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do you losers play Trials HD?

Started by Kaz, August 28, 2010, 03:20:01 AM

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Because you really should. It kicks ass in so many ways it's ridiculous, I'm so addicted to it right now. For those of you who don't know, it's a side-scrolling motorcycle "physics game."

Sure, it gets unbelievably hard, but it makes you want to keep trying, and it's amazing to see how far your skills have progressed.

Possibly the best part of the whole game, however, is the ability to create your own tracks. I'm pretty far on my first one now and it's turning out pretty awesome.

Of course, this game isn't anything new. It's been out for like a year now. If any of you haven't tried it yet, you should.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Hmm. Never heard of it before, surprisingly. I'll look into it, if I can.