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The 3DS

Started by SkyMyl, July 31, 2010, 04:53:18 PM

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Which do you think it is?

A bold move by Nintendo as if to say, "Bitches, you're all doing it wrong."
11 (64.7%)
One of the biggest game companies ever cashing in on a poopty gimmick.
0 (0%)
A little of column A, a little of column B.
4 (23.5%)
2 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 17


There's no threads in this board. I don't see why this board exists, personally. All 3D discussion could take place in that one thread and this board could never have a topic made for its entire month. Off the top of my head, here's an immediate topic from recent events: the Nintendo 3DS. It's not another DS, it's a completely new handheld by Nintendo. And it utilizes 3D capabilities, though technically, from what I recall, it's not true 3D per say, but it invokes an experience similar to one. Again, I remember hearing that somewhere. I don't know if that's 100% true or not, so don't quote me on that.

And of course Nintendo did Virtual Reality with the Virtual Boy, but then again, that was VR and not 3D. But hey, this actually looks good, unlike the Virtual Boy. Let's not cross that bridge again.

To keep it simple, what do you all think of the 3DS? Is it Nintendo making an effort to raise the bar, or just a cheap cash-in for money? Either way, there's a slider to turn the 3D effect off, so it won't impact the games that much, aside from the inevitable wave of shovelware that will be filled with 3D gimmicks that fail because of shallow everything. But again, you don't have to use the 3D effect if you don't want to. There are no excuses for whining because of this slider. Don't like 3D? Then turn the intercourse ing thing off and play the games.

...I've dragged that point on long enough to the point I feel like James Rolfe. Your opinions?


3D without glasses is good. There's none of the popping-out poop, but you have depth perception, can see around objects to some degree, etc. Sounds like a good move to me, as long as Nintendo doesn't make it look awful.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


A bit of both. Nintendo's obviously cashing in on the craze, but considering they've found a way to do it without the glasses (and most critics seem to think it works well) and that they actually seem to be releasing a slew of good games for it, I'll probably give it a chance.


You can turn the 3D off at any time, and it already has a killer library of games slated for launch.

So really, I don't see any reason to complain.


A new Paper Mario game and an OoT remake?  I'm already sold.

Hey the Virtual Boy was cool and I enjoyed it a lot. And the 3DS looks pretty good but it's gonna cost a lot and I bet the games will a lot too.


If Nintendo was just cashing in, they'd have used glasses, not provided the slider, and not have put real effort into making it a product anyone can enjoy.


I have no doubt that this will be awesomeness. Nintendo has been more or less awesome since it first started making games, in both the hardware and software areas (it's those dang 3rd parties that do most of the cash-in crap, but the 3DS already has a nice library anyway, plus they said that this gen will be more hardcore, so we're safe).

Oh, and I'm tired of people saying it's "not real 3D" just because it's more about depth in-screen than popping out at you. Do these people not know what 3D means? All it means to be 3D is to have length, width, and depth, which the images on the 3DS WILL appear to have; whether or not something is 3D has nothing to do with how close it is to you, and quite frankly, depth in the environment is much better looking and more important than cheesy pop-ups anyway.


I don't think we have anyone actually PLAYING the games yet so it's hard to really say. When all we've really had are tech demos and very short demonstrations to a very select (and very easily impressed group of journalists...just watch Microsoft's press conference "hey, we're gonna give you FREE XBOX's here!") group of people.

Frankly, I need to see it myself to really say anything. Why Nintendo doesn't release a punch of simple tech demo 3DS' to Gamestops or such to get people excited, they said it themselves that it's impossible to show the effect via events like E3.

However, as one of the biggest haters of 3D out there, I'm probably going to leave that 3D slide all the way down at all times. I just don't like 3D. Ok, I guess I'll try it out when I first get it (need my portable Mario, Pokemon, etc.) but I doubt I'll use it all that much. Hell, I got headaches playing the good 'ol gray brick in the car fifteen years ago, now you want to add 3D? Yeah, way to make me hurl.

Maybe the added depth will help with gameplay, I don't know, I've never had this problem before with 3D games, and when I've misjudged a jump or something, it's not the game's fault (unless the programming is being stingy on where I landed or something). Simply put, I don't really think it's an issue that needs fixing (but Nintendo wants to how those pesky button controls are ruining everyone's fun). I don't really care about it, it's a Nintendo handheld, it's GOING to sell well, and that 3D slider will be glued to the "off" position once I get it.


Out of the known 3DS features, 3D is almost my least favorite (behind just motion sensing). Not that it annoys me, but I just don't care about it.

Like Kaos said, sans-glasses 3D is the way to go if there's any 3D. It adds somewhat nice perception of depth while completely leaving out the typical and annoying popup gimmick. I'm not sure how I'll treat the slider when I get it, but at this point I figure it at least probably won't be constantly off like Nayr's.

But the other features of 3DS all sound very promising to me. Higher screen resolution, joystick, much better grapical and processing specs, game library, and higher storage space on game cartridges (and probably at least higher-than-Wii flash memory). But, original DS games will probably look ugly on it.

For the record, I prefer to maintain my definition of "3D gaming" as being the kind that's been common since the Nintendo 64: a 3D-rendered world. Same goes for 3D movie. This current "3D" craze is merely making the camera/screen simulate one's second eye for a relatively minor visual enhancement.


If the 3DS actually does let me see around objects in games, I'll be so sold. Maybe I'm just totally stupid, but too many times have I tried looking around crap in games to (obviously) no avail. I can even see some additive qualities to gameplay with that kinda thing (stealth, getting hidden items feeling even more badass).
Become a Failbook fan: Victory Road :3

The Game Boy Pocket.
Put it in your back pocket.
Sit down and it breaks.


Quote from: Level_9_Chao on August 03, 2010, 10:27:39 PM
too many times have I tried looking around crap in games to (obviously) no avail.
Haha, so have I, I sometimes do when watching TV too (when I actually want to see something)
Dude .


So many times things are completely invisible in games just because an object is lined up RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT, unintentionally. This #d should fix it.

Also, Paper Mario? I'M SOLD
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Well, don't forget the promised graphical powers we've seen so far (hopefully), which look honestly pretty close to GCN graphics. That, and an awesome launch library. Those two combined will make for another promising handheld, but it's up to Nintendo NOT TO FUCK IT UP.


Quote from: Zeus on August 10, 2010, 10:13:54 AM
. . . . but it's up to Nintendo NOT TO FUCK IT UP.

This part. Anyways, it's a good idea for Nintendo. I hope some originality comes along with the 3DS. I love the classics that they are coming out with on the Wii and the 3DS, but some originality would be a nice breath of fresh air. Hopefully, they don't screw it up. Will I buy it? Once I feel comfortable that the money would be worth it. I'm not so sure right now.