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My laser is a murdering bastard.

Started by Shujinco2, August 14, 2010, 05:57:37 PM

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Murder 1: MW2
Murder 2: GH World Tour
Murder 3: Oblivion
Murder 4: Left 4 Dead
Murder 5: Halo 3
Most recent murder: Dead Rising

My laser is making giant ring scratches on my disks, making certain features unplayable, or even making it unplayable altogether.

I need to know if I can repair this or not, and how to avoid it once I do get it fixed.


...Didn't you think to stop playing after the first few were murdered?

..But six discs? D:

You really need to get that thing checked, bro.


Quote from: JRose on August 19, 2010, 09:43:36 PM
...Didn't you think to stop playing after the first few were murdered?

..But six discs? D:

Obviously he lacks common sense.


You have to make sure your Xbox doesn't move at all while it's turned on and has a game inside it.  It ruined some of my games too, but Microsoft won't really help you.  At all.  So lay it sideways and stack stuff on it so it doesn't move, or you will ruin more games.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


My Rockband 2 disc got Bloody Murder written all over it after my cousin accidentaly picked up the Xbox while we were playing.


Quote from: JRose on August 19, 2010, 09:43:36 PM
...Didn't you think to stop playing after the first few were murdered?

..But six discs? D:

You really need to get that thing checked, bro.
It happens every once in awhile. Like... maybe 4 months apart or something. Which is actually pretty good odds. Still... it intercourse ing sucks.

Quote from: Lux Aeterna on August 20, 2010, 08:42:54 AM
You have to make sure your Xbox doesn't move at all while it's turned on and has a game inside it.  It ruined some of my games too, but Microsoft won't really help you.  At all.  So lay it sideways and stack stuff on it so it doesn't move, or you will ruin more games.
Thing is, I think it's just he general vibrations of the house that cause the disk to get off-kilter. Which are quite unavoidable.

Quote from: BlueFlameofAura on August 20, 2010, 10:07:55 AM
My Rockband 2 disc got Bloody Murder written all over it after my cousin accidentaly picked up the Xbox while we were playing.
Accidentally picked it up? Wat?


Quote from: Barbaloot on August 23, 2010, 12:28:24 PM
It happens every once in awhile. Like... maybe 4 months apart or something. Which is actually pretty good odds. Still... it intercourse ing sucks.
Thing is, I think it's just he general vibrations of the house that cause the disk to get off-kilter. Which are quite unavoidable.
Accidentally picked it up? Wat?

If your house vibrates that much, you've got some problems.


That really stinks. I have all of those games and they're all great. I lost my MW2 to random cracks and I can hardly stand that, let alone five other awesome games.

If you have a warranty, you can send it to Microsoft (without memory devices) for repairs and they'll probably give you a new one for free. They did it for me at least three times. It took about one or two weeks to get the new one.

Hope you get your problem fixed!

And yeah, your Xbox 360 should stay put while it's on, especially when there's a disc in it. My RB2 got scratched a lot when my Xbox was tipped over with it playing. Luckily, I repaired the disc.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on August 23, 2010, 02:37:22 PM
If your house vibrates that much, you've got some problems.

Unless his parents are sex fiends. Then, well...yeah, he's still got problems, then.