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Determination: An NSF Werewolf - The Conclusion Chapter - Yes I'm serious.

Started by SkyMyl, July 25, 2010, 12:55:12 PM

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Quote from: Thirdkoopa on July 26, 2010, 06:56:13 PM
The fact only half of us voted is rather fishy already.
See, that's because three people went ahead and voted publicly. If they voted by PM, then it would've been a tie between TK and Spud, which could've gone either way. Gj on that, guys.

Quote from: Rayquarian on July 26, 2010, 06:58:18 PM
Jesus, if being a NEET means transcending death, I think we'd all lock ourselves up at home forever.
I'm way ahead of anyone else here.

Also, the Black Rock Shooter OVA was great. I'm going to keep shamelessly plugging it because I'm a whore.


The fact shadow votes are being used interests me. Mainly because they're my concept!


Quote from: Mace on July 27, 2010, 01:17:54 PM
The fact shadow votes are being used interests me. Mainly because they're my concept!
That was obviously a joke. I can't use a concept I don't understand, despite the concept being another take on doublevoters. would seem. Anyway, Night Phase ends in three and a half hours.


oh shadow voting is any vote used by an ability

I don't let them show up unless they make the user have the most votes. It can cause some drama.


Quote from: Mace on July 27, 2010, 02:42:58 PM
oh shadow voting is any vote used by an ability

I don't let them show up unless they make the user have the most votes. It can cause some drama.



Actually, I won't say how despite the game already being plunged, but it's not quite that. I know that from my own ability

enough necrosis more determination
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


[spoiler=More poorly done backstory behind today's events! Would be half decent if I wasn't rushing this, right?]
Now with music from the Higurashi OST, for mood enhancement!
After the long, not really lynching of yesterday, we were informed to stay inside until the next lynching. Rather than barricade us up in one house like that man intended to, Thirdkoopa opposed the idea and suggested that we all just went to sleep inside our own houses, barricaded in every possible place. I was sitting inside my room, unable to sleep. I mean, intercourse ing werewolves! How often does that happen? Never? Exactly. It was thrilling, dangerous, and frightening knowing that unstoppable beasts focused only on killing could find a way to break into your house and murder you, asleep or not. I managed to get to sleep, though, by thinking about catgirls. Hey, some people count the stars flying over their heads when they sleep. I see no issues with it.

...what happened when I woke up, however, wasn't as pleasant. Everyone met up in a group near the burned wood frame from yesterday, to find that we were two people short. In a sort of parallel, two townspeople stepped forward and stated that they had witnessed the death of a townsperson last night.

The man from yesterday stepped in front of these two witnesses and asked if they had seen anything from the previous night. Surprisingly enough, the man was right in this guess, as the two witnesses had, in fact, seen part of one of the killings from last night. They conveyed what they saw last night to us.

In the middle of the night, or rather, late night, there was rustling heard near outside Thirdkoopa's house. Soon after the rustling was heard, a quivering voice was heard in the night.

"Th-th-they could be here at any werewolves, I mean...they could kill us at any moment...I'm the only one here w-w-who can save us all! These lynchings wo-wo-won't get us anywhere, right, Mufflederp?"

The person talking was in the company of someone else, it would seem, but a second voice was not heard. The only sound after he said the name "Mufflederp" was a loud "BONK!", loud enough to wake up Yukari.

"Yeah, we're the only ones capable of st-stopping th-them! It's se-senseless, maybe...but it's still worth a shhhhhhot! Let's go Mufflederp, and kill the werewolf in his sleep! THIS IS FOR SONIC'S GLORY YEARS!"

Shortly after that, the rustling started again, and the sound of glass shattering followed soon after. Strangely enough, only the witnesses were the ones who heard it, and were aware of it. If they were there, why didn't they do anything about it at the time? They didn't intervene at all, but they claimed that they "were waiting to see if this person was really going to attack Thirdkoopa".

It doesn't end there, of course. The person jumped out the second floor window of Thirdkoopa's house, somehow uninjured. He then stood up and expressed his reactions to the events that occurred inside the house.

"...was he a werewolf, or wasn't he? Maybe he was tired that he wasn't a werewolf at the moment...still, it's m-me or th-them! I'm not going out without a fight...if those ravenous monsters want me, they'll have to get through my steel baseball bat first! I think we've done enough for tonight, Mufflederp. Let's go home and sleep."

They finished there, saying that they fled back to their respective homes and tried to go back to sleep from that point. They couldn't give us anything on the second townsperson's death, meaning we could only assume that werewolves had killed the second person.

When the man from the other day counted how many of us there were after the two witnesses had spoken, we were missing Thirdkoopa and Shujinco.

In a fit of haste, one townsperson reacted to Thirdkoopa's absence almost immediately. He sprinted towards TK's house as fast as his feet could carry him. We all followed him to TK's house, though not at the same pace. TK's house, when we got there, was still in relatively good shape...except for the broken windows. We went inside the house as a group, and went inside TK's room to be found with...

...well, TK, slumped in front of his computer desk, with blood all over the floor, keyboard, desk, and his carpet. Next to him stood a grieving Mack, mourning the loss of TK. It seemed that he and TK were friends, or at least acquaintances, from the way Mack was leaning against the wall, fighting back tears.

TK's death was certainly at the hands of this...fanboy. There were no marks left on TK's body; only bruises, a bashed in skull, and presumably a broken spine. It would help if we had a doctor with us.

...oh, wait. We then ran to Shujinco's house, who was also absent from today's gathering. Unlike TK, Shujinco's house was ransacked. Beast-like footprints everywhere, broken windows, splintered wood, broken furniture...we searched the house to find Shujinco, wherever he was.

And wouldn't you know it, we walked up to the second floor and found a trail of blood outside Shujinco's bedroom, going into the 2nd floor closet. We opened the door to Shujinco's bedroom and found his lower torso...or at least what's left of it. His upper torso, was, oddly enough, sitting on the toilet, which only fueled the nausea further.

We left Shujinco's house after that. We had lost our doctor, and our local music whore. The only words spoken throughout the checkings of both their houses were by the man from the other day.

"...let's go everyone. It's time to play detective."

The aftermath of tonight's events...

ThirdKoopa died at the hands of the Fanboy. He was the Double Dipper, one who could vote twice during lynchings by slipping in a second vote when no one was looking. That's what happens when you cheat, kids. There's your lesson for today.

The werewolves clawed out the life of Shujinco, who just so happened to be the Doctor, the fortunate soul who could revive one player at any point in the game after they had died. Sadly, there are no other doctors. Start shouting "TASUKETE!" as loud as you can. Eirin's not helping this time.

With those unfortunate results for the innocents, we're down to nine players, and two innocents were killed tonight, one of which being the user who could revive users from the dead. TK's going to be upset, certainly. Better start thinking quickly, or this is going to end by Night Phase 3. Also, that's just an estimate. Don't take that last part seriously.


Well... our vig needs to be more careful.

Oh well, I enjoyed my plot much more than most other death scenes I get. I'll enjoy watching the rest. I had a feeling I Was going to die soon anyways.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"

Dog Food

Oh, goodie...

It's all fun and games until someone gets murdered on the toilet.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Oh yeah, and Day Phase 2 ends at 9 PM EST, same time as usual.

Now I'm going to watch Episode 4 of SoRaNoWoTo. Episode 3 was so HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.


Those random Anime inserts make me wish I never signed up for this game.



Good intercourse ing guess guys. GOOD FUCKING GUESS! >:[


Quote from: JRose on July 27, 2010, 06:52:45 PM
Those random Anime inserts make me wish I never signed up for this game.
Won't happen again, bro. Experiments are fun, aren't they? English translations are fun, as well.

But for future reference, Touhou=/=Anime.


Quote from: JRose on July 27, 2010, 06:52:45 PM
Those random Anime inserts make me wish I never signed up for this game.
I vote J to help him out of his funk. Anyone with me?

Dog Food

Quote from: Mace on July 27, 2010, 10:33:41 PM
I vote J to help him out of his funk. Anyone with me?
I feel like J is a werewolf a lot, so, playing the odds, that could actually be a good idea.

Oh poop one more hour to get votes in. Go go go.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.