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3DS Discussion

Started by The Riddler, June 15, 2010, 09:59:23 AM

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From what I've gathered, the 3DS is basically the middle form of the DS Lite and the DSi.

Measurements (in inches)
3DS: 5.3x2.9x0.8
DS Lite: 5.2x2.9x0.85
DSi: 5.39x2.95x0.75
DS: 5.85x3.33x1.13

I wish the 3DS was as thin as the DSi though...


"Cats are interesting, they're like girls...if they come and talk to you, it's great! But if you go and talk to them, it might not go so well. (laughs)"

Quote of the day.


Quote from: SkyMyl on June 15, 2010, 06:48:38 PM
"Cats are interesting, they're like girls...if they come and talk to you, it's great! But if you go and talk to them, it might not go so well. (laughs)"

Quote of the day.

That is so true. Quote of the year more like it.


Apparently, the 3DS looks better than the Wii and is approaching 360/PS3 power:

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Jesus hell Nintendo. You just made me a full fanboy again. Thank you.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Tupin on June 15, 2010, 11:18:59 PM
Apparently, the 3DS looks better than the Wii and is approaching 360/PS3 power:
Just from the screenshots on Ninty's site, it looked pretty amazing for a handheld, but approaching PS3/360 power? I find that hard to believe. If that's true, then just imagine what'll happen if Nintendo puts effort into their next console.

Quote from: Magnum on June 15, 2010, 11:38:06 PM
Jesus hell
You turning into Raocow?


Quote from: SkyMyl on June 16, 2010, 10:02:00 AM
Just from the screenshots on Ninty's site, it looked pretty amazing for a handheld, but approaching PS3/360 power? I find that hard to believe. If that's true, then just imagine what'll happen if Nintendo puts effort into their next console.

No way it's PS3/360 power.
I've heard reports from the Snake Eater Tech Demo that it's about PS2/Xbox/Cube levels when the games are actually in motion, which to be honest is all I can ask for currently. Although to be honest the Kid Icarus game looks very late PS1 mostly Dreamcast type graphics. I guess it depends on the studio (Nintendo has never cared about graphics, as Reggie made PAINFULLY obvious during his introduction speech)


It could be PS3/360 power, but not graphics. Those 3D effects must use a lot of power.


Actually, I've never even heard of Raocow

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Nayrman on June 16, 2010, 10:15:14 AM
No way it's PS3/360 power.
I've heard reports from the Snake Eater Tech Demo that it's about PS2/Xbox/Cube levels when the games are actually in motion, which to be honest is all I can ask for currently. Although to be honest the Kid Icarus game looks very late PS1 mostly Dreamcast type graphics. I guess it depends on the studio (Nintendo has never cared about graphics, as Reggie made PAINFULLY obvious during his introduction speech)

Have you ever played a PS1? lol seriously none of what we saw was PS1 quality. The DS had better looking games than the PS1 for christ's sake.


Quote from: Zero on June 16, 2010, 03:45:03 PM
Have you ever played a PS1? lol seriously none of what we saw was PS1 quality. The DS had better looking games than the PS1 for christ's sake.
You've clearly never seen how badly the 3D has been handled in a LOT of DS games. The blockiness and terribly proportioned models in some of those games are just astounding.


Quote from: Nayrman on June 16, 2010, 03:55:06 PM
You've clearly never seen how badly the 3D has been handled in a LOT of DS games. The blockiness and terribly proportioned models in some of those games are just astounding.

lol I'm not saying the DS's graphic capabilities are good. I'm saying they're equal to or better than the PS1's. Super Mario 64 DS is a pretty good example of a game that's graphically superior to every single Playstation 1 game ever made, and it was a intercourse ing launch title. Go play the three Final Fantasies on the system, which were three of the best looking games on the system, and the only one that comes close to being graphically close to the DS's capabilities is Final Fantasy IX, which came out at the end of the systems life might I add.

The 3DS exceeds the DS's potential in pretty much every way and not just in terms of graphical capability and in that regard, I can't understand why you think these screens look like PS1 quality, when the PS1 is not that powerful. If you can't physically see this, you must have bad eyes. I look at the Kid Icarus game and see graphics superior to the Dreamcast, and hell I look at the Paper Mario game and see TTYD all over again. And from what IGN, Kotaku, and Destructoid said, it's more powerful than the PSP despite the slight resolution inferiority. Come the end of the systems life, I think we'll be seeing handheld games that look even better than what we're seeing.


Quote from: Cornwad on June 16, 2010, 11:46:42 AM
It could be PS3/360 power, but not graphics. Those 3D effects must use a lot of power.

I was thinking that too; keep in mind, Nayrman, that in order to be 3D, it needs to make each Gamecube-level graphic frame twice.


Nice little "hands-on;" unfortunately, they for some reason still won't show us the thing in action (we couldn't see it in 3D, but seeing a bit more video than Kid Icarus would be nice, and they can actually play Pilot Wings Resort and some others). Still, this shows a direct comparison size-wise to the DSi. The guys love everything about it, and apparently the stylus is in the back now, like on the original DS. NINTENDO, GIVE THESE THINGS TO GAMESTOP SO WE CAN SEE THE 3D OURSELVES, PLEASE!

*double edit



I've heard that the cartridges of the 3DS are the size of CompactFlash cards. It's good that we've reached a point where we don't need optical media to have large capacity, but it says only 2GB maximum at start?

Hopefully the 3DS has several GBs of internal storage. 256MB like the Wii isn't enough, my cheap Chinese PMP has 4GB and it cost $90.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


I want a 3DS really badly due to the games announced and the awesomeness of 3D gaming (sure, it's a gimmick, but it's a darn good one at that), but I'm not too sure I'll be able to afford it...Maybe when there's a bit of a price drop or a cash gain for me, I'll be able to. Right now, I gotta save for RB3. But still, this is an awesome looking handheld, and I hope it does well and is constantly supplied with great games. Nintendo deserves redemption from the slump it's been having, and I believe after now it'll be better.