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Started by Java, August 05, 2010, 03:02:07 PM

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So I found a VUVUZELA in my garage today. Best day ever or BEST DAY EVER?!
It's bright orange and it actually does let out that lovely noise that we've all grown to love.

Anyway, discuss random, unexpected items that you've found in random places.


I once found Goldeneye (N64) lying in a random bin that was next to my bed for months a year ago.

Best discovery ever.


One time: I was walking down Packer's avenue, which is pretty much near NO WATER WHATSOEVER. I was on my way to school, when suddenly, I slipped. When I looked to see what I slipped on, it was a 15 FUCKING INCH FISH, that looked newly dead.

I still wonder how it got there.