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My Journey To Fatherhood

Started by Mystic, July 22, 2010, 11:38:16 AM

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Update time!

So, August 6th. The baby shower was a bust. My mom's friend came back for the night from the lake since she was throwing the shower at her house. Another friend called and said she needed a ride, so I took Sam and we went to get her. By the time we came back, no one showed up. My mom and Carrie (the woman throwing the shower) had been calling and texting people, and they all said they couldn't make it, despite telling my mom days before they'd be there. But oh well, the few of us there still had fun. Tomorrow is pay day, so my mom says she'll be sitting in the break room at work waiting for people to bring us gifts :3

This saturday will be the big shower. That shall be fun. Doing it at a lake near Sam's house.


So, yesterday was awesome. I headed out yesterday morning to set things up with Sam, Sam's dad, an one of his friends. We ended up having to move out spot three times, but whatever. The shower went great. We received a ton of gifts, lots of people came. I'll update sometime when I can of what we got. Gist? Clothes, socks, pacifiers, a car seat, diapers, bottles, a penguin from the bear factory, and other stuff I don't remember.

On Thursday, Sam and I have to go fill out paperwork at the hospital. Joyous.


Yeah, my sister's baby shower was the same way. She was expecting about 30 people and only 8-10 showed.


Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Mystic on August 15, 2010, 10:05:47 AM
So, yesterday was awesome. I headed out yesterday morning to set things up with Sam, Sam's dad, an one of his friends. We ended up having to move out spot three times, but whatever. The shower went great. We received a ton of gifts, lots of people came. I'll update sometime when I can of what we got. Gist? Clothes, socks, pacifiers, a car seat, diapers, bottles, a penguin from the bear factory, and other stuff I don't remember.

On Thursday, Sam and I have to go fill out paperwork at the hospital. Joyous.

All good gifts.  Diapers may seem like a lame gift until you realize just how many of the things you're gonna end up buying.  Car seat is also a great gift. 


My sister in law is going to have her second pretty soon. A day before my birthday actually. (August 23rd)


Some may look at diapers as a lame gift, but I don't. I'll take any we can get!

Also, congradulations on the addition to your family Raz :)


Shes going into labor today. Its going to be a couple hours from now. I cant wait to get to the hospital.

Also, Im going to be an Uncle again. (Uncle 2.0)


She was born at 12:38PM today.

Her name is Rose.


Quote from: BlueFlameofAura on August 19, 2010, 02:42:22 PM
She was born at 12:38PM today.

Her name is Rose.
Congradulations :D

Sam recieved paper work for the hospital on Wednesday. Thursday, we did our pre-delivery visit. So many questions, ahhh. Tomorrow, we're doing the tour of the hospital and some shopping.

September 4th...exactly 2 weeks from today. So close.



So we went to the hospital last night. We figured once her contractions got down to under ten minutes, we should go. Well around 11:10 or so, we left, as her contractions had been hitting from 7 to 11 minutes apart. Sam had to go into triage and her mom went in with her. Her dad, sister and I waited for about an hour. They told her to come back when her contractions are 2-3 minutes apart and that she is currently dialated to 1cm.


You know, its going to happen in a couple days. Same thing happened when Rose came.


So it seems the baby is head down and facing the right. If she doesn't turn on her own (the nurse gave Sam directions on how to help her turn by sleeping a certain way), she'll have to be turned while she's coming out. Have fun with that Sam >_>


August 29th, MJ's birthday. MAKE IT HAPPEN, PUSH!