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Diddy Kong Racing

Started by SkyMyl, July 31, 2010, 03:48:23 PM

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I don't feel like bumping that thread in this same board, and this should also probably be posted in Legacy, but I don't really care right now. I just spent five hours today playing Diddy Kong Racing, a game that I played for hours when I was younger, and you know what? I never beat it. I could beat Mario Kart 64 on 100cc, but Diddy Kong Racing was one of those games where I actually broke a controller in my six year old rage. At least, I think I did.

And those five hours made me realize just how critical my opinions were. It's not poopty. It's okay. And it's intercourse ing cheap, at that. Challenge doesn't hurt, but when the computer outright SPEEDS HALF A LAP AHEAD OF YOU, WITHOUT ITEMS, IN THE SECOND WORLD, that's just pushing it. And since DKR also has bosses, they're also cheap. Take the gentlemanly walrus boss in World 2. The first time you go against him, he ain't that bad. The second time, he'll intercourse ing go Super Sonic on you before you can even move. To beat him, you basically have to be perfect, and never miss with your missiles, if you don't want to use homing missiles. And you're racing against this guy in the hovercraft, a slippery vehicle that's just plain hard to aim with.

Uh, yeah. I'm not too fond of this game after it kicked my ass in my childhood. It's becoming more and more cheap as I go. I mean, and I swear it, I saw my own homing missile do a 180 and then it proceed to hit me. Then Douche Kong and the Kremling bro catch me on the rebound with more missiles. It was a glorious sight. Just like Mario Kart.

But yeah, discuss Diddy Kong Racing here. I'm probably the only person here who's played the game, and doesn't view it as great. I'm definitely in the minority of this game being inferior to Kirby Air Ride, but I think I'll stop there.


While the single player as a LOT to be desired, spent a lot of fun times playing battle mode with my sisters.


battle mode is where it's at.
Icicle pyramid FTW.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


I never understood its popularity back in the day and I still don't. In every way, it's mediocre compared to games like Mario Kart 64. The whole game just feels sloppily designed, not to mention a bit boring honestly. It's not that it's necessarily a bad game, but it's not very good.

Oh and Sky, I also feel that Kirby Air Ride is better, although not by a lot - Air Ride features the same "boring" problem beyond City Trial mode.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Wizpig is a cocksucker, I never could beat him. Despite that, one of my favorite N64 games.


Quote from: M҉̨͠O̵͟S̡҉̸͠͏ on August 17, 2010, 11:15:19 PM
Wizpig is a cocksucker, I never could beat him. Despite that, one of my favorite N64 games.

It's all about Pipsy.