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Odd Games and Spin-offs

Started by taken to da limit, August 05, 2010, 07:09:56 AM

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taken to da limit

Hey nsider people. I want to know if anyone has played any wierd games or spin-offs for the wii. Whatever that may be, just reply and comment whether or not its worthy of being played.
  Final Fantasy: Evil Tower(forgot subtitle O.o)
  Goop physics
  Pokemon: Battle Revolution
And another that i do not remember right now but its about an Angel who can move objects around at will(a physics/platformer game) to get through the level. A very intresting platformer/physics game.


Soul Calibur: Legends.
Not odd or weird, just a bad spinoff.


Pac-man 2: the new adventures.

And oddly, it was fun as hell.


Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time on the Wii is very odd, when compared to how the DS version plays.


JAEL!!! DUDE. It's been like FOREVER man. How you been?

That aside...

Lego Star wars seems odd enough. I got it since I found it cheap, but I got so many laughs from that game.


Does MadWorld count as odd? Cause it's hella odd, but really fun.


From what I've played, most of the titles where the company tried to make a Wii-exclusive game based off of their PS3/360 games are very odd and bad.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


No More Heroes and its sequel are certainly odd...but there really is something rewarding about jerking off a lightsaber mid-combat.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Metal Gear Acid

I guess I should have picked a Nintendo title since that's the baord this is on.  oh well