.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


I was rick rolled at an academic trivia competition at my school.
The question was on Pop Culture and asked us to identify the song that was to be played.
Lo and behold, it was the majestic voice of Rick Astley. Fortunately, I recognized it before anyone else did and I got the point.


Now That's sound fun. I bet your heart was racing when you had the answer

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Wii 8713-9036-0212-2272