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The 3DS

Started by SkyMyl, July 31, 2010, 04:53:18 PM

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Which do you think it is?

A bold move by Nintendo as if to say, "Bitches, you're all doing it wrong."
11 (64.7%)
One of the biggest game companies ever cashing in on a poopty gimmick.
0 (0%)
A little of column A, a little of column B.
4 (23.5%)
2 (11.8%)

Total Members Voted: 17


Nayrman reminds me of the type of people that are against change; and not in a good way. Oh no something new must hate it with all possible strength.

I don't really care for it myself either, let Nintendo play with the idea, if anyone is going to do it right, Nintendo probably has the best shot at it. I'd like to see the old genesis Sonic games redone with the 3D effects myself actually.


Quote from: えっちーせんぱい on August 11, 2010, 11:41:27 PM
Nayrman reminds me of the type of people that are against change; and not in a good way. Oh no something new must hate it with all possible strength.

I don't really care for it myself either, let Nintendo play with the idea, if anyone is going to do it right, Nintendo probably has the best shot at it. I'd like to see the old genesis Sonic games redone with the 3D effects myself actually.

Change for change's sake usually makes everything worse, and the Wii and 3DS so far have basically been just that. It's basically all moves to appeal to traditionally non-gamers since Nintendo knows they can't compete in that market anymore.


Quote from: Nayrman on August 12, 2010, 07:09:15 AM
Change for change's sake usually makes everything worse, and the Wii and 3DS so far have basically been just that. It's basically all moves to appeal to traditionally non-gamers since Nintendo knows they can't compete in that market anymore.

I wouldn't say "can't" so much as "won't." Nintendo 1st party has been good since the NES, and still is; however, Nintendo as a business saw a huge free market and leaped for it, and a negative side effect was lack of 3rd party support. Now that Nintendo has money, however, you can see tides are changing; Nintendo's upcoming Wii line-up and near-entire 3DS line-up is harder than core (even if it isn't another 50 gory FPSs), while Microsoft's Eyetoy and Sony's PS3 Motion Plus are trying to suck up what little non-gamer revenue is left.

I have no doubt that motion, touch, and 3D environments can be applied well to real games; it's just that, up until last E3, no one had tried that hard.


Quote from: Batchu on August 12, 2010, 11:17:29 AM
I wouldn't say "can't" so much as "won't." Nintendo 1st party has been good since the NES, and still is; however, Nintendo as a business saw a huge free market and leaped for it, and a negative side effect was lack of 3rd party support. Now that Nintendo has money, however, you can see tides are changing; Nintendo's upcoming Wii line-up and near-entire 3DS line-up is harder than core (even if it isn't another 50 gory FPSs), while Microsoft's Eyetoy and Sony's PS3 Motion Plus are trying to suck up what little non-gamer revenue is left.

I have no doubt that motion, touch, and 3D environments can be applied well to real games; it's just that, up until last E3, no one had tried that hard.

Besides maybe Goldeneye (which to be honest is just Activision blatantly pandering to fans of the original since they can't make a good Bond game themselves anymore), the Wii still has extremely little to offer in terms of core titles.

I still say 3D and motion are complete gimmicks, even for games. Touch as some practical use as the DS showed with some more precise mapping, but that's it.


I don't know, I think Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Other M, Conduit 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword could be more or less considered "core." Sure, they're "accessible" by casual gamers, but then again, I've known quite a few casual gamers who play nothing but the occasional Call of Duty or Halo, and I'd think both of those are "core."


Quote from: Batchu on August 12, 2010, 04:11:14 PM
I don't know, I think Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Other M, Conduit 2, and The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword could be more or less considered "core." Sure, they're "accessible" by casual gamers, but then again, I've known quite a few casual gamers who play nothing but the occasional Call of Duty or Halo, and I'd think both of those are "core."

Kirby's Epic Yarn - point conceeded
Epic Mickey - need to see full game. I've heard that unless the game gets some good level variety, it's going to be shallow
DKC:R - Gee, let's just keep making what was good 20 years ago. Sure, I'm looking forward to it, but it's just New Donkey Kong Wii.
Metroid - sure
Conduit 2 - considering the first one was a bland as hell uninteresting FPS that wouldn't have even gotten a passing mention on the other systems, it's hard to count this...
Skyward Sword - barely seen. Let's see some more info.


None of those points actually relate to if they're core games or not, which is what you were talking about...