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Started by Someguy13, June 14, 2010, 07:05:21 PM

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Oh yeah you like that don't you?



This is my response as well.
Quote from: SkyMyl on June 14, 2010, 07:08:25 PM

(By the way, I like how her hair looks).


I just watched the Microsoft press conference and that part stuck out as particularly ridiculous to me. 


someguy: Wow.

Mods: Is this getting locked?


I was embarrassed by watching Microsoft.  And Ubisoft.  :V


Quote from: Relichris on June 14, 2010, 07:27:28 PM
I was embarrassed by watching Microsoft.  And Ubisoft.  :V
Yeah after the first 3 games Microsoft showed most of the rest was just...stupid.


I'm telling you guys: Zelda Wii, 3DS, Conduit 2, and a huge realm of other possibilities since they're technically not announcing their line-up; Nintendo's gonna be the star of E3, or at least save what little is left after Micro and Ubi. Of course, there will still be shovelware, but we're used to that at Nintendo by now.


That girl was the only good actor there.


Quote from: Someguy13 on June 14, 2010, 07:31:00 PM
Yeah after the first 3 games Microsoft showed most of the rest was just...stupid.

It was horrid.  I almost shielded my eyes.

Quote from: Qsmash on June 14, 2010, 07:36:58 PM
That girl was the only good actor there.