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Tolerance and Racism.

Started by Allegretto, June 12, 2010, 10:19:54 PM

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It's all the same thing, and even if you don't think it's communist you can't say it's a decent place to live in. Would you want to live there? But I don't feel like arguing anymore after that weed thread so all I can say is that you're wrong.


Well, this is my last post here. Yes, actually. I would want to live there. My guitar teacher visits there regularly, and from what I can tell, it's a nice place. Certainty better than America, in our current state. But I digress, this isn't what this thread is about.


Well then I guess that makes you a moron, a communist, and quite possibly a hippie.


Their economy isn't better than ours lol, we're actually coming out of our recession and have been for more than a year. Our media just exaggerates and endlessly covers topics that they don't understand(See: CNN or FOX)

I'm not going to say that Russia is a poopty place to live in, because I haven't lived there, but I will say again that their GDP is and has been significantly lower than ours for a few hundred years running, lol. When I say significantly, its not just a large margin, it's a huge intercourse ing margin. We out produce the intercourse  out of the Russians, and even during our recession our economy was more stable than the majority of the world's economy. Hell, because our economy reached a trough in the business cycle the rest of the world suffered.

You always hear Americans talk about how awesome it'd be to live in another country because "America" sucks, but truth be told America doesn't suck. There's no other place I'd rather live, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to visit other countries. Which brings me to my views that are on-topic:

PY, I instantly thought of that Avenue Q song when I saw this thread. It's nice that someone else thought of it too. It really is true, everyone is a little bit racist. The problem is when it gets taken too far. Sure most Cubans will try to haggle with you regardless of you explaining that in America's retail, we don't haggle, and sure there are more blacks in jail than whites, but that doesn't mean all Cubans are cheapskates or all blacks are criminals. Other countries say America is the most racist country in the world, but try being white in northern Africa or in the middle east. I doubt it'd go over very well. At least we as a society frown on killing. In some of those societies killing is alright in the name of Allah or your leader or whatever. It's hell in north Africa, constant civil war and what not.

Compared to those places, America is paradise.


Yeah, France was fun to visit and I'd probably go again as long as Iceland watches its volcanoes, but I wouldn't want to live there. You can't even get a quarter pounder with cheese there.


I want to establish the context of my post first. Stereotyping is when one thinks certain traits of an individual are inherent in others with a matching trait. Prejudice is when a certain trait affects your feelings towards a 'group' of people. Discrimination is when a certain attribute affects your actions towards a 'group' of people.

I'm quite comfortable with the fact that I'm racist; the human race is pathetic. I'm kidding, but that pretty much sums up my feelings on race; we're the same species, so we're the same race. Of course I recognize that there are certain... subcultures in the race, but I think these help define humanity as a whole. Yes, I stereotype, have prejudices, and discriminate, but I have no problem with that. I'm more likely to try to befriend the guy wearing the choker and Mickey Mouse shirt than the guy wearing the chains with his pants sagging. Unfortunately, my ability to read minds is merely 13% accurate, so I have to make decisions based on what a person wears or how they speak to determine initially whether they're my type of person or not. Based on his choker and Mickey Mouse shirt, I stereotype that he may like other things I like; thus, I have a prejudice toward the Mickey Mouse guy, since I feel he's a better person as I place myself on this insurmountable platform, and if he's like me, he's a better person. Of course, the discrimination occurs when I choose to become friends with Mickey Mouse guy instead of chains guy. Unfortunately, Mickey Mouse guy turns out to be psychotic horseslayer, but meh. I aim to discriminate on an individual basis, but it's hard when you don't know a person yet.

There's a reason people discriminate; it betters our chances for survival. People may not realize it, but we're naturally prejudiced towards certain things, such as healthy-looking mates and individuals of affluence. Also, as PY said, we're fearful creatures and when something is different, we hold aversions to it. Maybe at one time it made vital natural significance to be racist, not the hatefulness and sheer ignorance commonly seen today. However, I think we've progressed to the point where we realize an individual of dark skin tone merely can take sunlight better. And play basketball, apparently.


Less serious, in fact, not serious at all, but since race and human was brought up it reminded me of something I feel like pointing out.

In cartoons and crap, have you noticed that all aliens are the same race? by that I mean color, and I don't mean the ones that look 90% like humans, I mean the green ones and whatnot. They are always the same color, on mars or something, they find green men, but never a different color, never a blue, or dark green, or yellow or whatever, always the same shade of the same color. Anyone find that odd? In Futurama, you will find many aliens shown on the show, but the same species is always the same color (except the ones that look like humans with minor differences), Kif, we've seen many of his species, yet none are blue, none are dark green, they're all that same lime green color. Why?
Though I guess I should mention, sometimes a different shade is used on some species, but that is usually on a different age, like Zoidberg's uncle, an old man, different shade made him look older, but I'm sure if it showed him young, he'd be the exact same color as Zoidberg.
Dude .


Quote from: Lelouch on June 12, 2010, 10:19:54 PM
So, how tolerant are you?

And are you racist about anything? Pretty basic topic

I am very racist, I go off of my personal experiences since experience is the best teacher.

And I am tolerant about very little things.
This. I completely understand that one human is just as good as another, unless they did something outstanding or horrible.

But I also understand that certain "coincidences" exist within race as well. For example, I have noticed that black people generally seem to be more rude than most other races. It's not because they are black, or maybe it is, but it seems to be THEM that are the rude ones most of the time.

White people seem better at lying than any other race. I know this because I am an excellent liar, as are all of my white friends, and my white enemies.

And it seems sad BECAUSE it's easily avoidable. It's not like it's uncontrollable. Being rude as intercourse  is not a genetic thing that DEFINES you and you're stuck with. It's easily manageable.

And of course, not all black people are rude (I know many great black people.), and not all whiteys are liars (I know some decently honest ones), and other stereotypes like that. I know it's not the entire race. Those traits just seem to pop up in those races more often than others.

At least, by my experience....


Actually Jr Dude, that reminds me of something I read somewhere about the future of the human race. Based on what people consider attractive and who reproduces with who, in the future humans will be subdivided into two races: a "superior" race of intelligent, tall, attractive humans and an "inferior" race of what's left. Humans would also all possess the same skin tone, with maybe the superiors being fairer than the inferiors. Maybe that explains aliens.


That sounds like a combination of the Time Machine and the Mexican episode of South Park.


Quote from: JrDude φ on June 13, 2010, 12:45:18 AM
Everyone is racist though. As long as you label someone as a race, you are racist, until everyone is not considered a race to your eyes, you are racist. There are kids who are not racist, but once they realize "oshi, he's brown and I'm peach," then they're racist.
I have to disagree with this. In fact, this is just outright incorrect. You're trying to get racists on a technicality--and I think I understand where you're coming from--but this is why you're mistaken.

The definition of racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. It's not merely the labeling of a person by race; labeling is too strong of a word anyway, and in this context, it carries negative connotation. "Recognizing" would be a more appropriate word. The fact that people can recognize each other by race doesn't mean that they're racist.

I'm not racist at all and I'm completely tolerant of everything that isn't humanely wrong (e.g. terrorism of all kinds). I do make many racist jokes, but I mean no harm.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Oh, also, a racist confession, for some reason, I wouldn't ever date a black girl. Why? I don't know to be honest, I find many cute and attractive, but for some reason I've never felt like "oh I'd tap that" or something (you know the guy mind [oh look, sexist]) towards a black girl, most other races, if not all, I've thought that way towards one (maybe not exactly "I'd tap that," but you know what I mean), but never a black one, I'm racist against my will. Many other guys I know have told me this before I even told them, so I know it's not very uncommon.
Dude .


Quote from: Zero on June 16, 2010, 03:38:40 PM
Their economy isn't better than ours lol, we're actually coming out of our recession and have been for more than a year. Our media just exaggerates and endlessly covers topics that they don't understand(See: CNN or FOX)

Erm, I wasn't really talking about the economy. I guess I should have made it more clear. I was actually talking about the fact that we haven't had a good President in years. Putin may be totalitarian but at least he actually gives a poop about the Russian people. Unlike Bush/Obama. And while I did say it was "better than America in our current state." doesn't mean I'd live there over America. My entire point from the beginning was, although living in Russia wouldn't be as good as America, it's not bad. It's not this big Communist state that terrorizes it's population anymore. And by saying "I would want to live there" was under the stipulation that I couldn't live in America. I should have made that more clear as well.

tl;dr Russia isn't better than America, but it's not this big monster we should avoid the rest of our lives.

So anyway, I really don't know what to add to this on topic discussion, but I do want to say I agree with TF.


Uh, the USSR was never really communist, more a form of totalitarianism. So basically Russia now is like the USSR, but less powerful and therefore even suckier. Some people just don't know how fortunate they are and go around saying dumb stuff like Russia isn't leagues below America.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 17, 2010, 08:44:05 AM
Uh, the USSR was never really communist, more a form of totalitarianism. So basically Russia now is like the USSR, but less powerful and therefore even suckier. Some people just don't know how fortunate they are and go around saying dumb stuff like Russia isn't leagues below America.
That's true about the USSR. But you have to understand, just because Putin is totalitarian doesn't mean that Russia is. It's similar to if America elected a Communist President. He's communist, but until he actually gets legislation and poop done, America isn't. Same goes with Putin and Russia.

And no poop America is leagues above Russia. We're leagues above every country. But it's not like living in Russia is like living in hell. From my understanding, of people who actually lived in Russia post 1993 living in Russia is similar to living in any other European country. Not as good as America, but it's on par with Italy and whatnot.