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Why hello there!

Started by Ranial, August 03, 2010, 07:35:46 PM

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Hello, hello! I'm Ranial. I'm mainly a console gamer, but Steam for Macs is helping me get over that. So, yeah! Nice ta meet'cha!


Hey, welcome! I spoke with you in chat briefly, and you seem pretty cool. Hope you stick around and chat it up.


Oh, uh, hey. Welcome to NSFCD! Enjoy your stay!



It turns out that we're in the same boat when it comes to gaming.
I've been playing a lot of TF2 through Steam for Mac.
What are you currently playing?


Goodness gracious, a Persona 3 fan!

Welcome to the forums. :)


Hey look, Rania changed her name.

Just kidding, welcome :) I hope you enjoy your time here


I totally thought "Rania" at first.

But hello and welcome to our little, uh... forum-thing. Enjoy.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


As this is your welcoming thread, I'll refrain from potshot jokes about Macs. For now. Welcome.


...I think he just forgot altogether about this place... :(


That was a whopping one post before leaving and not coming back for 3 days.

I think that's done then.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


@Zeus: Want. Avatar. So. Much. O_O (I thought you should know...)

@SkyMyl: Thanks! That's the plan! ^_~

@Java: TF2, actually, though much less over the summer -- I'll probably get back into it back at college. So, Portal mostly. Out of curiosity: is that Java as in coffee or as in the programming language? /nerd

@AuraChannelerChris: Or maybe just a rabid Akihiko fan... Wait , shoot -- What? Oh, yes. Persona 3. Awesome game. =D

@Mystic: Oh no! I've been found out! D8
But seriously, if I'd known my name was that similar to someone else's (even someone who...left?) then I would have chosen something else. XD Though there is some merit in confusing the crap out of people with just one post.

@Kianglo: Haha, that one letter makes all the difference...

@Ganymede: And I shall temporarily refrain from making fun of Windows (if that is, indeed, your OS). Linux is legit, though. I salute you, o Linux users -- you are far more dedicated than I.

@AuraChannelerChris: Whoops! Not really. Just got caught up in work and stuff. Curse that having a life thing. And I've been looking through threads trying to decide how far back I can go before it counts as gravedigging. And wondering if that rule against memes actually means squat. Apparently, I shouldn't leave threads so long, though -- this post is getting loooooong...

@Kianglo: THHBBBT
O hai. I is back. 8D


Look who's back.

I hope you don't plan on posting once every 3 days, and lumping all your replies from those 3 days into one.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Oh goodness, no, that took entirely too long the first time. I've no desire to repeat that. o_o;

I'm more active on weekends. 9-5 jobs eat souls. Why I joined in the middle of the week eludes me...


Quote from: Ranial on August 06, 2010, 03:58:11 PM
@Java: TF2, actually, though much less over the summer -- I'll probably get back into it back at college. So, Portal mostly. Out of curiosity: is that Java as in coffee or as in the programming language? /nerd
Neither. It's the island. My username actually derived from a nickname someone gave me way back in elementary school. The nickname just kinda stuck.


Aw, see, now I feel silly. Of course it was the island...